Astrology 101: How The Moon Affects Every Aspect Of Our Lives

For over a billion years, the Moon’s gravitational pull has manipulated the tides and other cycles to keep our planet temperature-stabilized and regulate the wobble on its axis. It spins on the axis at the same rate of speed it rotates around the Earth, known as synchronicity. In theory, the Moon came about when a Mars-type body struck Earth, and the debris from that collision resulted in our natural-made satellite.
Perceived Correlation With Love
Read More »What If There Wasn’t A Moon?
Various studies suggest if we didn’t have the moonlight nor an invented light source, it would be like being enclosed in a room with no windows or doors. Without its magnetic pull, the tides would stop rising and falling, causing the Earth’s rotation to speed up. Our days would last a maximum of 12 hours instead of 24 hours. Not to mention, the days would also multiply from 365 to over a thousand shorter ones, and seasonal weather patterns would alter severely.
Do Lunar Cycles Affect Our Health?
The lunar cycles not only affect the Earth’s atmospheric conditions but also perceived to play a large part in the life of humans. Although thought to be dispelled by western medicine for hundreds of years, there are still large pockets of modern civilization that believe lunar cycles are intertwined heavily with our health. Brain activity, epileptic seizures, birthrates, hormonal imbalances, and sleep disruptions are all believed to have ties to the Moon’s presence somehow.
Gravitational Pull And Bizarre Behavior
Jokingly, we blame a full moon’s presence when the night seems to erupt in bizarre human and animal behavior. Movies have long portrayed the full Moon’s folklorish ability to turn a man into a werewolf. To a lesser degree, any altered behavior has less to do with the Moon’s round shape and more to do with the position it’s in within the cycle. Many thousand-year-old theories linking the Moon’s gravitational pull to radical behavior like an increase in violence and criminal activity is still embraced by many research communities.
The Moon’s Connection To Astrology
The Moon resembles an inner self and is also what we turn to in a quest for emotional security. Also, it’s the side of you that act on unguarded instinct in a crisis. Some are not comfortable with the instinctual self that resides in the deep recesses of our psyche as its the side that comes out when we’re stressed and feeling like we’ve reached a tipping point.
The Moon’s Presence And Your Zodiac
It’s helpful to understand how the Moon’s position relates to your birthday, signifies emotional security, and highlights the subconscious issues you’re experiencing.
Here are the 12 Zodiac Moon’s Horoscope and what each one requires to feel emotionally secure:
1. Aries Moons- You need to be in a whirlwind of challenges and display an almost detrimental need to be first at everything. Nothing makes you feel alive more than to be the center of attention. Aries wears more of their inner need for emotional security on their sleeve and oddly you derive it from chaos.
2. Taurus Moons- Unlike Aries, you crave stability, creature comforts, outer beauty, and affection to feel that you are constructing something bankable. You are a little too obsessed with being secure, often to the degree, it upends relationships. Watch out your stringent requirement for outer perfection doesn’t push people away also.
3. Gemini Moons- You require intelligent dialogue and constant communication to feel at peace. Bubbling with new ideas, you feed off of ideas from others. Drawn to a like-minded mirror image of yourself, and you love a challenge of the mind.
4. Cancer Moons- Cancer, you enjoy creature comforts much like Taurus, but you rely more on the family aspect rather than the material. You’re at your inner home when being nurtured and reassured. The drawback is you require a little too much reassurance, and if you don’t get it, you spend most of the time combating the fear of abandonment.
5. Leo Moons- Leos, are playful attention-getting leader types. You need to entertain, be entertained, and celebrate life. Romance isn’t steady because you love a good conquest, but you also want a special someone to celebrate with you.
6. Virgo Moons- You feel the need to be of service and help out even when your plate is full. You’re incredibly analytical, which makes you a wiz at problem-solving. Your mind needs to stay occupied and in order, or your thoughts turn to worry and anxiety.
7. Libra Moons- Conflict hating Libra Moons will shy away from confrontation. You’ve created a peaceful and tranquil surrounding, and you’ll maintain it at all cost even if it means cutting someone from your inner circles. You crave the more beautiful things in life, like art and high-end clothing.
8. Scorpio Moons- Privacy is where you turn when life gets hectic. You’re an intense person, but you can sense when you’re over the top and dial it back. You don’t trust right off; people around you have to earn it, but when they do, you are loyal to the core.
9. Sagittarius Moons- You get along best with world-travelers and open-minded people. You’re most happy when going on a new adventure. The attraction to this carnival lifestyle has it’s drawbacks as you bore easily; you might get distracted chasing that next unique experience.
10. Capricorn Moons- You feel the strong urge to build a legacy to hand down for generations. You blossom with a partner that sets boundaries and has strong ambitions. When you get in a depressive mood, you crave solitude and time to get it together. You’re not a nurturer, so having children isn’t at the top of your list of things to do in life.
11. Aquarius Moons- Friendships are important to you, but sometimes you need to fly solo. You fight for causes close to your heart and have a strong sense of community. You’re into a relationship if they give you room to breathe.
12. Pisces Moons- People can’t easily read you, so you are a little bit of a mystery. To center yourself, you turn to a creative outlet and are drawn to artistic types. You display two sides of the same coin as you love fantasy and escape, but at the same time, you need security to be happy.