Love and money are the two most requested readings people request. They cause the most joy or the most pain. There are some things to know before we go into what that looks like in the chart using the moon.
The first thing to note is we take the whole chart into consideration to get a holistic picture of the people concerned. The second thing to note is that there are no black and white placements for any one subject that fits every person. For example, we can’t say that a particular placement by the moon in a certain sign is auspicious for marriage, but that isn’t for everyone.
Read More »What Role does the Moon Play in Love
When we think of love, we lean toward Venus. It’s popularized that way, and it’s natural for us to associate Venus with love and the moon with surface romance. The moon is the dreamier of the two sometimes, but like all planets that represent similar qualities, we must look at the placement and the Constellation they are passing through.
Some Important Rules of Thumb
First, the moon, the same as any planet will act out in personality according to the sign, house and especially Constellation it passes through. You’ll hear us reiterate that there are many systems of astrology and the older versions will take Constellations into account. You don’t have to be an astrologer to figure out your love life using your chart, but understand that it takes more than just a blushing glance at a natal chart to see it.
We want the complete picture. So harmonic charts or Varga charts as they’re called in other systems plan an enormous role in what the moon will do. In fact, there’s a Moon chart in Eastern systems and a Marriage chart. The astrologer will consult both those charts based on birth time and ascendent in the natal chart.
Why are other charts important?
This other collection of charts are important because they’re going to show more than the personality of your natal moon. These charts can be the game-changers. A planet can lose or gain power in a Marriage chart where the natal chart shows a weakness. It can also lose power where the natal chart shows strength.
Steps to Cruise with the Transits for a Better Love Life
This doesn’t mean that you have to consult an astrologer to use a transit or best time of day for a romantic endeavor. You can glance at your chart and use a quick Google search for that.
Here’s the Steps:
1. Run your chart off from a free chart calculator in Google. Type in Free Tropical Vedic chart calculator.
2. Look at the transits going on at that present moment in the sky.
3. Look at the sign, house and Nakshatra {Constellation} the moon is passing through.
Take note, look up and study these things:
1.What does the Nakshatra stand for? Does it sound positive for love? For example: If the moon is now entering Swathi Nakshatra {Constellation} then this stands for high, shifting winds. If the moon is your emotions, you may be a bit unstable today. Maybe flirting is NOT the answer and cancel until it’s in a more favorable Nakshatra.
2. Take into account if you have any planets in the house the moon is passing through. Going over your natal Venus makes you feel emotional or Saturn makes you feel a bit off it will be time to wait.
Important notes:
It may seem like some work to study the Nakshatras {Constellation} meanings, but as you can see, leaving them out and only taking the notes of the general transits can disappoint.
Another friendly note is to understand that if you do this daily, by the time you get to the 28th day of the Lunar transit for the month you’ll have a greater understanding of the Nakshatras, houses and signs effect in your own chart. After about 3 months of consistent tracking, you will have enough knowledge to look and know what to do.
Most Important Note:
Your emotions reflect your personal chart and moon placement. That’s right. It means you don’t even need a chart to know whether something is good, unless you must plan well in advance. The best thing to do to make sure your romantic or any other plans that involve emotions go well is to surrender. For control freaks this is not music to your ears, but part of spirituality and astrology is surrender to what is.
This isn’t about being unproductive or giving up. Surrender to what is at the moment. Stay open to solutions that you would otherwise not receive from the universe. You can feel your way in or out of anything. Remember that the moon goes with the flow. It floats around the cosmic wheel in and out of storms, delight and neutral states of being.
Just remember that where the moon goes, your mind will tell you as they travel together aspecting and being aspected by your personal chart.
Be still and feel your way.