Typically, when people look up their horoscopes, they are only getting information related to their sun sign. This interpretation can be a good snapshot of how the cosmos will affect you, but it’s not the full picture. The inner planets are the ones responsible for governing people’s daily lives. They influence how you communicate, how you love, what triggers you, and many more aspects of your personality. The outer planets, or generational planets, influence the bigger parts of everyone’s life.
Read More »Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are called generational or transcendental planets because of the length of time it takes for each to transit the zodiac. Because the transit is longer than inner planets, their influence spans over a generation of people. And as a result, the collective experience is filtered through the lens of the zodiac sign the planets are in.
Jupiter, the planet of Luck and Expansion
Of course, the largest planet in our solar system would be named after the Roman king of the gods. Jupiter loves excess but only for positive things. This planet spends roughly one year in each zodiac sign and is currently retrograde in Sagittarius until November.
Unfortunately, Jupiter’s influence on the collective isn’t always positive. Because its energy is expansive, it increases the influence of the sign it’s transiting. Being retrograde in Sagittarius, the sign of all things foreign, rules on traveling have been revised, and quarantine measures must be followed. When Jupiter once again goes direct in Capricorn, the collective should be careful to not fall into the excess of negative Capricorn traits, like being materialistic or power-hungry. By 2021, however, Jupiter will be in Aquarius, where it will feel more at home and less confined.
Saturn, the planet of Discipline and Restriction
In Roman mythology, Saturn, who is also the god of agriculture, taught his people how to harvest, and the crops grew in abundance. Together, they experienced what the ancients described as “the Golden Age.”
This is the perfect example of Saturn’s influence on the collective. Harvesting is a science that requires the right balance of sun, water, earth, and air. If things are not done properly, there will be no crops, which means starvation. So really, Saturn is only hard on you to make sure things are done correctly the first time.
As it is now, Saturn is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn since July and will stay there until December 2020 before going direct in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn transits each sign every 2.5 years, giving the collective different opportunities to restructure and solidify their life. In Capricorn, Saturn has made companies all over the world reevaluate their structural integrity. Consumers have started demanding to know where these organizations stand on diversity and inclusivity. When Saturn moves back into Aquarius, however, it’ll be obvious which companies restructured themselves to honor the collective and which ones have no harvest.
Uranus, the planet of Technology and Progressive Thinking
The planet, Uranus, was named after the Greek god and ruler of the skies. As a result, Uranus rules over expansive thinking. It also embodies the characteristics of the humanitarian.
Uranus moved into Taurus in March of 2019 and will remain in that earth sign until April 2026 before moving into airy Gemini. The last time this planet was in Taurus, the world was undergoing a tumultuous time known as the Great Depression. Consequently, newly-elected President Roosevelt would sign into order, among other things, the Social Security Act. How the American government would begin managing taxpayer’s money would change dramatically. This should come as no surprise since Taurus’ two major passions are food and money. Considering the state the world is in right now, there could be major changes to financial and banking systems.
Neptune, the planet of Dreams and Esoteric Knowledge
Even with knowing European mythology, it can be hard to understand why this illusory planet would be named after Neptune, the Roman god of the sea. Water, as it turns out, is symbolic of the ethereal realm. It encompasses intuition, psychic powers, and emotions.
From 1998 to early 2012, Neptune was in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. During that transit, the internet went from being a pastime to revolutionizing how people connect. The rise of social media had begun. People were starting to network and collaborate with others from across the globe that had common interests. Artists, specifically, were able to make their dreams come true by exposing the whole wide web to their work. Fast forward to the present day, where being a YouTuber is a million-dollar profession.
Currently, Neptune is in the sign of Pisces until 2026. This means the collective has been undergoing a spiritual awakening in the last few years. Neptune naturally governs the sign of Pisces, which means the planet is right at home, and the effects of this transit are very potent.
To be clear, not everyone on the planet is experiencing a spiritual awakening at this time. The collective, however, is seeing the outcome of so many people going through their spiritual awakenings. As more people are turning to New Age principles and African practices for spiritual guidance, the role of the institution of the church has lessened somewhat. The younger generation, especially, would be more inclined to see a tarot reader, a Native American shaman, or an astrologer before consulting their troubles with a church leader.
Pluto, the planet of Death, Transformation, and Power
Despite astronomers recategorizing it as a dwarf planet, Pluto still has one of the most intense influences felt on Earth. Named after the Roman god of the underworld, Pluto is associated with death, rebirth, sex, power, and all things hidden in the mind. Their position in your natal chart reveals where in your life you can experience the most growth. However, growth doesn’t come easy.
Pluto is known for creative destruction, an economic term that some astrologers have attributed to the dwarf planet for obvious reasons. Death must occur before new life begins. Metaphorically speaking, humans undergo several deaths throughout their lifetime. The death of adolescence brings adulthood, and the death of singlehood brings about marriage and so on.
When looking at the planetary influence for the collective, surprising themes emerge. Pluto transits last for about 12 to 20 years in each sign. At this time, Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn and has been there since 2008. Capricorn is all about structural integrity. It represents the bones of the body and likewise the foundations to systems, processes, and institutions.
Looking back, it’s easy to see Pluto’s influence on global affairs. Illegal practices from individuals and shady institutions caused a surge in real estate. As a result, mortgages were being defaulted on. In 2008, the housing market fiasco reached its peak and subsequently had a domino effect on the stock market. Both crashed horrifically. Pluto had exposed the fraudulent behavior of these institutions.
It is very likely that before Pluto goes into Aquarius, the sign of community and activism, hidden information regarding government agencies, politicians, military, and the ruling elite will surface. Just this year alone, the American government released newly declassified documents stating the existence of a holographic universe and UFO footage. What Pluto in Aquarius will unearth is anyone’s guess.