The study of astrology for the general person should be more than just reading your daily horoscope and learning about the planet that rules your zodiac sign. Did you know that astrology has a connection to how each part of the human body operates?
Every planet rules a different part of the human body. There are specific functions for how the planet connects with the body part in order to revitalize and restore that area to its normal state.
Read More »1. Sun
Do you ever wonder why the sun makes you feel happy and revitalized when you step outside on a warm and sunny spring day? It’s because the sun aides in healing, heart function, and circulatory system.
When your general mood is off or something is bothering you, step outside and get some of sunshine’s Vitamin D in your system. The simple and soothing experience will ward off negativity and give you a renewed mindset to tackle the rest of the day.
2. Moon
Just like the moon commands the tides of the ocean based on its specific orbit around Earth at the time, the moon oversees the flow of fluids throughout your body. It directs the blood flow throughout your veins, oversees your digestive fluids, and is responsible for water retention.
If any of your fluid flows are experiencing issues, follow the intended medical treatment plan to get yourself back normal. Maybe meditating during night time while the moon is out can help you to get in touch with normal fluid flow again.
3. Mercury
Has your mind been thinking lately? Shifts in Mercury’s position could be to thank for that.
Mercury oversees your intellectual prowess, strategic ability, the blinking of your eyes, and your regular breathing. The planet also works alongside the moon to aid your digestive system.
If your eyes hurt, take a break from screen time and do a calmer activity that relaxes them. If you experience shock or anxiety, take long and deep breaths to calm yourself rather than breathing heavily that could only worsen the emotional pain.
4. Venus
Venus rules all of your senses and the sensory organs used for you to detect taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. The planet is even responsible for how sweets are digested and regulated such as insulin levels and how carbohydrates and sugars become balanced in your body.
If you are wondering your sense of smell is so sensitive to a putrid scent, it’s because of Venus. If you’re wondering why you’re on a sugar rush because of the third chocolate bar you ate, that’s Venus trying to harmonize the sugars in your body despite the sugar rush.
5. Mars
Mars is as red as our red blood cells. The planet also oversees oxidation which is how sugars in your food are transferred into energy for you to perform your daily responsibilities.
Think of Mars to be a rosy as sexual desire, too. Overseeing the functioning of sexual organs is the planet’s other responsibility. Hence, a shift in Mars’ position could be a reason why you have such a fiery desire to procreate with your partner.
6. Jupiter
Jupiter watches over a human body’s overall physical growth and excretion methods to rid the body of toxins. This large planet rules over the kidneys and live that are responsible for dispersing the toxins out of your body.
Eating a healthy and balanced diet and getting proper exercise on a daily basis will gain you strength and resilience. Remember that pooping can get annoying after a while, but if we did not have this excretion method, the toxins would take over our bodies and we would not be alive right now.
7. Saturn
Saturn is the planet that likes to take control the most. It watches over bone strength, calcium and vitamin distribution, cartilage, nails, and teeth.
If your bones and joints are having issues, reevaluate the reason for these bone structure problems. Take the steps necessary to rectify these bone issues to continued vitality. Don’t forget to take those daily vitamins for energy and to strengthen your bones!
8. Uranus
Uranus is responsible for your respiratory system (lungs, bronchial tube, et cetera) and soothing any conditions that cause breathing difficulties such as bronchitis.
If you are having respiratory issues, practice relaxing breathing exercises to soothe the discomfort caused by the condition. While Uranus cannot take your respiratory problems away outright, at least you can continue the relaxing breathing exercises for a more harmonious connection to the planet’s function.
9. Pluto
Pluto’s symbolism for renewal and rejuvenation makes it coincidental that how he watches over the immune system, birth and death, and sexual reproduction.
Look to Pluto as a source of spiritual healing if you have come down with a sickness due to a compromised immune system.
How Will You Master the Astrology of Your Body?
Astrology studies are scientific in nature, but it is also full of soul for the person interpreting the meanings of the phenomena itself. You can master astrology and its connection to your bodily parts and functions by living the healthiest lifestyle you can on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level.