Each one of the zodiac signs has a particular essence and feel that guides them through life. Navigating through life often requires understanding what we need in order to make the most of our personal energies. The following is an overview of some of the actions that each astro sign can take in order to get their life together so to speak.
We all have things that we need to work on or things that we can improve on to make our experiences better. Hopefully, this compilation of what each of the zodiac signs can focus on to make the most of their lives is helpful and affirming to your path.
Read More »Aries, you are the great initiator. You are number one. And no one can ever take that away from you. If you want someone in your corner that is ready to get moving with fearless abandon and ready to tackle just about anything, it’s great to have Aries by your side. All fearless energy allows you to just start things that other people would hesitate to do out of uncertainty. Luckily, you’ve got a great dose of inner courage that allows you to get out there and do what you need to do. However, let’s be real Aries. You’re not always that great at finishing what you start.
Sometimes you get so caught up on just starting things that you can leave a trail of unfinished goals, objectives, and hobbies littered all around you. so, you may want to consider sticking to some of your plans. If you find some of them aren’t for you, that’s great. You have the right to not follow through with everything. Sometimes, you have the habit of throwing the baby out with the bathwater and leaving some really good ideas and plans unfinished. You can do it, Aries! Stick to those plans and you’ll become the solid go-getter that is not only great at starting things but also seeing your endeavors to fruition.
Taurus-Make Changes
As the first earth sign Taurus you can be relied on to establish the most solid foundations that many people envy. You’re very in touch with being in your body and the importance of the five senses and living a very grounded experience. You know what it means to create a good foundation so that you can continue to build amazing things in your world not only for yourself but for others.
You’re good with money, and when you seek to have relationships you are looking for something that will last the test of time. Now Taurus, sometimes you can be a bit stubborn. This stubbornness can result in not making changes that are very much needed. Even if you know something needs to be changed that stability that is associated with your fixed earth energy can keep you stuck in some pretty heavy situations. Every now and then just take an overview of your life to see what you need to let go of. You may find that by creating space for new things by making changes that you’re able to create better structures that greatly improve your life.
Gemini-Effective Use of Communication
Gemini when it comes to communication and being in the know, no one does it quite better than you. If there’s something that someone needs to know about anything, Gemini you are the one to keep everyone filled in. You love being the master of information and sharing that information with others. It’s how you connect and relate.
However, there are times when you can be the jack of all trades but the master of none. What this means is that you’ve got your energy scattered about a lot. You may experience this as lots of nervous energy that you really can’t seem to get control of at times. So, you may want to try finding more effective ways to use communication. From journaling to creating a blog to something as simple as meditation can help you harness that energy that makes you just want to get out there and go and share. By learning how to effectively use communication, you can avoid some of the traps that are sometimes associated with being too loose and agile with information such as gossip.
Cancer-Develop Emotional Self-Sufficiency
Cancer, as the maternal moon energy of the zodiac you can always be depended upon to offer a warm hug and some deep feels. You’re not afraid of your emotions and you have this uncanny ability to allow others the space to accept all of their emotions that come up no matter what anyone says about them. Yes, people accuse you of being quite the emotional crybaby, and perhaps you are sometimes.
However, there’s nothing wrong with emotions, and your understanding of the importance of honoring feelings makes you best at doing so within the zodiac. The only thing though is that sometimes you can be very emotionally codependent. Sometimes this comes with being highly emotionally manipulative in order to get people to respond to your emotional wants and needs in the way that you would like. However, this isn’t the healthiest way to express your emotional needs. Learning to be self-sufficient is important. This does not mean that you can’t have people in your space that you can rely on you emotionally. This simply means that being there for yourself emotionally like you are for everyone else.
Leo-Humble Confidence
Leo, you already know that you are the star of the zodiac. Descendants of royals, you are the sun in which all the other planets orbit. You think a lot of yourself. You know that you are the best and you expect to be treated as such. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a good healthy dose of self-confidence. It means that you understand what your value and worth are, and you won’t settle for less.
Now, Leo, there are times when you can be a bit egotistical. While, it is true that you are represented by the sun in astrology, which makes you the center of the solar system, there are times when this focus on it being all about yourself can be a turn-off to others. Even when you are displaying some of the most warm-hearted traits that Leo is known to possess, that ego can really be your downfall at times. Here’s the thing. When you got it, you got it. No one can take this away from you, Leo. So harnessing a bit of humility with your confidence is a great way to balance out the fact that you know that you’ve got it while also honoring the fact that others have a little bit of shine to and that allowing other people to shine doesn’t necessarily mean that your own shine will be taken away from you.
Virgo-Practical Critique
If there’s one sign in the zodiac that can fix anything, it’s Virgo. Virgo, you have a very discerning nature that understands that you are here in many ways to become the best version of yourself. In order to do this, you have to be able to know those things about yourself that aren’t the best. This can mean that you could be quite critical not only of yourself but also of others. In many ways, you are not doing this to be mean per se.
It’s just that end in order to be better than what you already are, it is important to notice those imperfections. The only thing Virgo is this sometimes constantly drilling into someone’s imperfections, including your own, can actually lead to feelings of dejection and inadequacy. The goal isn’t to make yourself or others feel less than; it’s to help yourself and others live with an order that improves the lived experience. If there is anyone that understands this, it is you, Virgo.
Libra-Solid Decisions
Libra, you are the other-oriented sign of the zodiac which makes you amazing at interpersonal communication. You always weighing different options and seeing different perspectives. You make an amazing mediator, and there is a leaning towards justice and fairness because you really don’t like outward confrontations. However, there are times Libra where your ability to consider multiple perspectives limits your ability to be able to make solid decisions for yourself. It’s as if you just need to know what someone else is thinking or how someone else sees something in order for you to make a move.
