Get In Touch With Your Root Chakra According To Astrology

Do you feel that you lack security? Do you struggle with meeting your basic needs? Do you tend to hold onto possessions because you are afraid of not having what you want and need? If so, you may be dealing with root chakra issues.
The root chakra is essential to grounding yourself in this physical experience here on earth. Without a balanced root chakra, it is quite difficult to survive and thrive which is why this basic first chakra is so important. The following is an overview of how each of the zodiac signs can connect to their root chakra and achieve a sense of security.
Read More »In order to feel secure, fire signs need a sense of passionate purpose. Without something that gets them fired up and going, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius can feel quite amiss in this physical world. One of the best ways to help fire signs achieve security is by combining their passions with the earthy energy of practical application. This is something that is not always easy for fire signs because they are so focused on making their mark that they may not do so in a concrete, practical manner. By grounding passions, the fire signs are able to achieve results that ensure security.
Aries-You achieve security and stability when you use your innovative, fearless energy to embark on a path that has follow through…which is not Aries’ strongest trait. This allows you to be the boss of yourself where you not only know how to get things started but also have the ability to benefit from your innovative self-starting endeavors to create the root chakra stability desired.
Leo-As a fixed sign, Leo, you already know what you want. Your biggest issue is that pride and ego often get in the way of your success and can impact your ability to achieve root chakra stability. You can achieve the stability that you desire by channeling your special purpose into practical application. Doing so allows you to showcase your special abilities so that you can fulfill your desire to be seen while also fulfilling your purpose which allows for the stability that you desire.
Sagittarius-You are fueled by faith and luck due to your Jupiter rulership, Sagittarius. However, due to the mutability of your sign, you can be all over the place which makes it difficult to ground your blessed energy to achieve root chakra stability. You can get caught up in beliefs, theories, and perspectives that while thought-provoking, are not always based in reality. It is important for you to ground your beliefs and faith so that they can be applied in a practical manner to achieve the security that you desire.

The Earth Signs
As Earth signs, it is highly important that Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn connect to their realities as being disconnected from root chakra energy deeply impacts these practical zodiac signs. They are encouraged to adopt tangible ways to achieve the security of the root chakra. With the earth signs, it is important that they seek balance when achieving security as their orientation toward the physical can result in seeking material things beyond what is needed which can also cause a root chakra imbalance.
Taurus-As the first earth sign, it is your job to ensure your security and safety in the physical realm so that you can enjoy the sensual aspects of life. Meeting your basic needs is a must, but this is difficult to do when there isn’t a solid foundation. You are encouraged to make sure that your basic needs are met and by doing so you are also in a better position to build a value system that supports your security needs. Beware of clinging to possessions and creating a value system that is based on material things.
Virgo- As the mutable earth sign, your root chakra stability is achieved by creating order in this physical experience. This requires attention to detail and the willingness to live life in a practical manner that makes sense on an everyday basis. The main issue with this is that as a Virgo your attention to detail can lead to security imbalances that show us as being compulsive and obsessive in a desire to achieve perfection and achieve and maintain order. You are advised to create a balanced routine that incorporates wholeness as opposed to perfection to achieve the order that offers security.
Capricorn- As the last earth sign, Capricorn you are all about “right action” to achieve success and security of the root chakra. Self-control is key in creating the plans that lead to success that allows for security. However, at times, you can go overboard with controlling circumstances to achieve the security desired. Also, as a Saturn-ruled sign, it is important for you to integrate your past experiences and lessons as doing so enables you to obtain the concrete stability of the root chakra.
The Air Signs
The airy nature of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius often disconnects them from root chakra security because they are all in their heads. The dominance of the mental realm can make it difficult for the air signs to ground their thoughts into physical reality. Thus, it is necessary for the air signs to ground their logical, airy theories with pragmatism to achieve the security desired at the root chakra.
Gemini-While you are great at collecting and sharing information, Gemini you are not always the best at taking this information and applying it in a manner that gets results. You are well-known for being the jack of all trades and the master of none as you tend to scatter your energy by pursuing numerous pursuits. Gemini, you have a wealth of information at your hands, you have to narrow down your options and apply your energy efficiently to achieve root chakra security.
Libra-Your mental faculties are oriented to achieving balance and harmony through interactions with others. While this consideration of others is laudable, it can lead to the infamous Libra indecisiveness that can keep you from achieving the security that you desire. Oftentimes, Libra is better at making decisions when justice is involved. Thus, you are advised to consider what is fair for yourself as this will put you in the best position to weigh your options for your own benefit when seeking security.
Aquarius-You are oftentimes light years ahead of everyone. Your mentality is quite progressive which can make you feel alien to this earthly experience. Instead of getting caught up in being different and set apart, you can use your progressive nature practically to obtain security for yourself. Your insights and revelations are unique to you and can be applied to initially secure yourself. Eventually, everyone else will catch on and adapt, Aquarius, but first, use the unique to secure yourself.
The Water Signs
For the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, the emotional nature is tied to root chakra stability. If the emotions are imbalanced, physical security is hard to achieve. For this reason, it is vital that the water signs regulate and control their emotional realm and use it to achieve physical security. This will require emotional self-control and awareness to identify when the emotions are benefiting or undermining physical security. With time, the water signs develop awareness and an intuitive understanding of how to balance emotions to achieve the root chakra balance that is essential for a stable, secure physical existence.
Cancer- As a highly sensitive, moody water sign, Cancer, you experience emotional fluctuations that can impact physical security. Generally, you seek emotional security by forming close bonds. However, this emotional security is threatened when others are not able to provide the emotional connections and sustenance desired which can ultimately impact your root chakra security. You are advised to understand how emotional fluctuations impact your physical security. By doing this, you will be in a better position to acknowledge your feelings while maintaining your physical security.
Scorpio- Scorpio, you have an intense nature that is characterized by emotional extremes which can threaten the security desired at the root chakra. Some would argue your purpose as a Scorpio is to risk the security of what you are to become a higher version of yourself. Your root chakra security comes when you commit to the path of healing and transformation. As you release that which is no longer beneficial to you, the higher expressions of yourself provide the security that you desire, teaching you the valuable lesson that you don’t have to hold on to the past and the outdated to obtain root chakra security.
Pisces-As the final zodiac sign, you are wrapping up this physical experience which creates a desire to connect to the spiritual and return to Source. This creates a tendency to place less importance on securing yourself in this physical realm. This can lead to you choosing to escape reality which can impact feelings of stability and security. In fact, of all the signs, Pisces is the most likely to feel disconnected or “spaced out.” You are encouraged to ground your spirit in the physical consciously. Many Pisces choose to dedicate themselves to a spiritual path and/or a life of service. Doing so allows you to live a life of meaning and purpose that makes being in this physical realm worthwhile and reduces the tendency to escape.
Ultimately, meeting the needs of the root chakra is different for everyone. The zodiac signs can use their elemental nature (earth, air, fire, and water) to achieve the stability and security of the root chakra in a way that resonates with their innate nature.