After long months of fun in the sun and enjoying a break from the harsh reality of our current world, Leo season 2020 has finally come to an end. Beginning August 22nd, Virgo season has come around to help us get through the remainder of the month.
These seasons are caused by the sun passing through a cosmic zodiac. In astrology, these zodiacs can be used, in addition to their relative positions to various cosmic bodies such as the sun or moon to create horoscopes. A horoscope is generally used as a guide for how a person should act each day to get the most out of the day. Horoscopes may also give predictions in your career and love life.
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During the Virgo season, you may feel more inclined to work towards completing certain objectives in your life. Maybe you desire to redecorate your living room or maybe you have always wanted to reorganize your closet. Regardless of the goal, Virgo season has everyone taking control of their lives and working towards stability. Each zodiac sign will be affected differently and here is how:
Aries: March 21st- April 19th
No doubt, things have gotten a bit messy since the coming of Leo season, but you should not worry. You now have a long time to fix things and take control of your life. You should focus on refining your routine and properly scheduling any events. It helps to have a daily schedule planned out. Now is the best time to make any positive lifestyle changes as well. You should sign up for that gym membership you have been thinking about for months or even swing by your local yoga class.
Taurus: April 20th- May 20th
You have long done things by routine, whether you enjoy them or not. It has always been the same situation in your career. Now is the time to transform any of your short-term passion goals into something long-term. You should incorporate activities that you enjoy into your lifestyle and routine. By having fun while working, you will find yourself being more creative and inspired in your career.
Gemini: May 21st- June 20th
Throughout Leo season, you have quite frankly let your home go. In your times of distress, you often seek comfort in your home as it is the one place you feel safe. You should reclaim your sanctuary by focusing on small aspects. Perform a few cleaning projects a week and even attempt to reorganize your home until you are satisfied. A healthy and clean home garners great productivity.
Cancer: June 21st- July 22nd
You might have recently noticed that you are somehow always full of energy. Use this energy to put your all into the less interesting chores on your to-do list. Maybe tackle that boring paperwork for your job that you have always avoided doing. You may also find yourself extremely social and ready to mingle, contrary to your usual social awkwardness. For the rest of the month, focus on forming and maintaining social connections.
Leo: July 23rd- August 22nd
You have most likely been spending tons of money throughout the Leo season, but now it is time to regain control over your finances. Start by looking back at all your excess spending and create a budget. Begin saving a majority of your money and take care of all of your financial obligations. While you may be tempted to stray from your savings plan, adhering to it will bring you great financial success.
Virgo: August 23rd- September 22nd
It is your birthday month! While you are generally inclined to help others and focus all of your attention to the greater good, now is the best time to focus on yourself. This season is your time to shine and you should not be afraid to put yourself out there and be the best you can be.
Libra: September 23rd- October 22nd
After some time of partying and being a social butterfly, you might notice a decrease in your energy this season. It is completely fine to take a step back and relax before going back out there. Use this break from socializing to grow spiritually and grow mentally. When you are spending most of your time working on social connections, it can be difficult to truly connect with yourself.
Scorpio: October 23rd- November 21st
The past few months have brought all sorts of important matters to light, from racial discrimination to social justice. Thes issues have all deeply impacted you and you feel the need to fight for a change. Being a born activist, you naturally feel the urge to collaborate with others to fight against injustice. Use this time to address any issues and work towards change.
Sagittarius: November 22nd- December 21st
There is no better time than now to heavily focus on your career. You have always been at the top of your workplace, but now you have the perfect opportunity to shine even brighter. Redo your resume or take extra certification classes. Anything that enhances your skills and gives you a headstart in the game is well-needed.
Capricorn: December 22nd- January 19th
While you have always been a fast learner, your mind is especially susceptible to learning new things during this time. Take up a new hobby or attempt to learn a new language. You should use this time to enhance your skill set and maybe even find a new passion.
Aquarius: January 20th- February 18th
You have a difficult time saying no to your close friends, family, and even strangers. This, of course, allows people to disrespect your boundaries and take advantage of you. You may find that this occurs fairly often and it leaves you extremely vulnerable. You should act now to prevent this from continuing before the situation becomes too toxic.
Pisces: February 19th- March 20th
While self-improvement should always be practiced, you need to work on maintaining your social relationships as well. Maybe you have been falling off with a close friend or find sudden distress in your romantic relationship. Whatever the case is, you should use this time to work on strengthening your relationships and taking care of business.