A Critical New Beginning With The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

Critical changes are upon us courtesy of the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 20. This is going to be a major eclipse due to the 29° position of this new moon. It is considered a critical degree which means that things are about to get real.
The combination of the fiery Aries energy with the new moon eclipse means that changes are coming in swiftly. We are all being called to let go of what no longer serves us so that we can embrace the new beginnings offered by Aries in a self-confident, self-affirming manner.
A Critical 29th Degree Eclipse
Read More »This degree point resonates with going through a portal. Thus, whatever comes up during this new moon solar eclipse in Aries is leading us to a new way of being, but we have to be willing to embody the energy of the 29th degree and finally let go of what doesn’t work so that we can embrace the Aries energy of new beginnings to the fullest.
Another reason why this eclipse is so important is that it is the first eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis. The fact that the first eclipse of this axis is on a critical degree of Aries highlights the importance of letting go to start new beginnings.
There is no time for fear. There’s no time for playing second fiddle. There’s no time for doubting ourselves. The time is now for new beginnings.
The last time we experienced an eclipse along the Aries-Libra axis was in April 2004. Thus, those who were alive around that time may want to look back to see what was going on in our lives and how this energy manifested just for a reference of what type of energy has to be harnessed to take advantage of this Aries eclipse energy to its fullest.
The following are dates for this upcoming eclipse season which will be occurring along the Arie-Libra axis from 2023 to 2025.
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries-April 20, 2023
Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra-October 14, 2023
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra-March 25, 2024
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries-April 8, 2024
Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra-October 2, 2024
Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries-March 29, 2025
The Planetary Energies Of The Solar Eclipse
This new moon eclipse in Aries is going to be an interesting one forming both harmonious and disharmonious aspects to other planets. This new moon forms a square to the current transiting Pluto which means that our emotional natures will come up against both internal and external power struggles as it relates to us moving forward and new beginnings.
It’s important that we take the time to consider how our emotional issues are challenging our path forward at this time.
Positively, this new moon eclipse will be forming a conjunction with the current transiting Jupiter in Aries which makes us feel optimistic and abundant. This Moon-Jupiter Aries energy lights a fire under us increasing our courage and willingness to strike out on our own and create our own paths.
Even the ruler of this eclipse, Mars, which is the ruler of Aries, connects with Uranus bringing in good energy where we are willing to use innovation to get these new projects and initiatives off the ground.
It’s important to note that with all this fiery energy at this eclipse, it is best that we avoid trampling over others and taking dangerous risks. It’s quite fine to take the initiative and set out on our own brave new pathways, but it’s another thing if we are bulldozing others to get to where we want to be.
Under this energy, it is important to adopt an energy of assertiveness as opposed to aggressiveness.
Getting To Who You Are…Once & For All
Do you know who we are? Because if not, this new moon in Aries will prompt us to live authentically. The moon in Aries feels the need to be upfront and honest…even if it means that other people won’t necessarily like the presentation.
This is very different from Aries’ opposite sign Libra which is all about tact and putting on “social airs.” Well, under this new moon eclipse in Aries, it’s time to give up the social façades and get down to being who we are authentically.
With the new moon eclipse in Aries square to Pluto, we are definitely going to be doing some deep psychological unraveling to determine who we are at the core. For some, this is definitely going to be a tense experience where we may have to deal with the fact that perhaps we haven’t been showing up as authentically as we would have liked.
However, now is not the time to get caught up in wallowing in misery. This eclipse has us saying okay if I’m not being who I really am, who am I, and how can I start being authentic in all aspects of our lives?
Changes are definitely going to be upon us, and these changes are likely to show up for at least six months to a year due to the influence of the eclipse.
It’s very likely that many of these new beginnings are going to be initiated by something such as a risk or a hunch that propels us into a new direction that we would have never considered before.
This can show up in a variety of ways from spontaneously deciding that we want to change the way we look to embarking on a new fitness regimen or choosing to take on a new career.
It’s time to let go of what doesn’t resonate so that we can actually be who we are. This new moon eclipse in Aries is definitely the energy to get us on the right path.
Time For A Fresh Start
If you are tired of the same old ho-hum experience, this 29-degree new moon eclipse in Aries is definitely what you’ve been waiting for. Fresh starts just don’t happen out of the blue, we have to be willing to take action.
The Mars energy associated with this new moon eclipse is encouraging us to get moving once and for all. It is critical that we stop lollygagging and finally get moving.
One of the main reasons why so many people are hesitant to start anew is because of fear. However, Aries doesn’t have fear because it’s first. It’s like being reborn and wiping the slate clean. That’s exactly what this eclipse is about to do.
If we’re willing to allow ourselves to release the past, then we can move into something new and more authentically aligned with who we are. If it feels scary to take risks, consider taking calculated risks where we know we have some security.
We’ll know that we are using the energy of this eclipse positively if we are embarking on new ventures that we have always wanted to do but have felt too fearful to do because of our own limitations or needing approval from others.
This new moon eclipse in Aries encourages us to remember that how we experience life is determined by how we take action. This eclipse will likely eclipse something out of our lives to propel us in a new direction.
This can show up as losing a job or income opportunity so that we can embark on a new career. It could be that a relationship ends so that we can finally make space to eventually meet that special someone that will create a new beginning.
Whether we choose to move or not, this eclipse is going to push us forward, especially since this new moon eclipse is occurring at a critical 29 degrees.
Take Charge Of Yourself
Life will only change when we change it, and this is a major theme of this new moon eclipse in Aries. This isn’t victim energy. This isn’t blame other people energy. This isn’t seek approval from others energy. This is take charge of ourselves energy.
This eclipse is likely to close out circumstances that need to end so that we can finally move on for ourselves. For those who are codependent and/or used to depending on others, this energy is likely to be quite unsettling as we are encouraged to stand on our own two feet once and for all.
On a more personal level, the direct effect of this new moon solar eclipse in Aries can be found by looking at your natal chart. The house where Aires is located shows where this eclipse will be experienced over the next six months to a year.
For example, if Aries is your rising sign and/or located in your first house, this means that there are going to be major changes in how you present yourself to the world such as how you look and the first impression that you make.
If Aries is located in your 10th house, you can expect major new changes when it comes to your career. There could be career endings that lead to new beginnings that allow you to take charge of your professional life in ways that you probably have never done before.
In any circumstance, wherever Aries is in your natal chart shows where the new moon eclipse will impact your life. A 29-degree eclipse doesn’t happen often, so it’s important that we take advantage of this energy and give ourselves the new beginnings that we’ve been yearning for.
So, here’s to exciting new changes, taking charge of our lives, and finally living in the authenticity of who we are courtesy of this critical degree new moon eclipse in Aries eclipse.