Who Has It In For You? Discover Your Hidden Enemies with Astrology

Enemies are a thorn in everyone’s side, and they can make life difficult. In astrology, enemies are shown from the 7th and 12th houses. Seventh house enemies are those we know about. These are the individuals we clearly know don’t care for us, so we can look out for them and either avoid them or defend ourselves if applicable. These types of enemies we can clearly see and look out for. But, what about those hidden enemies? You know the ones that you don’t even know are your enemies. The ones that seem like they are all for you but in reality, they are rooting for your downfall. These types of enemies are cloaked and can be found in the twelfth house. Continue to read on to find out more about hidden enemies and how you can identify them using astrology.
The 12th House & Hidden Enemies
Locating hidden enemies in astrology is found by looking at the 12th house in astrology. The 12th house is associated with Pisces and ruled by the planet Neptune. Neptune energy cloaks or hides. It makes it difficult to really know what you’re dealing with. It is one of the reasons why intuition is so important with Neptune and Pisces energy because intuition allows people with these energies to navigate their experiences wisely. Intuition is especially beneficial when there are discrepancies due to a lack of clarity due to our misgivings or because someone is being deceitful.
Read More »Is important to mention that the ruler of the 12th house is not necessarily the sign of one’s enemies. Again using the example from above, just because a person has Aries rising doesn’t mean that their hidden enemies are Pisces. For Aries Rising, their hidden enemies possess the negative traits of Pisces. Thus, anyone, of any sign could potentially be an enemy that possesses the negative traits of Pisces. Perhaps the hidden enemy has highlighted Neptune in their chart but is not a Pisces sun, moon, and/or rising.
What Are Your Hidden Enemies Like
The following is an overview of hidden enemies according to astrology. It is imperative to know one’s rising sign in order to be able to identify hidden enemies in a natal chart. The rising sign provides the basis for knowing which signs fall on the different houses throughout the natal astrological wheel.
Aries Rising/Pisces 12th House
With Aries rising, the 12th house is ruled by the sign Pisces, and its ruling planet Neptune. Aries risings will have hidden enemies who possess the negative characteristics of Pisces. The hidden enemies could make themselves out to be victims when in reality they are not. Likewise, there is a tendency for the hidden enemies to appear weak, docile, laid-back, and hard to understand. It is important not to underestimate these types of hidden enemies just because someone appears to be weak does not necessarily mean they are. Due to the Neptunian influence, the hidden enemies could be in the background, involved in the negative use of spirituality, abusers of drugs and alcohol, and suffer from mental illness.
Taurus Rising/Aries 12th House
With Taurus rising, Aries is the sign of the 12th house with Mars as the planetary ruler. Taurus risings will have hidden enemies that could be very competitive and forceful. These are the type of hidden enemies that are secretly competing with the Taurus Rising. Likewise, the hidden enemies could have issues with temper tantrums, anger, and can be quite volatile when they do not get their way. Because of the influence of Mars, these are some forceful enemies lurking in the background. These enemies have a desire to be “number one.”
Gemini Rising/Taurus 12th House
A Gemini ascendant makes for a Taurus 12th house with a Venus ruler. Hidden enemies for the Gemini ascendant will be quite stubborn and are capable of holding a grudge for a lifetime. These individuals have hidden enemies that are likely to wait for a very long time before they get back at a person. They take the slow and steady approach to revenge if they choose to seek it. The hidden enemy for Gemini ascendant may appear nice due to the influence of Venus, but in reality, they are holding an immovable grudge. These types of hidden enemies may go after the personal possessions of those that they dislike in a secretive manner to take down the Gemini rising.
Cancer Rising/Gemini 12th House
Cancer rising has Gemini on the 12th house with a Mercury ruler. Cancer rising can expect for their hidden enemies to present as “two-faced,” and talk behind their backs. There could be a lot of messages and or information being shared about Cancer rising via hidden enemies. In fact, the hidden enemies could even use technology such as social media to spread information, data, and gossip about the Cancer rising. It is quite possible that the hidden enemy is someone who presents as friendly, sociable, but in reality, they are saying not very nice things about the Cancer rising in secret.
Leo Rising/Cancer 12th House
Leo rising deals with Cancer and moon-ruled energy in their hidden enemies. These are the type of hidden enemies who are quite changeable from day to day, and they are likely to take the passive-aggressive route in showing their displeasure for Leo rising. This often results in hidden enemies being very passive-aggressive and highly emotionally manipulative. The Cancer rising hidden enemy can be hard to identify because they will take extra care to keep themselves hidden when moving against the Leo rising as Cancer energy takes action indirectly.
