On December 29, the planet of communication, Mercury, goes retrograde in the serious, ambitious sign Capricorn until January 18, 2023. This astrological energy leads to a lot of serious reflection at the end of this year as well as heading into the new year.
Read More »Ending 2022 With a Retrograde
This is an interesting Mercury retrograde as it brings up the past for resolution. Capricorn energy is karmic. Mercury was transiting Capricorn at the very end of 2021, and there was a supernew moon on January 2, 2022, highlighting the importance of Capricorn/Saturn energy at the beginning of 2022. We were prompted to consider making plans in 2022 that would allow us to achieve the goals we had in mind at the beginning of the year.
Now that we are at the very end of 2022, we have the opportunity to consider whether we have used Capricorn/Saturn energy efficiently. This current Mercury retrograde in Capricorn provides us with the chance to get serious about our perspectives and see how we can make changes that will benefit us when Mercury moves direct on January 18, 2023.
While starting anew at a new year is commonplace, it is important to take a step back and consider our path forward with responsibility, accountability, and practicality. With Capricorn as the master planner of the zodiac, this energy understands the importance of managing time to one’s advantage, and this Mercury retrograde in Capricorn gives us the space to reconsider if we have used time wisely.
Also, this retrograde provides much-needed reflection so that we are capable of integrating the lessons and experiences to create a plan for success. Slowing down allows us to reconsider our perspectives and thought processes in a serious manner especially as it relates to our pathways to success. Ultimately, this is an advantage as it allows us to learn lessons so that we can apply them moving forward in 2023.
Being Responsible For Communication
In general, Mercury in Capricorn is not much of a talker. This is the energy of taking action in a solid, practical, mature manner. With the retrograde, we get to consider how we communicate with ourselves and others. The internal dialogue that we have with ourselves is vitally important in our ability to take action as Mercury rules the thought processes and perspectives.
Due to the influence of Saturn as Capricorn’s ruler, our mentalities get a dose of seriousness over the course of the Mercury in Capricorn retrograde transit. It is important that we allow ourselves to get serious about our realities while holding a perspective that is practical and mature.
In all honesty, Capricorn/Saturn energy can be a bit of a downer at times. Because Capricorn is fixated on what is real, sometimes there isn’t much room for seeing beyond where we are. If we are not necessarily in the best place, Mercury in Capricorn retrograde can color our perspective in a somber way.
It is important that we remember that no matter where we are or what we are going through with effort, we can take action that can change the trajectory of our lives. Embracing the positive aspect of Capricorn energy which includes responsibility, accountability, and the willingness to put in work to gain success is advised.
When it comes to speech and communication, this is an excellent time to reconsider how we interact with others. In some cases, there could be information that comes in from the past for us to review. There could be instances where we are being held accountable and responsible for our past communications.
Moving Backwards To Move Forward
Capricorn/Saturn energy also governs limitations and delays. This is due to the fact that Capricorn only gives us what we earn. Capricorn causes limitations, and struggles, and tests us to determine if we are capable of handling whatever goal and/or success that we desire. Just because we think (Mercury in Capricorn) that we are ready for something doesn’t mean that we are. Capricorn/Saturn will test us to see if we are truly able to do what is necessary to get what we want.
Given that Mercury governs movement, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn lends an air of caution to all Mercury-ruled activities such as driving, talking, thinking, etc. We drive slowly due to a fear of accidents. We limit our words so that what we say won’t be used against us. We reconsider our perspectives because maybe we have a negative and/or toxic perspective that keeps us from success. Mercury in Capricorn brings barriers and limitations…even if we don’t want them.
There are lessons that come with being held back. Mercury in Capricorn is asking us to slow down and understand the reality of our situations before we move forward. All too often people just move ahead and act without really considering the ramifications of their actions.
People move forward without well-thought-out plans and then wonder why there is no success. With Mercury in Capricorn, there is the opportunity to make long-term plans that have been well thought out, grounded, and practical for our personal circumstances..even if we have to go back and stabilize ourselves in order to move forward.
Learning Lessons From the Past
Lessons will come up for review during the Mercury retrograde in Capricorn. Before we head into 2023, have we learned anything from our experiences throughout 2023? Our minds and perspectives will be ruminating on everything that has happened in 2022 in order to either avoid making repeated mistakes or benefit from the wise steps that were implemented. For many, it will be a bit of both.
If we really want to be in a situation where we have gains in 2023, it is important for us to integrate the lessons that come from our experiences throughout 2022. It is through the Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, that we get the opportunity to pull back and reassess so that we can become a success.
Waiting To Make Commit To A Path
One of the biggest benefits of the year-end and year-beginning Mercury retrograde is the opportunity to wait before committing to a path. At the beginning of a new year, most people are ready to move forward with their resolutions, ambitions, and goals.
However, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn asks us to press pause just for a bit so that we can understand where we are and where we would like to be to create a solid plan to meet our goals. There is also the chance to seriously consider whether we accomplished the 2022 resolutions and goals before we embark on new resolutions in 2023.
Did we achieve all the resolutions and goals that we established in 2022? If so, how do we go about doing that? If not, why not? These are the important questions that hold us accountable for our progression. This Mercury in Capricorn retrograde provides space to stop, reflect, be accountable and responsible, and then make a plan that is built on the learned experience and wisdom of the past.
Ultimately Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is serious reflective energy that influences our perspectives and the ways that we communicate. While this is not the best time to act due to the retrograde energy, it is ideal for honest, clear, reality-based reflection that can help us optimize our efforts while acknowledging the limitations that keep us from the success we desire. Sometimes we have to take a couple of steps backward in order to move forward with success. This is the energy of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn from December 29th through January 18th.