Weird Dreams Lately? Learn how to Interpret Weird and Stressful Dreams
Interpreting Weird and Stressful Dreams

Have you been undergoing alarming, vivid, or otherwise unusual dreams during your attempts at a peaceful slumber?
If you have, then you’re far from alone.
Read More »Some of the most arduous experiences are not the ones that we go through consciously during the waking hours. Rather, the body selects them and manifests them in our unconscious dreams. The subconscious mind has a rather unique means by which it portrays things. However, the upside is that if one has the moon’s grace to recall things that they have undergone while unconscious, then those who are close to them can help understand the scenario. Everything from friends to horoscopes can be utilized to help interpret life experiences.
Why are we as humans always dreaming so frequently and so vividly? There are multiple explanations. First and foremost, there can be several people who are not sleeping as well as they could be. A shallower sleep cycle leads to remembering dreams with more clarity and more often. Trauma can be dealt with in many ways, one of which is through dissociation. However, dissociation from such experiences takes a lot of energy. Therefore, if one is feeling particularly sleepy, fatigue is important to acknowledge and understand.
There is always some element of anxiety that is forming an underlying current. There is also a current of anger flowing. Although these feelings and frustrations bubble up to the surface with irregularity, it is inevitable that they occur. As primal feelings, they transgress our ideal images of ourselves and lead to stronger dreams.
For those who are often waking up to stressful or disturbing dreams, make sure that you talk about them with someone that you trust like a friend. Do not bottle them up or keep them hidden. Since talking about a dream provides it an avenue for containment in a way you can control, it will be better for your mental energy rather than just keeping silent.
Everyone seems to be having strange or alarming dreams at any time. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed by the images that go through your head while you are asleep. Since the brain is a storage device for several chemicals that our body makes in order to help it self-regulate, it has lots of elements of different emotional bodies inside of it that are waiting to be flushed out after a long or particularly stressful day. Therefore, when someone is asleep, the brain sees this as a time to finally unwind.
The electronic receptors for the brain become agitated by the chemicals flushing from the mind. This elicits feelings, memories, and experiences that some might find uncomfortable or disturbing. However, as the human brain has been conditioned to focus on the stressors of daily life rather than all of the pleasantries, the dreams are therefore more likely to be uncomfortable and disturbing. Since we all experience stress in unique ways, those who might seem otherwise calm and collected during the day might have negative dreams because of all the hormones and emotional signals they have built up throughout the day.
Almost as if a pachinko machine, these components ping and zap against all of the various electrical components as the brain breaks them down, or they are otherwise utilized in whatever means allows for them to escape the mind.
Common themes that have been cropping up lately for many people have been places that they cannot recognize, feelings of loss and falling, or having people who they know go missing and not having the ability to find them. There are those who use a horoscope, the alignment and phases of the moon, and other resources to give them guidance in these matters. Frequently, interpretations come from rich cultural backgrounds that are disseminated through members of one’s family and have been passed down for generations.