In Astrology, each 12 Zodiac Signs determine the traits and personality of each person at the time of their birth. If you ever wanted to know why you think and act a certain way, reading up on your sign might give you a clue.
We’ve put together a list to help you learn a little more about your astrological sign and the element it falls under. Then we’re discussing the characteristics of your Sign and how the two relate to one another.
The Four Elements
Read More »- Earth
- Air
- Fire
- Water
Earth Element
- Very Down to Earth and are Real to Everyone They Meet
- Have Solid and Stable Personalities
- Are Multi-Faceted People; Come with Different Components to Their Way of Thinking
- Very Dependable
Air Element
- Free Natured People and Cannot Be Contained
- Unpredictable and Uncertain
- Quite Eccentric
- Can Get Caught Up In Their Own Thoughts At Times
- Are Good at Formulating Theories and Solving Problems
Fire Element
- Can Be Temperamental At Times, But Beneficial When Necessary
- Are Emotionally Volatile, But Are Passionate and Dynamic
- Trust Their Instincts and Follows Intuition
Water Element
- Most Emotional of All Signs
- Empathic and Caring of Others
- Can Easily Deal with People
- Able to Understand People’s Motives and Their Needs
- Are Borderline Psychic
These elements explain the basic flow of energy that each sign possess.
The 12 Zodiac Signs
Each sign below describe the characteristics a person may experience in their life. If you feel that one sign fits you more than the one you were born under, you may be in the Cusp of that other sign. “Being on the Cusp” means that you were born on the borderline of another sign.
An example would be that if your birthday is on April 19 (Aries), you may have some traits that merge with Taurus (beginning on April 20).
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
- Fire Element
- Straightforward
- Very Ambitious and Shows Initiative
- Courageous, Full of Energy and Enterprising
- Barrels Through Life with Blind Optimism
- Ready for Challenges
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
- Earth Element
- Extremely Patient and Cautious
- Likes to Relax in a Calm Environment
- Enchanted by Comfort and Luxury
- Focused, Ambitious and Resilient
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
- Air Element
- Can Easily Adjust to Life Changes
- Successful in Areas of Advertising, Public Relations, Politics and Advertising
- Humorous Personality
- Cheerful and Active
- Can be Unpredictable and Mysterious
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
- Water Element
- Very Intuitive and Have Psychic Abilities
- Extremely Sensitive
- Carefully Plan Their Activities
- Are Loyal, Committed and Emotional
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
- Fire Element
- Advise and Manage Others
- Naturally Competitive
- Generous and Know How to Forgive
- Stable, Loyal and Consistent
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
- Earth Element
- Reliable and Accurate
- Diligent and Attentive
- Well Organized
- Loves Harmony
- Very Independent
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
- Air Element
- Harmony and Peaceful
- Sees Everything Impartially
- Strategic Decisions
- Adores High Art, Connoisseurship and Intellectualism
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
- Water Element
- Very Emotional
- Loyal Friends
- Passionate
- Calculating and Works Hard to Get What They Want
- Empathy for Trusted Friends
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
- Fire Element
- Straightforward Nature
- Confident
- Takes Risks
- Generous to Those They Respect
- Quest for Knowledge
- Good Story Tellers
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
- Earth Element
- Self-Discipline
- Appreciates Tradition
- Very Independent
- Can Overcome Struggles and Reach Their Goals
- Optimistic and Playful
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
- Air Element
- Great Visionaries and Dreamers
- Leaves Things Open When It Comes to Commitments
- Likes to Meditate for Enlightenment
- Free Spirited and Eccentric
- Big Thinkers
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
- Water Element
- Governed by Intuition
- Believes Money is a Mean to a Comfortable Life
- Chooses Path Least Resistant
- Dreamer
- Empathetic and Compassionate
- Adapts to Surroundings
The 12 zodiac signs and four elements are maps to how you think and feel about life, love, success and all other parts in life. It is a guideline that you can use to help figure out who you are and how to best approach decisions in life.