The Reign Of The Bull: Taurus Season Is Officially Here

From April 20 to May 20, the sun is transiting the secure, finance-oriented, sensual sign of Taurus. For the next 30 days, we are encouraged to slow down, practice patience, and consider whether we are building on solid ground.
Taurus energy is all about creating secure foundations so that we can thoroughly enjoy the simpler pleasures of life. A major theme of this transit is learning how to slow down and take appreciate the moment. By doing so, we are able to ensure that we are making concrete decisions that will have a lasting impact.
Grounding With Taurus
Read More »Taurus is a sensual sign that seeks to indulge the five senses. However, it’s quite difficult to explore our senses when our basic needs are lacking.
Thus, these next 30 days encourage us to get grounded in our realities and make sure that we are attending to our basic security needs so that we are able to fully enjoy being embodied.
Building A Foundation
A strong foundation is essential for building. Taurus understands this more than any other zodiac sign.
Over the next 30 days, we are encouraged to consider the foundations of our lives and whether they are able to help us achieve the security that we desire. Whether we are cognizant of this or not, the foundations that we possess are often handed down to us from previous generations.
Without some personal reflection, we can go about our life on default simply by building on what has been given to us…even if it’s not a good fit.
Taurus season encourages us to consider the foundations we currently have and how they came to be. Many of us are going to find that in order to feel more secure and connected it is necessary for us to make adjustments to our foundation as applicable.
Given that Taurus energy isn’t fast-moving, any changes that we make to our foundation will definitely be long-standing and occur over time.
The Slow & Steady Approach
Whenever you’re trying to build something that is going to last for the long haul, rushing is not an option. Such is the case with Taurus energy.
Whether you’re trying to start a new relationship, build a house, or establish a career, Taurus energy suggests that we take the slow and steady approach. While this may seem a bit annoying to those who just want to get on with it already, Taurus understands that anything worth having takes time.
Like a cake made from scratch, Taurus is willing to put in painstaking effort to ensure what is built is solid. The transit of the sun through Taurus will teach us a lot about slowing down and taking our time to do things in a manner that will allow us to be more secure.
Taking shortcuts or trying to jump ahead prematurely won’t go over well at this time.
Fixed & Focused
Of the three signs, Taurus represents the fixed earth element. This sign is all about creating what is permanent and can be maintained over time. As an earth sign, Taurus is about obtaining tangible results practically through consistent focus.
For those who have found themselves a bit scatterbrained or unmotivated, this transit of the sun in Taurus provides the fixed, sturdy vision to help us get what we want and achieve our end result.
Indulging The Senses
One of the major traits of Taurus energy is sensuality. Although many associate sensuality with sex, that’s not necessarily the case. Sensuality is connecting with our five senses.
Whether listening to music or wearing clothing that feels good against our skin, our senses help us to experience the world around us. To really enjoy a sensual experience, it is important to slow down.
Over the next 30 days as the sun moves through Taurus, we are encouraged to take the time to appreciate all that our senses offer us. All too often people take for granted their ability to enjoy this physical world through their senses until of course one of those senses is impaired.
During this Taurus season, express gratitude for everything from being able to see a beautiful sunset to smelling a nice perfume to listening to the voice of a loved one and even eating a favorite meal.
Some Taurus Considerations
As with any astrological transit, there are some considerations when it comes to Taurus energy. While it can be quite sensual, solid, and secure, there are other traits that aren’t as positive that we may take note of.
Stubborn As They Come
One of the aspects of the fixed nature of Taurus is the tendency to be stubborn. Once Taurus has made up their minds they can be very stuck in their ways. This energy will be prevalent throughout the next 30 days, and we may find ourselves and others to be unwilling to budge and compromise.
It is important that we understand where this stubbornness comes from so that we are able to distinguish between sticking to our guns because we know something is best for us as opposed to just being stubborn because we want to have our way.
Fixed Thinking
Similarly, Taurus season can have us quite fixed on our own perceptions and values. Once we decide something should be a certain way, this can make us close-minded toward those who have other perspectives and beliefs.
While solidifying our own value systems, it is also important to leave space for others to be and think as they choose. The next 30 days of Taurus season have much to teach us about allowing others to hold their views without us having to put up a wall against anything that is different from our own rigid stance.
Fixed thinking can make it difficult for us to embrace new ideas and concepts all because we don’t want to consider something that could potentially change our perception.
Stuck In A Rut
From daily routines to food preferences, Taurus energy can get stuck in ruts simply because it gets comfortable and doesn’t want to change as the familiar is secure. Now is an excellent time to consider ways in which we are stuck and stagnant.
There’s nothing wrong with security and stability, but when we get so used to doing something even when doing so doesn’t add any value to our lives, that’s when it’s necessary for us to consider what needs to change in order for us to be secure while also experiencing growth.
Ultimately, Taurus season is all about building the base for long-term security.
From making sure that we have all our basic needs met to improving our finances and learning how to slow down so that we can appreciate being embodied, Taurus season encourages us to make sure that we are building on solid ground so that we can really enjoy the pleasures of life.