Which Zodiac Signs are Bargain Hunters and Love a Good Deal?

Our financial behaviors reveal a lot about our priorities, loves, pleasures, values, and aspirations. It’s the cumulative of these little daily behavioral habits that make up who we are as a greater person and firmly plant us in broader financial categories, such as wasteful or thrifty. So, which Zodiac sign is all about the bargain hunt and finding a good deal?
Your Zodiac Says A Lot About Your Financial And Shopping Habits
Read More »It’s important to realize that bargain doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest price possible. It means different things for different folks, including efficiency, effectiveness, value, and savings. In the end, though, it all translates back to the same end result of some spending in regard to their ideal of a bargain and some not so much so.
Are you ready to see how your sign ranks at finding the best bargain and financial prowess. Let’s see if you really do love a good deal.
Your Zodiac Sign For The Bargain
In ancient Egypt, Maat was a goddess personified by divine and rational balance of order based on scales weighing the two sides of any equation. Aries’ financial decisions are similar, and they’re high energy. You work hard, play hard, and spend hard, but its scale is always counterbalanced by prudent intellect. This balance is your shopping prowess. You’ll save feverishly and hunt just as hard to find the right bargain to spend those savings on, even if you have to knock down doors to get it. What you won’t do is exceed your financial limits along the way to leave you with nothing for the next adventure.
As a lover of fine things for yourself and a generous giver of luxurious things to those you love, your astrological sign is the spendthrift of the group by necessity. Frugalness is the supply and demand of your materialism. Despite being an impulse buyer following what feels good in the moment, Taurus has a threshold because you want to continue your life of luxury long-term, not just today. So, the object of Taurus’s shopping game is overall value. You have a very practical eye to avoid unnecessary and frivolous spending, and you take careful care with your purchases to avoid rebuying. Between the ability to intuitively find the best deals for your hard earned dollars and practical avoidance of blowing all your cash in one place, you’re one of the best competitive shoppers in the astrological realm.
As far as best prices go, you’re hit and miss. You’re not a waster on the frivolous and can be a good saver to fund an important purchase, but you are an unpredictable gambler. You want to experience everything and so do at the speed of light. Novelty and new items attract you before they’re vetted as good deals, which often leads you to overspend and find out you didn’t get the best deal on things. When it does payoff, though, it’s usually big because your motto is go big or go home.
Your spending habits are fairly consistent and mono-focused, which helps you avoid being attracted to waste on non-essentials. Comfort and safety are your primary objectives when you spend money. Anything promising such calls to your wallet, though, no matter the cost or whether they align with your big financial picture.
You’re an ace with money. As a highly-disciplined and grandiose person, you make spending look effortless and guiltless. You earn big, save big, and spend big, and you have a carefully plotted long-term plan in place to ensure the circle is continual. Your spending eye, however, is most often aimed at external acknowledgement for your generosity and purchase accomplishments rather than getting the best financial bargain.
Control magnet, analytical, and perfecto Virgo is all about crunching the numbers to live a frugal lifestyle and buy the best whist paying the least. Price matters above all else in terms of bargains, and your spending is always aligned with your personal values and principles, meaning you have few vices to dilute your spending power. You’re the best bargain shopper of all …when you do finally pull the trigger on a purchase.
You’re another scales and balance personality, but your motto is earn a little, spend a little, and save a little. Spending is about calculating risk verses reward for you, but your weakness is any self-indulgent beauty, health, or pleasure product that purports it will make you look good, sound good, or feel good. In these cases, you tend to be an impulse spender over an analytical shopper for the best deal.
While money is always on your mind, and you are quite inventive at making it, saving for tomorrow isn’t often your top priority. Yet, your play to win mentality results in your spending habits being extremely calculated and controlled. Strong intuition and intellect lead you to sniffing out bargains and even ways you can make money off purchases.
As a fire sign, passion rules all you do. While you tend toward impulsivity in buying the first thing you see, you realize you work hard for your money and want to ensure what you buy brings productivity and value to your life. In other words, you do a lot of due diligence in the category of a purchase but little in the specific item within that category. Of course, the lucky planet of Jupiter shines bright on you to help you stumble upon once in a lifetime finds for your money.
Capricorn is the smart buyer. You spend, save, and earn smartly by always thinking before leaping. You avoid impulse purchases, and others often incorrectly assume you’re cheap. You’re far from cheap and love the fine things in life, but you’re a firm believer in never paying the sticker price for it. Is there anything that can’t be negotiated? The objective is quality without expense. You don’t care about a brand name or trends; it’s all about practical results. You’ll save and patiently wait for the best of the best at the best of the best price.
The driven assessor. By weighing the big-picture need for a product in your life today against how it would impact your long-term finances, you’re one of the most sound buyers in the astrological realm. You’re always on the search for the next great thing to make your life easier and more efficient and have a highly ambitious mindset. Finding the right goods for your budget is a priority.
Lastly, we have the manifesting Pisces. You have an innate magnetism for money. But, despite not valuing materialistic things, you don’t keep your hands on money for long. This is due to you having an easy come, easy go financial outlook. Unfortunately, your impulsive go with the flow spending mentality doesn’t make you the most frugal shopper and often leaves you shifting sizable debts against sizable cash flows.