
Android 11 Builds on the Success of Android 10


Just as Apple finally takes its iOS 14 operating system from beta to full use, Android has unveiled its 11 operating system too much fanfare. Although we are told about the impressive nature of Apple’s operating system, Android is still the market share leader on the Smartphone market with over 80 percent in 2020. Android has been on a winning run on the Smartphone market since it debuted its Android 10 OS, which is built on in 2020 to polish the best features and introduce a few new ones.

Integrated to all the most important Google apps, the release of 11 was first announced in February and comes at a time when the world is still struggling to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. For those who are looking to install Android 11 on their phone, the initial release will bring the operating system to all Google Pixel phones and a few handsets from chosen manufacturers. Interestingly, the smartphone giant, Samsung, is not included in the first wave of manufacturers offered the chance to bring 11 to the public. However, Samsung is expected to introduce the system to its phones as an update in the coming months.

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