Giving Life to Your Dream
Keys to Help You Realize Your Dreams

God has good plans for our lives. He created us for a purpose, to have goals and dreams, (Jeremiah 29:11). God intends us to achieve our objectives. Our responsibility is to pray for knowledge and wisdom from Him as we work hard to accomplish our dreams. When God gives us dreams, He enables us to think of the “new things” He has planned for us. After that, you need to pray for God’s guidance and work on the ideas to achieve your dreams.
God never misleads. He knows where we are supposed to be, and that is why we should always put our trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). No amount of thinking or effort will succeed if it is not the will of God.
Put Your Expectation in God
Read More »Be determined and trust in God. He gives us what we need despite the uncertain path (Hebrews 13:20-21). God will strengthen and be with you all the way.
It is also necessary for you to talk to God about your dream. If you do not, the enemy is likely to destroy God’s plan concerning your life.
Persistence and prayer will help you to overcome obstacles. At times you may not feel like doing what you ought to do. The only way that will help you accomplish your dream is to stay consistent. Do what you need to do even when you do not have the motivation to do so.
Do not just be there doing nothing. Start pursuing your dream as you seek God for guidance and direction. Above all, keep trusting in Him.
Live your Dreams
Our dreams concern our lives. However, Jesus serves as the best example of how we are supposed to live. He sacrificed His life for us. Before His crucifixion, Jesus went to the wilderness to pray. He said, “Not my will but yours be done” (Luke 22). He descended from heaven to earth so that we may have life.
So, to live the dream that God has for you, you should not be selfish. Some of the things that we should observe include:
- Our plans
- Our ways
- Our reputation
- Getting rid of what we do
- The need to be right and control
So, if you surrender your life to God as Jesus did for us, God will ensure that amazing things happen to you. It may not be easy for you to follow the path of Jesus, but the rewards are plentiful. Thus, He will fulfill your dream through God’s power.
God never wants us to have a fear-driven mindset concerning our future. The Bible rebukes the spirit of fear in the book of Romans 8:15.
The sovereign power of God inspires us to be hopeful and not to fear or worry. Your dreams and aspirations are not wrong desires. God knows what is good for us. He determines our destiny (Proverbs16:9).
God desires that we surrender our plans to him. By doing this, we show Him our readiness, willingness, and availability for Him to work in us and through us. Hence, he will give life to your dreams.
Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Having a negative attitude will not do you any good. Set your mind right if you want to accomplish your dreams. If you keep talking about yourself negatively, it may be challenging to realize your dreams.
Replace your negative thoughts with positive phrases such as, “That’s great feedback, I am going to get even better.” Saying powerful words like this will give you room for growth and development.
Remain Focused and Positive
Eliminating negative thoughts cannot prevent you from facing challenges. For example, you can start saving money for a car, and an emergency arises. As a result, you will be forced to use your savings on the emergency.
In this case, you may not accomplish your goal as you expected. It can be disappointing, but you cannot avoid it. Therefore, you should remain positive.
Despite looking at the emergency as an obstacle, view it positively like, “Because of my savings, I was able to handle an emergency without help from friends.” This way of viewing things helps in overcoming any obstacle in life.
Sometimes God can make us sacrifice our resources, but still, his good intention upon our lives remains the same. Romans 8:28 says that whatever challenges we face in life, they are for our good because we are the children of God.
Visualize your Goals
Visualizing yourself in your dreams will help you accomplish them. For example, if you desire to own a house, picture it and all its rooms. You can do this using a vision board. Do not just sit down and wait for things to happen.
Visualizing alone does not help. Fantasize about this idealized future. Come up with ways on how you are going to give life to your dreams.
Never Doubt Yourself
Doubt can hinder you from reaching your dreams. It is like cancer that can spread to every area in your life if you give it an opportunity. It would be best if you believe in yourself. Do not allow anybody to control your life. Other people’s limitations should never limit your vision. Cut off self-doubt and acknowledge that you will accomplish your goals.
You have all it takes to make your dreams come true. Everything is possible with God. As mentioned earlier, be ready and willing to allow God to work in you.
It would help if you never confined yourself to a mediocre life. Make a determined effort to pursue what your heart desires. Good things are never found in your comfort zone.
Avoid the Company of Toxic People
If you want to keep moving forward to achieving your dreams, avoid toxic people. They will lower your standards, making you angry and bitter. As a result, you may spread their toxicity to other people around you.
The scripture says that iron sharpens iron. The friends that you hung around with will either build you or ruin you. Hold on to friends who will give life to your dreams.
Practice Gratitude
You should appreciate your current life situation. By doing this, you will open doors for great things into your life. Optimistic people are happy in their lives.
Thank God for the little that you have before asking for more from Him. Always acknowledge that He is in control. Trust in Him to fulfill His purpose in your life. His compassion will never fail you.
Stop Thinking about Your Past
Do not dwell on your past failures. When one door closes, God opens another one. You will never see the open door if you will keep on looking at the closed one.
Let your past go and focus on your tomorrow. You cannot change anything about your past pains. Forgive yourself and move forward to your dream life.
You can only learn from your past, but you can dream and hope for a better tomorrow. Do not allow your history to hinder you from living your dreams. Live according to your purpose and vision instead of opinions and expectations.
A Prayer for Giving Life to your Dreams
Dear God, I thank you for giving me life upto this juncture,
I appreciate your presence in my life and guiding me through my dreams.
I thank you for being there for me through my past despite the hurdles I faced. I hope you will show me the way and help me make the right decision to achieve my future dreams.