Get ready to take action because from May 23rd to July 3rd Mars is moving back into its home sign of Aries. Now is not the time to be fearful. This is not the time to rest on your laurels. It’s time to do what you’ve always wanted. Take those risks and move forward.
The next six weeks have us feeling like we’re on fire. Due to the significant influence of Mars energy, we won’t take lightly anyone and/or anything trying to stop our forward progress. In fact, we just may be willing to fight for ourselves now more than ever. Mars in Aries is fiery, bold, and innovative energy, so if you’ve been looking for something to get you revved up, the next six weeks of this Mars in Aries transit is exactly what you need.
When Mars Comes Home to Aries
Read More »There are a number of benefits of Mars coming back home to Aries. Likewise, there are also those aspects of Martian energy that can be a bit much. We will be experiencing the spectrum of pure Mars in Aries expression over the next six weeks. While we embrace the action-oriented, bold, and innovative energy, it is also important to be cognizant of the lesser traits of Aries which include childish behavior, brashness, impulsivity, and selfishness. Remember, when it comes to astrological energies there isn’t just one expression. We all have a conscious choice as to which Aries traits we want to harness and embody during the Mars in Aries transit.
Becoming the Pioneer
This Mars in Aries transit will have us wanting to seek out new frontiers. Something about the old and the regular just won’t do it for us anymore. We want to know what’s beyond the cliff that many fear. Even if we don’t actually know what is ahead of us, the Mars in Aries transit gives us the courage and boldness to take steps forward into the unknown.
In many ways, this is the energy of being a pioneer. Pioneers set out for new land all because due to a desire to experience something new. This desire often leads to the discovery of new people, places, and things far different from where one begins. Yes, this type of energy takes a lot of risks, but this is the potential of Mars in Aries energy. This is the energy where if you don’t strike out you’ll never know what is out there beyond the comfort zone.
Vying for Number One
If you are the type of person that has neglected your wants and needs for too long, Mars in Aries is just what you need to finally embrace the energy of putting yourself first. Mars in Aries makes it okay to be a bit selfish sometimes. Mars is always first, and it isn’t afraid to look out for itself. As a matter of fact, Mars in Aries doesn’t even understand why anyone wouldn’t want to be first! Why put yourself second when you can make yourself number one?
There is the element of competition with Mars energy, and this is especially true with Mars in its home sign of Aries. Being second best won’t do and this is especially true for those who are interested in sexual pursuits as Mars rules the sex drive. During the next six weeks, there is a willingness to compete with just about anyone to get to the number one spot. Whether you are seeking employment, on the dating scene, or participating in an official competition, you are vying for number one. The energy of Mars in Aries encourages us to focus on ourselves and what we want once and for all.
Never Afraid
Mars in Aries is never afraid. Aries energy is associated with fighters, so think of your military personnel and warriors. Warriors don’t have time to be afraid…even If they are. When it comes time to fight a battle, fear has to be pushed to the side. When it comes time to compete in a sporting event, fear will cause you to freeze up! This is why fear has to be placed to the side so that you can get out there and go after what you want for yourself. To find out where in your life you’ll be embracing this fearless energy check out the house that has Aries on the cusp in your natal astrology chart.
Keep it Moving
Mars in Aries is not the type of energy that sits back and just lets life go by. There is this need to get on with our lives. If you’ve been feeling stagnant and unmotivated, Mars in Aries energy gets us moving. To be quite honest, we may not even know where we’re headed, but that’s not the point. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is supposed to embrace the energy of change and seek new horizons. Even though you don’t know exactly where you’re headed, the whole idea is to just get moving and get energy flowing. This is what fuels the energy of Mars in Aries.
Some Mars in Aries Precautions
For as much as the Mars in Aries energy propels us forward, there are a couple of characteristics and traits that we have to look out for. Yes, Mars in Aries can be very bold and innovative, but Aries is also not known for its standing power. What this means is that Mars in Aries will get something started, but follow-through is not a strong point for Aries. Likewise, Mars in Aries is not afraid of taking risks. While this is beneficial, it is important during this time not to take risks that could potentially be too impulsive.
Mars in Aries can also have quite the temper when angered. During this six-week Mars in Aries transit it is easy to get angry, so take some time to really assess what makes you angry…especially if you are the type that is already temperamental. You wouldn’t want to blow up at the wrong person and end up regretting it.
Finally, competition fuels Aries. Aries’ desire to get the top spot is confirmation of the fact that it is the best. However, everything is not a competition. Sometimes it’s important to choose your battles wisely. Even though Aries isn’t really known for its wisdom given that it is the first sign of the zodiac, it’s possible to step back a little bit and really ask ourselves whether or not it is worth it to compete and/or argue.
Overall, the energy of Mars in Aries helps us tap into our innate ability to become the pioneers of our own lives and have enough courage to own our own experiences and take the risks that could potentially lead to exciting new ventures, experiences, and opportunities.