On December 29, 2020, the final full moon returns to its home sign of Cancer. This is a significant full moon as this is the second full moon in Cancer to occur in 2020. Thus, there is a culmination of events that extends back to the initial full moon in Cancer in January 2020. Cancer is an emotional water sign that goes inward to process emotions.
We will be called to review this year with a deeply personal reflection in order to tie up the loose ends of 2020 and bring in the fresh energy of 2021. Cancerian themes such as self-care, family, the home environment, caring and nurturing others, and the development of inner security are highlighted.
Read More »The full moon in Cancer offers a culmination of energy that is energetically applicable due to its position at the end of the calendar year. Before we can embrace new energy, it is important to take in the experience of the past year-especially as it related to Cancer themes. The significance of this is amplified because the full moon is in its domicile, or home placement, of Cancer making the culmination even more potent.
With the culmination, both personally and collectively, we have reached an endpoint where there is completion. Expect emotions to be high the day of the full moon as well as three days before and after. The native Cancer moon will make an agreeable sextile aspect to Uranus in Taurus offering emotional revelations that can prove useful to us if we are willing to make the changes. Cancer is a cardinal sign of change, and this full moon is aspecting Uranus in Taurus, so consider using the emotional culminations in a practical, useful manner.
Due to the nature of Cancer, we will see these supportive emotional revelations and breakthroughs in the area of the home, family, motherhood and nurturing, and personal security. December 29th is a good time to explore how our connection to family, home, and ourselves have influenced our lives.
Ending Where We Began
2020 began and will end with a full moon in Cancer, and it is no coincidence that Cancerian themes played a major part in our lives personally and collectively. The January 10th full moon in Cancer was also a penumbral lunar eclipse which brought widespread changes to our family and personal lives. While full moons provide a culmination, the combination of the full moon with the eclipse ushered in changes beyond our perception.
This year across the world we all were forced to “stay home” due to the global pandemic. Many adjustments were made from working from home to balancing childcare and getting used to being in the home environment continuously. Many of us have been forced to consider if our home environments provide us with the positive benefits of nurturing supportive Cancer energy. Also, others face the realization that while we have all been called to “go home,” some do not have a home to go to due to homelessness and domestic issues.
On the work front, Cancer rules nursing and healthcare, and due to the pandemic, we have witnessed a rise in the need for nurturing professionals. In addition, as Cancer rules nourishment, there was an increased need for food services resulting in high demand for food delivery services such as Instacart as well as need-based food banks. Making sure that people get the food they need to survive has been important.
Finally, our personal relationships with ourselves and with others were highlighted in 2020. Cancer seeks personal connections that offer safety and security. This call to “come home” has either strengthened existing relationships or has highlighted major issues with the home security base. Some of us have grown to truly appreciate the common idiom, “there’s no place like home” while others have discovered that “hell is a place called home.” It is important to remember that just as Cancer energy can manifest as a home-cooked meal, warm gatherings with family, and bubble baths for self-care, it can also show up as abandonment, homelessness, family dissension, and neglect.
This full moon in Cancer asks us to consider the impact of the “home” on our lives.
Culminations and Lessons
When there is a culmination of energy, there are lessons to be learned-especially in the case of Cancer. The full moon represents the oppositional energy of the sun and moon placements. With the full moon in Cancer, the oppositional point is the sun in Capricorn. Capricorn’s ruler Saturn always has a lesson for us. At this full moon, consider the lessons that being “called home” has offered. Here are some considerations:
- Do you have a safe, secure place to call “home?” If not, what is preventing this basic and much-needed security? (Homelessness, domestic violence, etc).
- How is your relationship with your family? Do the relationships with family support or hinder you?
- Are you capable of nurturing yourself and others? For mothers, what has your experience been like caring for your children over the past year?
- Are you in touch with your emotions? Has being home prodded you to explore your emotional realm? Are you comfortable with emotions? Why or why not?
- Collectively, are we as people being properly nurtured and cared for by our government systems at this time? Capricorn represents government bodies. At this full moon, we as a collective may want to consider how the people “in charge” have “cared for us.” This pandemic has offered an interesting perspective on how much support and care is to be given to “the people.”
For a more detailed, personal perspective of how the full moon in cancer impacts us, look at the location of the sign Cancer in the individualized natal chart. The house placement will show where the culmination energy manifests.
Ultimately, the final full moon of 2020 in the sign of Cancer is ripe with the energy of personal reflection that can offer practical insights and lessons on how we navigate the realms of home, family, and security. May this full moon in Cancer bring us the intuitive insight and revelations to wrap up 2020 with wisdom and understanding