As we continue through Aquarius season, it’s important to understand both the beneficial and the not-so-great characteristics of a zodiac sign. In terms of Aquarius, they can be revolutionary, visionary, and willing to push against outdated systems.
However, as with all zodiac signs, Aquarius has its dark traits such as being contrary for the sake of it, incredibly detached from emotion, and to the surprise of many, progressively fixed. Understanding the positive as well as the negative attributes of a zodiac sign allows those who possess Aquarius/Uranus energy to enhance the positive while getting a better understanding of the less-than-fabulous traits of their character.
The Aquarius Light
Read More »Aquarius is also one of the most open-minded signs which are why they are usually light years ahead of everyone. While this innovative nature may not be understood by most, those with prominent Aquarius/Uranus energy are at the forefront of progressive movements and scientific and technological advances. We owe a lot to Aquarius for their willingness to think outside the box to progress themselves and all of humanity.
The following is a brief overview of some of the positive attributes of Aquarius/Uranus energy.
Open-Minded To All
One of the greatest aspects of Aquarius is their willingness to at least consider perspectives and ideas that are different from the norm. This allows them to be accepting of people, places, and things that don’t necessarily fit into the traditional standards of society. This open-mindedness also allows Aquarius to tap into futuristic concepts that offer progression.
Embracing Uniqueness
Aquarius teaches all of us how to be okay with our quirkiness. In a world that wants everyone to be a carbon copy of someone else, Aquarius is the embodiment of letting your freak flag fly. They are willing to be the odd one out as they genuinely think that there is value in being oneself. After all, how can anyone really be happy when they are being forced to live under the standards of others?
Willing To Rebel
True to the nature of Aquarius, everyone needs someone in their lives that’s willing to push back against outdated traditions. While traditions provide us with security, they can also keep us from progression due to an unwillingness to move beyond the familiar. Aquarius is the entity that is willing to shock everyone with a different concept, belief, relationship, technology, etc. to get us to consider something beyond what we are used to.
The Visionary
Aquarius energy is well known for its insights. Aquarius/Uranus energy is associated with the future. Because they are always several steps ahead, Aquarius offers us the possibility of something we have never considered. It is for this reason that Aquarius/Uranus rules such industries as science and technology because it takes an impersonal, far-reaching perspective to tap into the futuristic. This energy also is associated with prophetic insights that give us a glimpse into what the future holds.
The Humanitarian
Finally, Aquarius is the one sign who understands that even though we are different in our own ways, we are still connected through our humanity. While some would say we shouldn’t focus on these differences, Aquarius disagrees. Aquarius understands that just because something is different doesn’t mean that it has to be excluded. Aquarius says why can’t we all just get along with our differences. It is for this reason that Aquarius is the humanitarian of the zodiac because they recognize that while we may be different races, ethnicities, genders, from different socioeconomic backgrounds, etc. ultimately we are all part of the greater collective.
The Aquarius Shadow
It wouldn’t be balanced if we didn’t mention the shadow side of Aquarius. From their tendency to cause trouble for the sake of it to their ironically fixed progressive nature, Aquarius has the innate insight to understand how they can mismanage their energy. The following is an overview of the shadow aspects of Aquarius energy.
Intellectually Fixed
It may be hard to believe that as open-minded as Aquarius is, they can also be quite intellectually fixed. While Aquaris is quite open-minded about differences and open to new futuristic concepts and ideas, they have a tendency to think that their progressive perspective is the end all be all. Because Aquarius sees into the future, this can lead them to think that their perspective is more advanced to the exclusion of others.
Robotic & Impersonal
As an air sign, Aquarius doesn’t do well with emotion. Many Aquarians are accused of being unemotional and cold making it difficult to connect with them personally. This can make Aquarius come off as interested in intellectual exchanges at the expense of emotional connection. Some Aquarians can appear to be so cold and aloof that they are almost robotic which makes sense since Aquarius rules the mechanically efficient but emotionally devoid artificial intelligence.
The Bringer Of Chaos
Aquarius’s ruler Uranus brings a shock factor that is chaotic. There is a reason that Uranus comes after Saturn, the planet of responsibility and accountability. Aquarius’ freedom and electric nature are best utilized with responsibility. If you’ve ever encountered an immature individual with Aquarius/Uranus energy, it’s as if they go out of their way to be forcefully contrarian just to show that they are different from the status quo. Yet, in the end, all of their contrariness, shocking behavior, and chaotic energy doesn’t do any of the things that Aquarius is ultimately supposed to do…which is offer progression to the self and everyone else.
Progression Devoid Of Heart
One of the interesting aspects of Aquarius energy is their desire to progress in an impersonal manner. This can lead to getting ahead in a way that doesn’t consider the importance of the deeper aspects of a situation. For example, there’s been much talk about the progression of AI also known as artificial intelligence in the near future. While it may seem logically and technically advantageous, artificial intelligence lacks the personal effect that can only come from a flesh-and-blood human being. Thus, it is important to consider how the desire for the progressive can lead to the absence of the more heartfelt and personable encounters that make life worthwhile.
The Upholder of GroupThink
Finally, as ironic as it may seem, even Aquarius, the zodiac’s rebel, can be a blind follower. Groupthink is the other side of the Aquarian desire to connect to others. While the very concept of groupthink appears to go against everything that Aquarius stands for, they still participate in it. Groupthink doesn’t lead to progression. In reality, it leads to people conforming, which is something that Aquarius supposedly wants to push against! Here’s an example.
Think of all the progressive groups that demand freedom and respect for those who are like them yet turn around and deny those freedoms and respect to others. The irony is that many with this progressive mindset can become so fixed in their own foresight and moving against the status quo that they don’t even realize just how hard-nosed, fixed, and not open-minded they have become simply because others aren’t as progressive as they are!
Ultimately, Aquarius is an interestingly complex, intriguing zodiac sign. Thanks to their ruler Uranus, Aquarius is the visionary that brings the shock factor to get us moving forward to new frontiers. Similarly, the same traits that make Aquarius such a standout character represent the shadow side that must be addressed to allow Aquarius to utilize their electric Uranus energy in a manner that creates true progression for Aquarius and the collective at large.