With Saturn shifting into Pisces on March 7th, it is important to comprehend the significance of Saturn energy and what it means to our lives. For the past two and half years, we’ve navigated Saturn transiting the sign of Aquarius. Both personally and collectively we have been called to be accountable or responsible for how we use Aquarius energy from friendships and group associations to our place in society.
Now that Saturn is shifting into Pisces, the accountability is still there, but with a focus on Piscean themes such as our use of spirituality, use of mind and consciousness-altering substances, addictions, illusions, dreams, and the subconscious. Rather than get into a funk about how depressing and restrictive Saturn can be, we can make Saturn energy work for us so that it is more of a friend rather than a foe.
Saturn: Party Pooper Or Friend of Accountability?
Read More »Also, Saturn energy tends to create blockages and limitations until we have learned the lessons necessary for us to move forward. While this may seem cruel and inconvenient, in many ways Saturn is just making sure we are ready for all of the things that we say we desire because there is nothing worse than getting what we want and then squandering it due to a lack of maturity.
Saturn & Fear
In astrology, Saturn also rules our fears. Each of us has a natal Saturn placement which details our fears according to sign and house placement. For example, an individual with Saturn in Libra could have fears revolving around contractual partnerships and relationships. Those individuals are likely to hold off on structured relationships and marriage until they are older and/or have reached a level of maturity as they are working through their own fears and limitations in this area. Someone with Saturn Gemini could have fears about how they communicate, and there is a possibility of lessons around speaking with right action and avoiding idle conversation such as gossip.
True to the nature of Saturn, fear has a way of keeping us from doing what we would like to do. It is by facing our fears that we are able to unblock ourselves and head forward confidently knowing that we are capable and well-equipped to handle anything that comes our way.
Here Comes Karma
Oh, karma. With the way people speak about karma, one would think that it is negative. However, this is the furthest thing from the truth. Karma is neither negative nor positive. It is actually neutral. Saturn is associated with karma and holds us accountable and responsible for how we have chosen to move in this physical realm. This is another reason why there are many who don’t particularly care for Saturn energy. It’s not that Saturn is making our lives miserable by bringing us karma. Saturn energy simply gives us back what we have put out.
The sooner we are able to understand that Saturn only gives us what we have earned in all aspects of our lives, we are in a better position to use Saturn energy for our benefit. Those who experience Saturn and karma as negative are urged to consider the type of energy they hold and emit as we can only get what we give.
For example, if a person spent the harvest season playing around and not collecting food for the upcoming winter, getting upset as Saturn for lack of food while in the dead of a winter storm is irrational! Saturn didn’t bring that individual bad luck or bad karma. The individual failed to plan and act accordingly and as a result of their own actions did not have food for the winter season.
Thus, the karma that Saturn brings us is neutral. The way we experience this is totally dependent on the energy that we have previously and currently give out.
Learning Your Lessons
One of the benefits of Saturn energy is that it gives us an opportunity to learn lessons. The old saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity applies here. Saturn attempts to help us avoid insanity by bringing lessons to us over and over again until we finally learn them. Upon learning these lessons, there is no need for us to have a particular encounter or experience again. It’s as if we’ve graduated to a new level of awareness courtesy of Saturn energy.
However, if we are not willing to learn our lessons and integrate them for growth and forward movement, we may find that Saturn continues to provide blocks and limitations not because it’s trying to be messy or cause trouble. Saturn wants us to be able to move forward with maturity and growth and that can’t happen if we aren’t willing to stop and look at ourselves and how we contribute to having certain experiences.
So, if you want to make a friend of Saturn, it is important that we be willing to learn our lessons…and the sooner the better. We will continue to repeat lessons just with different players and circumstances until we finally get it. We will know that we’ve officially graduated from Saturn’s test and trials, when were are presented with a common circumstance and choose to do something different that finally releases us from the need to repeat that lesson.
Time To Grow Up
One of the best ways to make friends with Saturn is to embrace maturity. Saturn and its corresponding zodiac sign Capricorn is considered the adult in astrology. This is the energy of “adulting.” The Saturn return which initially occurs between the ages of 28-30 and then again between the ages of 56-60 and 84-88 is significantly important in honing individuals for what is considered adulthood.
Although some societies, such as in the United States, consider individuals to be legal adults at 18 and 21, from an astrological perspective, this is not the case. It is at the 28-year mark that we begin the personal journey of meeting our own Saturn energy within our natal charts. This is when Saturn returns to the point at the time of birth holding us accountable for being in this physical world. Many people ask themselves at this time…”Why am I here?” “What am I doing with my life? “
For those going through a Saturn return or transit and/or anyone who wants to get the best out of Saturn energy, it is important to grow up once and for all. Whenever there is a major Saturn transit to our personal planets such as the sun and moon or a return of Saturn to its birthplace point, we are likely to experience circumstances that place pressure on us in an effort to hone us for the maturity that we are innately capable of. Those who fair the best are the ones who take on the responsibility and accountability head-on by putting in the work and effort. Those who seek the path of least resistance and fail to take responsibility will find Saturn transits quite difficult.
Do The Right Thing
Ultimately, if Saturn could tell all of us anything about how to be its BFF, it would say just do the right thing. Contrary to popular belief, Saturn is not here to make everyone’s life difficult for no reason. Even those with the heaviest Saturn placements appreciate the wisdom gained from the obstacles, trials, tribulations, and lessons learned.
Saturn simply wants us to be aware of what we’re doing with our lived experience. While it’s nice to receive beautiful blessings from Jupiter and the pleasantries of Venus, with Saturn energy, we know that when we do receive something we have earned it through effort and the willingness to be responsible and accountable for the self.
So, what have we earned per Saturn standards? Have we used our energy to take right action or are we using our energy to do whatever not expecting to have to deal with what we have done? Ultimately, Saturn reminds us that whatever actions we take in life, we must be accountable and responsible for doing so… for better or for worse.
In the end, Saturn is that good friend that pulls us to the side and reminds us to be aware of how we’re moving. It’s that good friend that reminds us we are repeating patterns and not learning lessons. It’s that good friend who reminds us that we’re not getting any younger and it is time to take action.
Saturn is that good friend who gives us a well-earned hug and handshake when we have finally achieved a long-earned accomplishment and goal. Saturn won’t just sit by and watch us make a mess of our lives. It’s going to hold us responsible and accountable. No matter how much we may dislike it at the moment when we look back, we will appreciate having a solid friend like Saturn by our side.