We all have a darkside…you know what I mean. Those traits and characteristics of ourselves that we rather keep hidden because we know that it doesn’t represent us in our best light. No one is all sugar and no spice. We all have a less than pleasant side, and the more aware of it we are the better able we are to keep it in check and address it. So, let’s explore the dark side of the zodiac signs. Get ready for some uncomfortable laughs…the dark side awaits you.
The Shadow of the Zodiac Signs
Ruled by the God of War, Aries wants to be FIRST. After all, they are the beginning of the zodiac, so why should they play second best to anyone? They won’t take losing easily, so get ready for some major competition. Aries has a temper of epic proportions, and at their worst, they are not above striking out with their hand or any other object in their space. They will blow up and then come back shortly thereafter like everything is okay because they were just upset, and everyone should get over it. People get mad sometimes…right? Temper tantrums are child’s play, but Aries can be like a child at its worst, so it’s applicable. Get off the floor, Aries. Temper tantrums aren’t cute.
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Being Mercurial helps Gemini get around, and this can be an issue cause Gemini is everything. This is what gives them the reputation of being the jack of all trades but the master of none. Gemini has to know a little about everything which can make them appear flighty and scatterbrained. Also, their propensity to collect information means they may end up sharing it with other people in the form of gossip. Gemini’s dual nature can make them appear to have a mood disorder where they will switch up on you. And relationships…well, people are options that pique their interest…until they don’t anymore then off Gemini goes to someone else. Engaging and interesting at their best, and duplicitous at their worst…this is Gemini. Those Gemini twins are the two-faced people that we despise to encounter and hate to be.
If crying needed a picture, Cancer would be the poster child over being super emotional. Ruled by the moon, they can be deep in their feelings. Everyone will need a moon sign calendar just to keep up with their varying moods. They never go about anything directly with their sideways motions they use to get what they want, and they are not above using emotional manipulation to get what they want. Crybaby should be their nickname cause that is what they like to do especially when they want to get their way. Don’t mess with their family, friends, or even their precious dog or cat. They will lash out at you…at least this is the one time that they aren’t sidestepping their way through life. Cry me a river, Cancer.
The sun is the center of the zodiac, and Leo thinks it is the center of everyone’s existence as well…even though they are not. At their worst, they can be the overgrown child demanding to be given an unlimited supply of attention. Oh!, and drama! They love and live for it! The dramatics give them the opportunity to be the wannabe stars that they believe themselves to be. Everyone around them will just deal with the over-the-top antics, but in reality, it’s quite annoying. Since they believe themselves to be the best, they are not above stealing the show and even other people’s ideas to ensure that the spotlight remains on them. Want to see Leo get angry? Just bruise their fragile egos which happen to be the size of several solar systems. Total eclipse of the heart? More like a total eclipse of Leo’s inflated sense of self-importance.
Humble, sweet, and virginal describes Virgo, but what about the incessant nagging and criticizing? They will notice every flaw before you can because goodness forbid someone sees shortcomings in them. So, they’ll beat you to it! They will point out flaws in others in their supposed attempt to be of service and “fix” others…even when no one asked for the “fix it” solutions. Hypochondriacs, excessive cleaning to get rid of impurities, and hypervigilant on being “clean,” if Virgo could clean itself and everyone else with bleach and hot water it would. When it really gets right down to it, Virgo seeks to be perfect and make everyone else perfect in their vision. How dare they! Perfection is a standard set by whom? Virgo? Nope! We are all a work in progress…including you, Virgo.
The epitome of social graces, Libra, ruled by Venus believes that it is fair and balanced, but oftentimes it is not. They just choose the path of indecisiveness in order to avoid conflict. They figure if they don’t choose they won’t experience a case of FOMO (fear of missing out). This is not fun if you are dating them because they’ll be holding your hand while keeping their options open for someone that is more aesthetically pleasing. Speaking of…Libra values beauty, so they can be shallow judging people off appearances alone. Because Libra wants to avoid anything negative due to the influence of Venus, they deny their shadow. Unfortunately, this comes out as being what is referred to as “nice-nasty.” Examples include giving backhanded compliments and being socially nice but a headache to deal with in private. Now Libra, that’s not very nice of you.
