What is an Affirmation
Affirmations are positive and uplifting phrases you can repeat to yourself while meditating. You can take it a step further by visualizing what the phrase means to you, making it more effective to your overall well being.
How Does It Work
Read More »As you visualize and repeat an affirmation, your subconscious will “speak” to the Universe, God or Source (depending on your beliefs) and start maneuvering things in your favor.
This will only work if you keep your vibration, or energy, high on a consistent basis. The more positive you are the more spiritually in-tuned you will be with your Spirit Guide, Guardian Angel and self.
Types of Affirmations
Affirmations can come from many sources. Native Americans focus their energy on nature (animals, insects, the sky and their Creator). Africans have proverbs and affirmations from different regions of the country, which focuses on wealth, learning and happiness.
In this article, we will focus on the following four:
- Astrology
- Love
- The Moon
- Life
Astrology, horoscope and zodiac tend to be intertwined with one another. They deal with the alignment of the stars in the sky and are further broken down by 12 astrological signs.
The affirmations that would come from either one of these categories would depend on the month and day you were born. Based on your sign, choose a phrase below to enrich yourself:
- Aries: I react powerfully and quickly to every challenge I encounter.
- Taurus: I will stick with the highest reality I know and release all false expectations.
- Gemini: My mind is very calm and serene.
- Cancer: There is a great special light within me.
- Leo: I will release all negative judgements and thoughts about who I am.
- Virgo: I know with great certainty that I am a nice person.
- Libra: At all times, I am perfectly guided.
- Scorpio: I accept and embrace my special destiny.
- Sagittarius: I understand and accept that there is always a right channel for my energy.
- Capricorn: My physical achievements are achieved through spiritual growth.
- Aquarius: Limitless truth and love are my essence.
- Pisces: The Universe is always friendly towards me.
Each one of the affirmations above could be used by anyone, regardless of their sign. You can use all of them in one session or use just a few. Go with what resonates with your soul.
Loving someone can come in different forms. It can be received by a family member, a friend, a pet or yourself. Many people struggle to find it and need help in keeping it.
The following are some affirmations you can use to find that special person or for anyone you want to attract. Here are a few:
- All my relationships are positive, loving and long-term.
- I am worthy of receiving love in abundance.
- I only attract healthy and loving relationships.
- My partner and I have a joyous and happy relationship.
- I open myself to receive the love the Universe provides me.
- I inhale happiness and exhale negativity.
Loving yourself is key. You attract what you think and feel.
The Moon
The moon has a powerful affect on our spiritual being. When the new moon appears, many people take that time to rejuvenate theirselves and focus on becoming a better person. Here are a few mantras you can use whether the moon is full or not:
- I have the power and ability to shape my reality.
- I am open to all things that serve my soul and purpose.
- I embrace and receive all forms of abundance into my life.
- I am manifesting all things that align with my highest potential.
- I embrace new beginnings in my life and reclaim my power.
There are many aspects to how we live and sometimes it needs nurturing and improvement. We seek joy, money, health and confidence. If you want to focus on one specific area, the list below is organized into four categories for you to review.
- I consistently attract opportunities to create more money.
- I am receptive to all the wealth that the Universe has to offer me.
- Spirituality and money can co-exist in peaceful harmony.
- My actions consistently produce prosperity.
- I deserve to make more money and am worthy of receiving it.
- I deserve to feel good and be healthy.
- My mind is calm and peaceful.
- I am full of vitality and energy.
- Everyday I am getting stronger and healthier.
- I honor and respect my body by adhering to the signals it sends me.
- I choose and deserve to be happy.
- Happiness comes easily to me.
- Things are always working out for me.
- I am deeply and completely fulfilled by what I do.
- I am happy and filled with joy.
- I fully believe that I can be all that I want to be.
- I have the power and freedom to create the life I desire.
- The possibilities for me are endless.
- I choose to be kind to myself unconditionally.
- I am becoming the best version of myself.
If you take some time for yourself and find a few affirmations to say, either out loud or to yourself, you will soon start to see a change in how you think and feel. It is always a good time to take a moment and better yourself.