
Google takes further action to integrate Google Meet


As video conferencing becomes increasingly more necessary during the coronavirus pandemic, Google has tried to implement its own services into its various platforms. Google Meet had previously been a service launched for usage by commercial businesses and was not free. Users needed a G-Suite account in order to access the service. But in the wake of the pandemic in April, Google shifted to a free version to attract new users and allow people to connect at no extra cost. Now, Google has taken another step with this platform in integrating it directly into Gmail for both the iPhone and the Android.

One of the major differences that will be rolled out in the coming weeks is that there is no need to have a separate Google Meet app on mobile devices. The service will now be readily available in Gmail and will not require a switch in apps like it has in the past. This will make Google Meet much more readily available for regular users and will reduce the amount of space required to have two separate apps. A user can simply send another user a link and then be taken directly to a video conference call with one click. Clearly, Google is seeking to bring this feature to new users who may not have had the foresight to go and download yet another separate app in the past.

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