As much as we may want to believe that relationships are forever, the truth is, breakups are a part of life. In order to navigate the end of a relationship efficiently, it is important to know how we respond to breakups. The following is an overview of ways that people handle breakups by astrology signs.
The Fire Signs
The fire signs are passionate about everything, even love. When they experience a breakup, they are likely to respond emphatically to a breakup….but in different ways. The Mars-ruled Aries may get angry if a breakup is not on their terms. There could even be arguments that could get quite heated as Aries separates from their former partner. Although Aries angers quickly, they are just quick to simmer down. Aries being the fire sign that it is, will eventually feel the urge to move forward…especially if they see that the ex-partner has moved on. All of a sudden finding a new love interest is a competition. Aries are cautioned to avoid the infamous rebound….which could end up costing them my heartache and in some cases headaches in the end.
Read More »In the case of Sagittarius, a breakup can go various ways depending on who initiated it. If Sagittarius initiates the breakup, then it will be direct, blunt, and straight to the point. The archer is known for its constant seeking of greener pastures, and this ever more relevant when it has become bored with an existing relationship. If Sagittarius is on the receiving end of a breakup and is unhappy about it, they are set ablaze with the desire to reconnect. Sagittarius should really consider whether or not they truly want to get back with a former partner or if they should use their newfound freedom to explore someone else.
The Air Signs
The air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are known for being all in their head and not exactly the most emotional bunch. Air signs tend to process breakups mentally, there is a certain detachment that occurs that allows them to intellectualize emotions, but this doesn’t mean that they aren’t impacted by a breakup. Gemini is a curious sign that enjoys getting to know people making them ever curious about relationships. Because of their flexible character, they can be hard to pin down. When a Gemini is ready to call off a relationship, they will do so through mental tactics which can often involve making the other party think that they are the ones that want the breakup when in reality Gemini is the one that wants out. However, if Gemini is on the receiving end of an unwanted breakup, socializing will help them get through it. They’ll need to talk things out, and sooner than later they will be ready to move along.
As the relationship sign, Libra desires a harmonious relationship. Thus, breaking up is something that has to be done on good terms not just because they don’t like conflict but also because they don’t want to be perceived poorly. Because Libra doesn’t like discord, they will suggest “time off” as a way of distancing themselves from the relationship. If Libra is on the receiving end of the breakup, the goal would be to end the relationship on good terms because they don’t want trouble, and they also don’t want to be seen as the “bad one” in the relationship.
Break-ups for the eccentric, aloof Aquarius are interesting. Whether the breakup is initiated by the Aquarius or the partner, it will be approached with a detached perspective. Aquarius will think about the relationship in terms of what it was and what it became practically. They are simply all up in their heads when it comes to breakups. While Aquarius may not express how they feel….because they may not be in touch with how they feel, they still require support to deal with the emotions that they intellectualize.
The Earth Signs
When it comes to breakups, earth signs don’t want drama. They are far too grounded for that. When they decide to get into relationships, they are quite committed, and in it for the long haul. So, when there is a breakup, it can really impact the very foundation on which they function. The stubborn Taurus does not take ending relationships lightly. This is a sign that likes sticking with what they have once they get what they want. So, if Taurus does decide to end a relationship, it won’t be done easily. If a partner decides to say goodbye, well…Taurus won’t think so. Taurus will hold on for dear life, and they will usually try to remain in relationships long after they should end.
Virgo being the fixer of the zodiac is always looking to improve a relationship. However, if they ever believe that it is time to move on from a relationship, they will do so without confrontation. This will look like constant nagging and criticizing in an attempt to get the other person to go away and setting unrealistic benchmarks that they know the other person can’t meet in order to prompt a breakup. If Virgo is on the receiving end of the breakup, they will thoroughly analyze the relationship to determine what could have gone wrong.
For Capricorn, relationships are serious and dutiful. They are also very practical when it comes to all aspects of life…including relationships. This Saturn-ruled sign is in it for the long haul, but if they ever get the impression that a relationship has run its course, they will release the relationship and move on. If Capricorn is the one experiencing the breakup, they are steadfast in doing everything possible to keep the relationship. Capricorn understands that relationships have their ups and downs, and they will go out of their way to maintain the relationship they desire.
The Water Signs
When the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces experience a breakup, it is an emotional experience. There will likely be lots of emotional expressions, but it will vary based on the water sign. In the case of Cancer, get ready for big emotions that include lots of tears. Cancer is a very emotional, sentimental water sign. They care deeply about their little clan of family and close friends. When going through a breakup, Cancer will not want the relationship to end because once they are able to trust, they want to begin building the close bonds they truly desire. If Cancer is on the receiving end of the breakup, expect lots of crying and in some cases, disdain towards the ex-partner as Cancer begins the process of healing its broken heart. Also, Cancer will heal, but they will never forget how the ex-partner hurt them.
When it comes to Scorpio, breakups are an intense emotional affair…even if it doesn’t appear like it on the outside. Scorpio does not trust easily, so when they finally do decide that a person is relationship material, they are in it for the long haul. Even if Scorpio initiates the breakup, there is still a difficulty letting go as it represents a loss of control on their part. When the partner initiates a breakup, Scorpio does not handle this well….even if it seems as if they are doing fine. Scorpio won’t reveal their cards and show their emotions necessarily, but they are deeply hurt. They can even go into stalker mode wanting to know everything that their ex-partner is doing. The best way for Scorpio to deal with the breakup is simply to allow themselves to experience every emotion that comes up in order to begin the work of healing from the breakup.
A Piscean breakup varies in emotional expression. This is a sign that doesn’t always like confrontations, and it will simply move away silently from a relationship when it realizes that it no longer desires to be connected any longer. This nebulous form of breaking up often leaves confusion as there is a lack of closure for the other person. In many cases, Pisces’ intuition plays a great part in deciding to end a relationship. When Pisces is on the receiving end of the breakup, expect lots of isolation. This isolation is desired in order to process the separation. How long will Pisces be gone? No one can really say. They will take the needed space and privacy in order to heal from the breakup.
So, there you have it. These are the zodiac signs when going through a breakup. Remember, breakups are hard to go through, but we all get through them somehow in our own way.