Virgo Rising/Leo 12th House
For Virgo Rising, the hidden enemies hold Leo and sun energy. These are the types of enemies who are bold, stubborn, and very focused on fulfilling their egos. If the Virgo rising offends one of their hidden enemies it’s likely due to a hurt/bruised ego. This position for a hidden enemy also shows that the hidden enemies are likely to steal and/or suppress the light of others in order to gain attention for themselves. Likewise, the hidden enemies could dislike Virgo rising because they are receiving the attention and adoration that they desire.
Libra Rising/Virgo 12th House
For Libra Rising, their hidden enemies have Virgo energy and a Mercury ruler. Libra rising hidden enemies are very critical and exacting. These are the types of individuals who will collect information about people they dislike in order to tear them down and make them feel less…but in private. The hidden enemy with Virgo traits is likely to point out flaws in a very subversive manner, and they are likely to stay in the background as they do not want to be seen or noticed as being seen as critical could disrupt their “pure” image.
Scorpio Rising/Libra 12th House
Those with a Scorpio Rising will deal with hidden enemies who have a Libra and Venus influence. These types of hidden enemies are what you would consider nice nasty. Many of them may have a high social ranking and could possibly use their social status as a means of getting back at the Scorpio Rising. These are the type of hidden enemies that have a smile on their face but say not-so-nice nice things about the Scorpio Rising in a covert manner. Also, it is quite possible that the hidden enemy doesn’t really know how they feel about the Scorpio Rising individual as there may be a back-and-forth in their perception of the Scorpio Rising due to the indecision that is associated with Libra/Venus energy.
Sagittarius Rising/Scorpio 12th House
Individuals with Sagittarius rising will have hidden enemies that possess Scorpio, Mars, and Pluto traits. These hidden enemies can be powerful and very manipulative. These are the types of hidden enemies that collect information about individuals to use against them at a later time. They can also be quite ruthless if they want to hurt the Sagittarius rising in any manner. Likewise, the combination of both Mars and Pluto energy associated with the hidden enemies shows that there could be a level of secret competitiveness towards the Sagittarius Rising.
Capricorn Rising/Sagittarius 12th House
Those with Capricorn rising will have hidden enemies that have a Sagittarius and Jupiter influence. The Sagittarius hidden enemy is likely to be preachy and hypocritical. These individuals will expect other people to act in a certain way, but the Sagittarius hidden enemies don’t live up to their own expectations. Likewise, the hidden enemies could be well-traveled as well as highly-educated. In some cases, hidden enemies could be found in faraway places as well as collegiate academic environments. There’s also the possibility of mentors and gurus being secret hidden enemies.
Aquarius Rising/Capricorn 12th House
With Aquarius rising, the hidden enemies possess a Capricorn and Saturn influence. These particular hidden enemies are individuals with some type of control and authority such as a boss or masculine parental figure. This type of hidden enemy is very pessimistic, and if they would want to seek revenge of any sort, they have a well-drafted plan. These are the type of hidden enemies that can be found in workplaces, and they have the ability to limit opportunities for advancement.
Pisces Rising/Aquarius 12th House
For Pisces rising, the hidden enemies have an Aquarian or Uranus element. These types of hidden enemies can appear “out of the blue.” They are often quite contrary and rebellious, and they may have some sort of position within society. The 12th house Aquarius hidden enemy comes as a humanitarian, but in reality, they are looking out for themselves. Likewise, there could be a desire to appear innovative and unique from everyone else. The element of Uranus on the 12th house can create a situation where the hidden enemy causes significant chaotic disturbances.
Special Considerations
So, what do your hidden enemies look like based on your 12th house ruler? The 12th house is hard to understand…similar to a hidden enemy. Hidden enemies are the people who you don’t know are working against you. These are the individuals who quietly spread rumors. These are the individuals who secretly take credit for your work. These are the individuals who work behind the scenes to keep you from getting the job that you want. These are the individuals who may even perform spiritual attacks against you. While there’s not much you can really do about people hating from the shadows, at least with this information you can understand how someone may work against you in a secret manner. The best thing that we all can do is just accept that sometimes they’re going to be people who don’t like us and avoid the trap of becoming paranoid….which, by the way, is a negative expression of the 12th house energy.