
Breakthroughs Through Reversals with Uranus Retro in Taurus


Beginning on August 19, 2021, to January 18, 2021, the planet of rebellion and breakthroughs, Uranus, will begin a backward track in the sign of Taurus. During Uranus’s 7-year journey through Taurus, it will be moving back and forth between direct and retrograde motion. Whenever a planet moves backward, the energy of the planet is augmented a bit. In the case of Uranus, the energy of rebellion and the desire to break through is even more pronounced. Get ready for the unexpected that will ultimately push us to be more sincere and honest about who and what we are. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a couple of steps back in order to move forward. For the next couple of months, we all will get the opportunity to really assess whether or not our lives are working and if not, find the innovative and revolutionary energy to push forward or to finally make the breaks needed to take the insightful leaps towards our own expansive awareness. Continue to read on to learn more about the Uranus retrograde transit in Taurus.

When Uranus Moves Backwards
The experience of Uranus retrograde is something that we have been going through since Uranus begin transiting the sign of Taurus in 2018. For the seven years that Uranus transits Taurus, the planet will make several retrograde motions. Traditionally, Uranus is associated with revolutionary, rebellious, and eccentric energy. Of all of the planets in the solar system, Uranus is the only planet that moves in a different direction as it orbits around the sun. While all of the other planets move east to west, Uranus moves north to south around the Sun. This is representative of the energy of moving to the beat of your own drum which is what Uranus energy definitely stands for. This is also the energy associated with electricity, so there are likely to be upheavals created by surprising events. However, these shocking events are what lead to our evolutionary leaps and bounds.

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