Getting enough rest is essential to a healthy life. There are so many people who are running on fumes barely getting enough sleep to function properly. While there are some people who are capable of functioning with little to no sleep, there are others who require at least seven to eight hours of sleep to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
The following are some of the zodiac signs that would do well to get adequate sleep and rest to thrive to the fullest.
Read More »Topping the list of zodiac signs that need rest and rejuvenation is none other than Pisces. As the final zodiac sign, Pisces rules the subconscious and the dream state. So, it is no surprise that Pisces requires a lot of rest to feel good. Although Pisces may have a reputation for being lazy and “going with the flow,” Pisces does require more rest than others due to their highly sensitive nature. Pisces’ empathic nature makes them a “psychic sponge” that absorbs the energy of others which is even more of a reason why it is important for Pisces to get adequate rest.
Pisces is also known as the sign of isolation, and they really do need their alone time to replenish and rejuvenate. Whether taking a much-needed nap or simply turning off their phones and zoning out to some music, Pisces functions best when they take much-needed time for themselves.
Since Pisces rules the dream world, it is important that this sign has a good sleeping environment in order to obtain optimal rest and rejuvenation. If you are a Pisces, make sure you have a quality mattress to support your body. Consider getting some light-blocking curtains to increase natural melatonin development and improve deep sleep. Diffusing calming scents such as lavender and chamomile essential oils can promote relaxation and help Pisces sleep. Consider placing healing crystals that promote sleep such as amethyst, rose quartz, and howlite around your bedroom to get some refreshing sleep. Before retiring, Pisces is encouraged to take an Epsom salt bath to cleanse their energy fields so that they can obtain quality sleep.
As an emotional water sign, Cancer will find sleep to be quite replenishing. Due to its alignment with the moon, Cancer can be extra sensitive..especially as the moon changes signs and goes through the moon phases. The new and full moons can be especially emotionally taxing which is why Cancer is encouraged to make space for rest, rejuvenation, and sleep.
To help Cancer facilitate better resting and sleeping habits, self-care is highly recommended. Since the home environment is very important to Cancer’s sense of overall well-being, making the home comfortable and cozy is important to promote rest. Consider decorating the home with fluffy throws and pillows that make you feel comfortable. Burn candles that produce a peaceful vibe scents such as lavender, chamomile, bergamot, and rosemary help to promote relaxation, and the glow from the candle creates a homey vibe that just makes you want to curl up on the couch and chill out.
For the bedroom, Cancer will find that they sleep best when they have a comfortable bed and sleepwear. It’s best to avoid anything that feels too rough against the skin as this can make Cancer uncomfortable. Also, since Cancer is quite emotional, it is important that this sign be mindful of their interactions prior to sleeping. Arguments and even watching a highly emotional movie can negatively impact Cancer’s emotional state and ability to obtain good sleep and rest.
For Scorpio, rest and rejuvenation are important for the regeneration and evolutionary process. As an intense water sign, Scorpio requires rest to help them replenish from the deep dark soul work that they are known for. Transformation and evolution do not come easy, and it takes up a lot of energy which is why Scorpio is encouraged to make time for plentiful rest.
With Mars as a co-ruler, Scorpio could enjoy more active forms of rejuvenation and rest such as yoga. Taking walks in nature and spending lots of time alone to explore themselves on a deep spiritual and psychological level, especially with someone that Scorpio considers a “soulmate” can help with achieving peace and equilibrium as Scorpio continually does intense transformative work.
When it comes to sleep, the darker the better is the perfect sleeping environment for Scorpio. Scorpio is advised to invest in blackout curtains to obtain high-quality sleep.

Due to its active mind and high nervous energy, Gemini is definitely a sign that would do well to get adequate rest. The irony is that Gemini is one of the signs that may not actively seek out rest because they have so much going on mentally and socially. Gemini is constantly thinking, collecting, and sharing information which keeps them in a space of alertness even when they need to rest.
Ruled by Mercury, Gemini can have an overactive nervous system which can make it difficult for this sign to “settle down” and relax. Quieting the mind can definitely be difficult which is why Gemini can have a hard time with meditation. It can be extremely difficult for Gemini to “be still”. This is the sign of the messenger after all.
Some suggestions to help Gemini settle down and obtain rest require reducing mental stimulation to encourage rest. Turning off communication devices and computers and/or limiting screen time is highly advised to promote the space for relaxation and rest. To help Gemini process thoughts so that they can relax, journaling is highly recommended especially right before bed as a way to wrap up the day.
Gemini could also benefit from using mental stimulation as a form of relaxation. Taking a mental break by working on crossword puzzles or putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a way that Gemini can use their mind in a chill manner.
The second Mercury-ruled sign, Virgo, is also encouraged to get some rest. Because of Virgo’s perfectionist, work-ready nature, they are likely to put off rest to get things done. Like Gemini, Virgo has a very active nervous system, and when they are stressed, their digestive system can take a hit. Virgo can be tightly wound due to their pursuit of perfection and a constant focus on the flaws that need to be fixed. For some Virgos, this could show up as being a bit obsessive, compulsive, and constantly on edge. For this reason, it is important for Virgo to take time for rest and relaxation.
Because Virgo can be so tightly wound, taking a regularly scheduled chill pill is important. Yes, Virgo has a lot of work to do. However, without adequate rest, Virgo can wear themselves and others quite thin. Since Virgo prefers to live a life of order, they are advised to make rest as part of their daily routine as a scheduled event. Adequate rest allows Virgo to have the energy to function productively and be the efficient perfectionist that they are.
Overall, these are the signs that would do well to get good rest and sleep for optimal functioning. Even if your sign is not on this list, make it your priority to get enough shut-eye and downtime so that you are able to enjoy life because you took the time to give yourself the space for restorative rejuvenation.