Welp Scorpio, of all the zodiac signs, they are the most aware that they have a shadow side. Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto adding a very interesting aspect to their dark side. Manipulative…check. Cunning…check. Obsessive…check and Scorpio knows it. They’re private, but have no problem collecting info about others. They are very sexual, and the lower base ones are not above using their expert sexual prowess to get their way. Although Scorpio could channel its Pluto energy to evolve and transform, some will do otherwise and plummet into the depths of hell…and choose to remain there for a while. Hopefully, they manage to pull themselves out of the gutter of darkness because of all the signs the trenches of darkness are heaviest for Scorpio. Scorpio…evolve or die….scorpion or phoenix? There’s a choice…They’ll choose…or not. They’re fixed and no one will make them do anything they don’t want to do until they’re ready. Hopefully, they don’t get stuck in the underworld forever, but if they do…oh well. They like the darkness anyway. Don’t you, Scorpio?
Sagittarius is supposed to be so optimistic and happy-go-lucky, but in reality, they can be a bunch of hypocritical adrenaline junkies. Want someone to preach about what should be done while doing the complete opposite? Just talk to Sagittarius. They believe themselves to be so philosophical and above board, but some of them can be quite dogmatic and narrow-minded trying to get people to believe in what they believe. Their love for freedom is really just a veiled attempt to avoid any type of connection that involves the responsibility of commitment. Some of them fashion themselves to be “wild and free” like the stallions galloping in the wild when in reality they are just ever-expanding in life to the nowhere concrete courtesy of their ruling planet Jupiter. Once you shoot off an arrow it does eventually land, Sagittarius.
Mr. & Mrs. “I have a plan for everything” describes the Saturn-ruled Capricorn perfectly. While Capricorn works hard for the money, status, and everything else, many would consider them a killjoy because of their somber ways. Yes, Capricorn is the king and queen of the ‘hard-knock life,” and they make sure everyone knows it with their uptight demeanor. They’d rather spend all their time at the office working because work is probably one of the only places where they feel confident…because emotions are messy things that they simply don’t like to deal with. At their worst, they are the micromanaging boss that keeps their foot on your neck while slashing salaries and giving themselves a bonus. Unfortunately, Capricorn can come off as the zodiac’s Ebenezer Scrooge. Hopefully, Capricorn won’t need to see some ghosts to thaw out its Saturn-ruled heart.
There are times when Aquarius can be the poster child of “rebel without a cause.” Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius likes to be different from everyone else, but sometimes they just want to be contrary for the sake of it. Why? Because it makes them think that they are so avant-garde and ahead of everyone else. In reality, sometimes Aquarius ends up looking like the eccentric try hard. They can be cold and aloof, making it difficult to be a part of the very society they claim to love so much. Ever heard of the saying “I love humanity, but I don’t like people?” Welp, that’s Aquarius. Radical to a fault, sometimes Aquarius goes to the extreme that even pushes away the eccentrics! Now, Aquarius is no longer the much-needed change agent but has become the lightning bolt that is stirring up confusion that simply leaves behind a trail of chaos.
Last but not least, Pisces…the double-fished sign that doesn’t want to be on Earth. Alas, Pisces, Earth is where they are. Yet, at their worst, they will spend all their time trying to escape their reality. Drugs, illusions, delusions, lies, deceit…anything to avoid seeing things as they are. Their ruler Neptune can put Pisces in a nebulous fog that blocks their sight making it difficult to see what’s in front of them. This leads to being deceived by others…and then they become the perpetual victim. It’s everyone else and never them. Woe is me. Pisces has an enviable intuition, but what does it matter if they never listen to its guidance? Time after time making the same bad choices only to beat themselves up because they should have “listened” to themselves. Hey Pisces, when are you getting off the wheel of life? No one knows…They keep coming back into this experience…and then end up pining for the Universal. Your spiritual path beckons you if you can get your head out of the haze long enough to heed the call back to Oneness.
Welp, that’s it…astrology at its darkest. Don’t feel bad. Everyone has a dark side. Once we know this we can do better…if we choose to do so.