Forgiveness is necessary, but it can be quite difficult to do at times. Usually, when there’s a situation that calls for forgiveness, someone feels slighted for some reason. Forgiveness can be especially hard when there has been a betrayal. However, there’s an old saying that holding onto bitterness towards another person hurts you more than it hurts the other person. To help everyone release the baggage and finally be able to forgive, this overview offers tips on how each zodiac sign can draw a truce and incorporate forgiveness in their lives.
The Fire Signs
While you anger easily, you aren’t likely to stay angry for long…unless a major violation is committed. You blow off steam and are usually back to your usual self. If you happen to feel slighted, it’s best to move away from the situation and/or person to collect yourself. Once you have collected yourself, you are in a better position to have a direct conversation that could lead to reconciliation and forgiveness.
Because you are a fixed sign, when someone does something to you, it can take some time to move on and let bygones be bygones. Leo, you will eventually move on, but until you express your displeasure in a grand display of disapproval. You can be a drama queen when things don’t go your way. This is especially the case if you feel someone has slighted you. In order to incorporate the art of forgiveness in your life, you have to acknowledge your discontent…especially if your ego is bruised. It is difficult to be forgiving when your pride and ego are on display.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to deal with the ego issues that come with forgiveness, both giving and receiving it.
As the mutable fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius you really don’t have time for anything that holds you down which is why forgiveness is easier for you than most. Your blunt approach makes it very clear where you stand with others. However, if you do get caught up in a circumstance that causes unforgiveness, your best bet is to harness the energy of being able to keep it moving. You know for certain that there is always something better on the horizon, and if something simply doesn’t work out, then there must be a greater purpose for why.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to stay optimistic and know that something better is out there. Life is too short to be bogged down resenting others. Deal with the issue and move on.
The Earth Signs
Taurus, you are the master at holding grudges, so forgiveness does not come easy to you. The combination of fixed earth energy makes it difficult for you to get over what you perceive as a slight. You can hold on to resentment years after something is over. Oftentimes, Taurus holds onto issues because they can’t and don’t want to change. Even if the resentment is making Taurus sick or uncomfortable, this is what they know.
Forgiveness comes for you when you actively work to accept that things change, and sometimes those changes aren’t what you thought they would be. Being resentful keeps you stuck in a rut that adds nothing positive to your life.
As a mutable sign, Virgo is a bit more adept at forgiveness because of their ability to adapt. Because of Virgo’s keen discernment, they usually pick up when things are not going so well and are already making necessary adjustments to remove themselves from associations and situations that could prove detrimental. However, if Virgo should experience a slight, the forgiveness comes after they have assessed the situation pragmatically. Also, the emotions involved with resentment can upset Virgo’s sensitive constitutions leading to health issues.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to use your discernment to make a clear decision to eliminate the necessary and move on. There’s no need to harbor resentment when something is final and clearly not beneficial for you. Filter it out and move on.
Forgiveness is a result of learning a lesson for Capricorn. You understand the tenets of karma, responsibility, and accountability. While you don’t expect interactions to always be easy, you do want them to be everyone, including yourself, to own up to the parts that were played. However, this does not always happen. As a cardinal sign that desires action, the quicker you learn the lesson the quicker the forgiveness can occur. Besides, you don’t want resentment to disrupt your flow and mess up your upward climb to success.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to learn your lessons which allow you to be accountable and responsible for yourself and the part that you played in a circumstance.
The Air Signs
As the mutable air sign, you are more likely to move along which helps you forgive a bit easier than others. This doesn’t mean you won’t get your shots in first. Perhaps you’ll play mind games. Perhaps you will gossip about the person or situation. You could decide to have a conversation to clear the air. Nevertheless, holding a grudge is a bore for you. There’s so much more that you could be doing with your time.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to have open discussions about your discontent, detach, and make a decision to move on.
Libra doesn’t like conflict, so they are all about compromise. However, just because Libra comes to a truce doesn’t mean they don’t harbor resentment. Libra you reveal your discontent when you resort to passive-aggressiveness and/or using social currency to get an upper hand on others. Thus, the compromise displayed is false. It is for appearances. Libra is still upset, and the unwillingness to be forthright about their true emotions in an effort to keep things “nice” results in inauthenticity that prevents true resolution and forgiveness.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to be honest about your position instead of compromising to maintain a false sense of peace and harmony. Honest communication can genuinely allow Libra to “settle the score” that allows for forgiveness and true peace, harmony, and balance.
As the fixed air sign, you have a reputation for being pretty open-minded and allowing people to be who they are and do as they may. However, you can be a bit stubborn in perspective. This is especially true when you experience someone that has challenged your rebellious nature or freedom-loving ways. If you find that you’re in a situation where forgiveness is necessary, your ability to be able to let others be as they may and allow them to embrace their own perspectives while also holding yourself in high regard is recommended. True to the nature of Uranus and Aquarius, you have no problem with simply allowing things to end or” break” so that everyone can be happy on their own accord.
Forgiveness comes when you are able to use your ability to detach and allow both yourself and others the freedom to have their own perspectives and if there is still disagreement, allow space for both parties to respectively go their separate ways…with no hard feelings.
The Water Signs
Cancer doesn’t let go of any emotional slight easily. Since Cancer is associated with past energy, you have the tendency to dwell on the past which can make it difficult to forgive and move on. As a feeling water sign, emotional purging is necessary to get over the hurts that cause unforgiveness. You may even need to have an emotional heart-to-heart with the other party to achieve a resolution because, without it, it may be hard for you to truly reach a state of forgiveness
Forgiveness comes for you when you have had an opportunity to emotionally purge, and you are no longer emotionally triggered by the circumstances that caused the emotional discord.
Scorpio, you do not forget a transgression. While you won’t display your emotions like Cancer when you are slighted, the infamous Scorpio stinger braces itself for revenge. Specifically, those Scorpios operating in one of the lower states are most likely to avenge themselves. However, these revenge tactics only lead to Scorpio wallowing in the darkness of grudges and vengeance.
Forgiveness comes for you when you realize that holding onto the vengeance is keeping you from your own healing, transformation, and evolution. Once you have exhausted yourself of the need for revenge and realize that it is impeding your growth, forgiveness is possible because as a Scorpio you can’t move forward into an elevated state holding on to the past.
The sign of Pisces rules forgiveness because in order to transcend this physical experience it is important to release anything that keeps you attached to the physical realm. Pisces can actually be too forgiving. Due to their compassionate and empathetic nature, Pisces often places themselves in the position of the other person and tend to multiple chances and benefits of the doubts…even when they shouldn’t. This can lead to Pisces being overly forgiving to their own detriment. The best advice for Pisces actually would be to learn how to be discerning with their forgiveness. Yes everyone does deserve to be forgiven, but that does not mean that a boundary isn’t necessary.
Forgiveness comes for you when you are able to combine forgiveness with setting boundaries. Forgiveness does not always mean maintaining association. It is possible to forgive someone without allowing them access to continue perpetuating toxic behaviors.
Ultimately, forgiveness frees us so that we can move beyond current and past transgressions. Liberate yourself and others and be free from the burdens that come with unforgiveness.