However, this is not always necessary, particularly if it takes you away from doing what is best for yourself. Even if you do seek out the opinions and perspectives of others, it is important for you to understand that at the end of it all you are the one that has to make solid decisions for yourself. Likewise, is important to be very real with yourself about the times when you choose not to make decisions because you are afraid of confrontation or the fear of missing out. Yes, the solidity of making a decision can bind you to a particular path. However, this is not always a bad thing, Libra. You just have to make sure that when you make these decisions that you’re doing so for yourself so that you can be comfortable with whatever choice that you make.
Scorpio-Soulful Transformation
Entering the deep, dark waters of Scorpio is always very interesting because there is a call to authenticity and honesty. There may be some who don’t see Scorpio in this manner because of the many negative traits that people tend to harp on such as manipulation and obsessiveness. Yes, these are some of Scorpio’s less than pleasant character traits. However, this is the experience of Scorpio.
Scorpio is willing to go where other signs are not willing to go because they may not feel comfortable with their dark side or shadow. Scorpio, you already know that the shadow and darkness are part of your experience, and you would do yourself a great disservice if you chose not to admit to this part of your experience. The only thing is you are on a path of transformation which leads you to be the phoenix that rises above the ashes. At some point on your journey Scorpio, you will have to release all of those heavy traits that keep you bound to behaviors that create continual situations that result in having to wrestle with your dark side. The concept of letting go in order to evolve is a paramount theme for you Scorpio throughout your life.
Sagittarius-Consciousness Raising Horizons
The ever buoyant and positive Sagittarius is always seeking new horizons that offer exotic experiences. Some would say that Sagittarius has a streak of luck running through them due to the influence of their ruling planet Jupiter, the great benefactor. In many ways, this is true for Sagittarius. They always seem to have more than enough, and at times there is a carefree vibe that appears to make them appear less than willing to be tied down. Sagittarius is also known as the sign of higher education, so there’s always this thirst for new knowledge and understanding.
However, sometimes it can appear that Sagittarius is simply seeking new horizons to get away from being tied down to any person, place, or thing. Likewise, this energy can also show up as the haughty pontification of ideas and information which is sometimes seen in areas such as academia where there’s a lot of focus on theory with little practical application. Sagittarius, considering how you can make the most of your expansive experiences in a practical way is something to consider. You’re very well-traveled and often highly educated. Now, how are you making the best use of all of the new experiences and information that you receive?
Capricorn-The Efficient Planner
As the Saturn-ruled sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is always ready to create a plan of action. This is the one sign that understands that we are here in this physical experience for a reason, and life is not a game. Capricorn wants to see physical proof of its time here on the earth. Thus, outer displays of accomplishments are very important. Capricorn is the one sign of the zodiac that understands the importance of being accountable, responsible, and learning from its mistakes and the lessons that life has taught it. There truly isn’t a sign that’s more mature than Capricorn.
However, sometimes you can be a bit controlling, and this can result in controlling the self and others too much. There’s nothing wrong with being on top of everything, but sometimes it’s important to be an efficient planner. Efficiency is not necessarily about control. It’s about knowing what to do and when to do it. Capricorn can release a lot of the stressors that come with being the manager and always in charge by understanding the importance of creating an efficient plan for itself so that it can at some point fall back and actually enjoy the fruits of its physical labor. Capricorn, life can’t always be all work and no play. You deserve to take some time for yourself to enjoy all that you have built through your own hard work.
Aquarius-Concrete Breakthroughs
We all need that one person that can shake things up a little and get us out of our ruts, and there is no one better for this than Aquarius. Aquarius, you understand the importance of being able to do your own thing, even if it sets you apart from the group.
While you can appreciate the importance of social movements and standing up for your rights and aligning with like-minded people to get things done, you are never so attached to any movement or group that you can’t pull back and do what you need to do for yourself. The only thing, Aquarius, is that sometimes you can come off as being a rebel without a cause. You know what I mean by this. Just being contrarian for the sake of it. This energy really doesn’t get you or anyone else anywhere, and it just creates an uphill battle of opposition. You have this unique ability to receive downloads and breakthroughs that not only expand your consciousness but have the potential to do the same for others. Learning how to channel this revolutionary, consciousness transforming energy into something concrete that actually creates the changes that your energy desires physically is something to consider.
Pisces-Grounding Spirit
Pisces, you have the very unique experience of being in the world but not of it. You understand that while you are within this physical realm there is this longing to return to the Oneness that is everything. Because of this, sometimes people get the impression that you really don’t care about much.
It’s not that you don’t care, perhaps you just simply are not moved by the ways of the world. I mean, after all, you are wrapping up this experience. You’re more inclined to what is spiritual, mystical, and unseen. However, Pisces you are still here in the physical. There are some amazingly talented individuals born under this sign who don’t achieve their dreams because they aren’t channeling their energy into this physical realm.
Taking time to understand and accept that you have chosen a lifetime of being in the physical can greatly change the trajectory of your life. When you finally understand that you have agreed to be born again in the physical, no longer will you feel the need to escape…which is something Pisces is known for. There’s nothing to escape from in this experience if you are making this experience what you want it to be. Remember, Pisces rules the dreamscape. Get to making this experience your dream come true! Get to making the spiritual into the physical, Pisces. If anyone understands this concept, Pisces it is most definitely you.