As you plant your summer garden, astrology can help you choose flowers that will be in harmony with your tastes. Your horoscope can tell you a lot about yourself—including which flowers are most like you. Your moon sign helps you connect to the world around you, and finding your birth flower symbolizes this link. Consulting with the stars before you start planting can help you create a garden that reflects your personality.
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The poppy is best suited to your nature. It is a refined, elegant flower with a brilliant red color. As a Taurus, you have a talent for tasteful designs and an appreciation for beauty. The poppy also has a strong yet understated form. Just as the poppy will survive in the worst conditions, you have strength and resilience beneath your elegance.
As a Gemini, your personality is most like lavender. This flower sprinkles fields with bright flashes of purple. You are social, outgoing and always have a presence. Like lavender, you are pleasant to be around and impossible to miss. Lavender’s scent spreads to reach many people. Your exuberance and creative ideas are contagious to everyone around you. The scent also clears your mind to make room for your ideas and intellect.
The white rose represents you the best. White roses are simple and commonly known. While as a Cancer you are far from simple, you find comfort in the simple, familiar things in life. Roses also symbolize romantic feelings. People tend to love you universally, and you feel things very deeply. In addition, the pure white of a white rose can serve as a canvas for your creativity.
The sunflower is a natural choice for a Leo. They are bright, bold and happy. Your energy makes you impossible not to notice; you are always the center of attention. You are a social butterfly that brings joy to everyone around you. Like the sunflower, you are warm and caring but you stand tall. Just as the sunflower reaches for the sun, you are confident that you can overcome any challenge you face.
The buttercup captures the balance of your personality traits. With its strong yellow color, the buttercup is naturally bright without being overwhelming. You can be bold, adventurous and hard-working while fitting in anywhere you go. Buttercups are also small and can blend in at times, reflecting your natural modesty and shyness.
Your flower is a rose. Roses are commonly associated with love, and you are the most romantic of all the signs. You are passionate and have a talent for finding close relationships everywhere you go, and everyone around you loves you in return. Balancing their petals with their thorns, roses can also represent peace and justice. You always stand up for what is right and stay firm in your beliefs.
The geranium suits you well. Geraniums are often dark red, which is the color of passion. You have a fiery, passionate nature and a serious depth of emotions. You also tend to be cautious and suspicious. This flower also has many layers of petals, reflecting your multi-faceted personality.
You are a carnation. Carnations are bright, bold and come in a variety of colors. You are spontaneous and adventurous, making a varied color scheme ideal for you. This flower is also commonly used in weddings and associated with romance, so it reflects your passionate, romantic tendencies.
You relate well to the pansy. Pansies have muted blue and purple colors, showing that you are down-to-earth and practical. At the same time, pansies have an ornate, showy structure. You work hard and aren’t afraid to acknowledge your accomplishments, and this shape reflects your celebrations of success.
Aquarius are most similar to orchids. Orchids are beautiful and elegant while standing tall and proud. This shows that you are intuitive, in touch with spirituality and have a calm, graceful exterior. The orchid’s bold color and shape in combination with its pride, however, reflect your strength, problem-solving ability and energetic personality.
As a water sign, it is only natural that your flower should be the water lily or lotus. These flowers are elegant without being simple; they have a unique shape. You are creative and artistic yet refined. The water lily and lotus are also common spiritual symbols. You tend to be in touch with yourself and your surroundings.