If you’ve been looking for energy that will help you narrow down what’s important, Venus and Mars in Capricorn meeting up with Pluto in Capricorn on March 3, 2022, is it! This is energy that speaks of finally getting down to the nitty-gritty and getting things done. If you’ve been fooling around, Venus, Mars, and Pluto getting together in the Saturn-ruled Capricorn is finally that needed push to get real and take responsibility for your life!
When it comes to Capricorn energy, this is the one sign that doesn’t have time for games. Because its ruler is Saturn, Capricorn is all about being accountable and responsible for the self. Take a good hard look at your life right now. If it’s not the way you want it to be, Capricorn says it’s up to you to change it.
A lot of people don’t like Capricorn’s ruler Saturn because they feel it’s a downer. In reality, Saturn is just asking us to be responsible and accountable for being in our physical bodies. Yes, we are here to enjoy everything that this physical experience offers us, but it is important to remember that our lives are a reflection of the choices and decisions that we make.
Saturn being the stern taskmaster that it is prompts us to do something about our human condition. If you’re willing to hold yourself accountable for where you are in this now moment, you have the potential to create the life that you desire by getting down to making executable plans that will get you to where you want to be.
Venus in Capricorn
Venus has been moving through the sign of Capricorn for some time now and will move into Aquarius on March 5th. We can continue to harness the energy of Venus in Capricorn by being serious about our personal finances and relationships. It’s time to get responsible. Capricorn doesn’t play games when it comes to its finances and resources nor does it play games with relationships.
This is a sign that focuses on the long term. So, if you are interested in changing things up your finances and relationships, really ask yourself in a practical way whether or not the decisions and choices that are being made in these areas of your life are ones that truly support your forward movement.
Mars in Capricorn
We’ve also got Mars in Capricorn which is amazing energy because Mars is exalted and at its best in Capricorn. This is because Capricorn is responsible and accountable, and Mars is about taking action. The combination of Saturn and Mars produces the effect of accountable action and moving with surety.
Now is the perfect time to sit down and think about some of the decisions and actions that we’ve made up until now. Let’s ask ourselves whether or not these decisions and choices have been most beneficial for us in the long term. Remember, Capricorn thinks about the long-term when it does decide to act.
Due to Capricorn’s cardinal nature, changes are likely to be made if we feel that our actions and decisions up to this point have not benefited. All is for the best though as these changes will allow us to create the success and happiness that we desire.
Pluto in Capricorn
We are currently experiencing the long-term trek of Pluto through Capricorn. Pluto eliminates all that is not needed for evolution, and Capricorn is very serious about it. So, this is great energy to really sit down and think about what we have been holding on to that is no longer applicable to our path forward.
Remember Capricorn is focused on the top of the mountain. Capricorn wants success, and it will not allow anything to get in its way on the path to the top of the mountain. Some of us may find that we are in a position where elimination is necessary for evolution. This is a clearing of the deck in order to create the circumstances that support positive change and forward movement.
Is it Practical?
With the combination of Venus, Mars, and Pluto all meeting together in Capricorn, our forward-moving plans must be practical. Capricorn is an earth sign that deals with the reality of the here and now. While it may be easy to get caught up in daydreams and visions of what could be, Capricorn energy pulls us back to reality and checks our plans to see if they can be executed in reality.
If it’s not practical, Capricorn will say no. With three planets in Capricorn, there really is no space for anything that doesn’t have solidity and the promise for long-term success.
Also, if we say that we want to actually make changes, Capricorn as a cardinal sign wants proof via physical actions. Prove it! This is where the long-term plan comes in. Saturn is the governor of time, so this is excellent energy to create a plan that is attached to the boundary of time. Being bound by time allows us to get things done. Time places restraints on us via deadlines and forces us to do what we need to do to see things into reality.
Supporting The Dream
One of the great things about Venus, Mars, and Pluto meeting in Capricorn is that it is forming a lovely working sextile energy to the current Pisces. Both the Sun and Jupiter are currently transiting the sign of Pisces. Likewise, we have just experienced the new moon in Pisces on March 2nd. If there ever was a time to take accountability for our dreams, it’s now.
Saturn has the effect of making us aware that our time is limited. With this understanding, what are we doing about all these dreams that we have? Are we just going to continue to sit around and daydream, or are we going to take action to make our dreams a reality? Ultimately, the choice is ours. Capricorn reminds us that a dream without an action plan is simply a dream deferred.
Ultimately, Venus, Mars, and Pluto meeting together in Capricorn are the motivation needed to take responsibility and accountability for making our dreams a reality. Pluto in Capricorn says eliminate what is not necessary to evolution, and Venus and Mars in Capricorn give us the motivation and the value system that will allow us to be accountable for our destinies.