Zodiac Signs, Make Your Resolutions A Reality With These Tips

This is an overview of how each zodiac sign can better execute its resolutions and goals for the new year. Now, astrologically, due to Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, we are urged to hold off executing plans until after Mercury goes direct on January 18. This stall is actually quite beneficial because it gives us the opportunity to reflect on what we really want to achieve so that we can create a practical plan for success. We hope that this overview provides guidance on how you initiate and implement resolutions and goals according to your zodiac sign.
Aries, you are the type that approaches your New Year’s resolutions directly and fearlessly. The only issue is that you usually don’t have a plan. This is great for getting things off the ground, but it’s not necessarily good for follow-through. You may want to combine your ability to fearlessly act with more solidity and follow through to make your New Year’s resolutions stick. This will help you avoid the tendency of starting many things that you never see through to fruition.
Taurus, when it comes to New Year’s resolutions you have the consistency to put in work slowly to achieve lasting results. However, because of your stubborn nature, you can be quite resistant to change. In fact, if your New Year’s resolutions and ambitions involve you going beyond your comfort zone, it’s likely that you won’t even initiate steps to make your resolutions a reality. You may want to consider how your stubbornness and resistance to change keeps you stuck in ruts that lead to inertia and the inability to make the desired changes in your life.
Gemini, if you have New Year’s resolutions, you probably have several. Due to your ruler Mercury, you enjoy variety and have a penchant for multitasking. You may want to lose weight, write a book, go back to school, get a new car, and so on. This can result in your efforts and energy being so scattered that you never really get the opportunity to see your resolutions come to life and remain steady over time. Consider picking just a few resolutions to complete at any given time. For example, let’s say you have 10 things that you want to accomplish in 2023. Instead of trying to do all 10 goals at once, choose up to three resolutions/goals at any given time and work on them until completion. Doing this allows you to have variety without overloading you with so much to do.

Cancer, when it comes to resolutions and goals, you may find that you are more motivated to get things done if you have an emotional connection to your goals. The emotional connection gives you the impetus to succeed. However, the issue with that is that your emotional state could be linked to your willingness to follow through on your goals and resolutions. You may want to have someone in your space who is a bit more logical and down-to-earth that can help you deal with the emotional influxes that keep you from achieving your goals. Likewise, it is important for you to be more willing to put yourself out there as you tend to be more oriented towards fulfilling or gaining something related to your home and family.
Leo, when you set out to do something, you expect nothing but success. You are quite fiery and ready to take on anything necessary in order to get what you want. One of the major issues with you, Leo, is that sometimes your ego can get in the way. Whether you choose to admit it or not, you expect to already be held in high regard. When this is not the case, you have a tendency to steal other people’s shine to make up for your lack. Instead of looking at someone else’s path to success and growth, channel your energy into your own endeavors. Also, make sure that your resolutions and goals are all about self-fulfillment because if you’re waiting to be validated by others for your hard work, your ego may end up being bruised if the accolades are not given.
Virgo, you can be quite exacting when it comes to self-improvement which means that your resolutions and goals are ready for execution. However, you can be hypercritical of yourself which puts you on a never-ending pursuit of perfection that does not exist. There is no such thing as perfection. It is an illusion that will keep you in a perpetual state of trying to make something far better than it could ever possibly be. While your critical nature is an advantage because it allows you to discern what is good for you, being a perfectionist can keep you from getting things done. Know when you’ve done your best so that you can keep moving forward.
Libra, balance, and the ability to be decisive are needed to ensure that you get your resolutions and goals off the ground. Being a people person, you have the tendency to refer to others for their perspectives before making moves. While this reference to others provides insights, it can keep you from making a decision. Indecision is your vice, Libra, so efforts have to be made to be decisive about your goals and how you want to achieve them.
Scorpio, you have an innate sense of power that many find enviable. This power can be used keenly to get you where you want to be. However, sometimes you can get caught up in the undertow which makes it difficult for you to channel your powerful awareness into reaching your goals. You are advised to rise above angst and anything else that keeps you stuck in a pattern of using your power for the mundane and ineffective. While you could manipulate to get what you want, Scorpio, you have all the power that you need to get to where you want to be. It takes a reconsideration of how to apply your keen awareness and powerful abilities.
Sagittarius, you have the benefit of Jupiter to always keep you optimistic and forward-looking which is a great asset when it comes to achieving your resolutions and ambitions. However, sometimes you can be all over the place. You don’t really want to encounter anything that will keep you from going where you want to go and experience what you want to experience. However, it is important to understand that sometimes limitations and checks are necessary to help you attain your goals. You are encouraged to keep an open mind and avoid any tendency to rest on your laurels or take your innate luck for granted.
You are a hard worker that already knows that you can only achieve what you desire with effort and hard work. More than anyone, you are well-equipped and prepared to hunker down and do what you have to do to meet the goals and ambitions that you have for yourself. One of your biggest issues is your need to control. Because you are very clear about your path and have a detailed plan on how to get there, you can end up controlling circumstances to assure the desired outcome. Capricorn, you can’t control everything no matter how much you try. You are advised to keep steady on your path as you have all the skills and abilities to get to where you want to be. You don’t have to control external entities in order to maintain your success either. Manage yourself and all will fall into place.
Aquarius, you have an innovative perspective that is well ahead of everyone else. Because of this, other people can often think that your resolutions, goals, and ambitions are far-fetched. It is important that you are able to honor your unique goals as your inability to do so can lead to you putting yourself aside to honor the group and/or collective. You can be aligned with humanity, friends, and associates without compromising yourself. You are unique, own it. Understand that all of us have our own unique paths, and in order for you to achieve the things that you desire, you have to be willing to stand apart from the rest to achieve your goals.
Pisces, as the last sign of the zodiac, you’ve experienced a lot. For you, resolutions are your dreams and visions. While you have an amazing ability to make your dreams a reality, you often do not because you have the tendency to stay in the ethers instead of actualizing your visions. Sometimes you get so caught up in the happenings of the world that you forget that you should be focusing on yourself. Your inability to make space to be there for yourself like you are for everyone else hinders your ability to make your dreams and visions a reality. You are advised to get on the path of grounding your dreams into this reality. Life is but a dream, Pisces, and it is one that you make in this physical realm. Avoid people, places, and things that encourage you to escape from your reality as this is a distraction from making the dreams and visions real.
We hope that this overview of how each zodiac executes its resolutions and goals has provided insight that allows us to be more intentional and effective in making our resolutions a reality. Much success to us all as we embark on a new year that is filled with the potential for success.