While most people are aware of astrological compatibility based on the elements such as fire, water, air, and earth, are you aware that the opposite zodiac signs are also naturally attracted to each other? Why is this? Because the opposite signs on the zodiac axis while different are also the same. These opposite signs provide each other balance that creates wholeness, which is why they are so naturally attracted despite their differences.
In all, there are 12 zodiac signs with six pairings across the zodiac axis. These six pairings represent opposites that seem to be different but are also the same. So, how is it possible for opposing zodiac signs to be simultaneously the same and different? This is because opposite astrology signs possess similar characteristics that are expressed in different ways. While these opposite zodiac signs represent opposite signs of the same coin, they are still part of the same coin. This is the definitive feature that creates both the attraction and repulsion of the opposite zodiac signs.
The following is an overview of the 12 zodiac signs and their respective opposite zodiac signs on the zodiac axis.
Aries The Warrior & Libra The Peacemaker
It may seem contrary that Aries and Libra are alike given their obviously different temperaments. However, these cardinal signs are quite the same. Both of them like to take action, but they do it differently. Aries is motivated by its fiery nature which is direct, forward, innovative, assertive, and sometimes aggressive. Aries are also able to strike out on their own independently. Libra, on the other hand, is motivated by its airy nature which is always seeking to balance itself with others. Different from Aries, Libra prefers to consider other perspectives and is willing to compromise for peace. They prefer to be partnered and feel that they function better in a partnership.
Aries and Libra teach each other how to harness their opposite energies. Aries learns how to be less aggressive and more considerate of others from Libra while Libra learns from Aries how to be more selfish, less compromising, and more firm in making decisions for themselves instead of relying on the input of others.
Taurus The Builder & Scorpio The Destroyer & Transformer
It may seem weird that the earthy builder Taurus and the watery transformative Scorpio are attracted to one another. However, once you really dive into both of these signs you can see how they are similar yet different. Taurus is known for building strong foundations that can last a lifetime. Scorpio, on the other hand, is all about tearing down with is no longer useful so that they can reach a higher state of being. Both of these signs have a tendency to hold onto whether it be through Taurus’ stubbornness and grudge holding or Scorpio’s penchant for revenge.
Both of these signs have much to offer each other as Scorpio teaches Taurus how to get out of ruts. Taurus teaches Scorpio how to create foundations that eliminate a lot of the drama that Scorpio experiences on its quest to become the Phoenix.
Gemini The Communicator & Sagittarius The Wise Sage
Gemini and Sagittarius actually make a stellar match. They fuel each other with information while using the information differently. Gemini is more focused on applying information in its immediate environment and multitasking to the fullest. Sagittarius uses information for personal elevation and expansion becoming the wise expert thanks to their ruler Jupiter.
Gemini helps Sagittarius hone in on the details and get to the facts instead of merely focusing on beliefs. Sagittarius helps Gemini move beyond using information in menial ways such as through gossiping or stirring up mischief while helping Gemini to move beyond being the jack of trades but the master of none.
Cancer The Nurturer & Capricorn The Provider
When Cancer and Capricorn come together, it is essentially the union of maternal and paternal energy. Both of these signs hold the responsibility of “taking care” expressed in different ways. Cancer takes care by providing nourishment and nurturing through the formation of emotional bonds. Capricorn takes care by teaching others how to be self-sufficient through hard work, effort, learned lessons, and personal responsibility and accountability.
Cancer teaches Capricorn how to be more emotionally aware since the Saturn-ruled sign tends to distance itself from anything emotional. Likewise, Capricorn teaches Cancer how to become more emotionally mature, self-sufficient, mature, and responsible.
Leo The Royal & Aquarius The Humanitarian
Surely Leo and Aquarius can’t be the same? Well, actually they are in several ways. Leo sees itself as being special while Aquarius sees itself as being unique. It’s the same energy just expressed differently. Leo is the king or queen that sets itself apart from the masses while Aquarius uses its uniqueness to find like-minded people in an effort to connect to the rest of humanity.
Leo can teach Aquarius a thing or two about getting out of their heads by living from the heart space and embodying creativity. Aquarius can teach Leo about being open-minded to the differences among people while still being able to honor one’s own specialness because, after all, even royalty is part of humanity.
The Discerning Virgo & The Intuitive Pisces
The earthy, practical, orderly Virgo and the mystical, spiritual, ethereal Pisces find sameness in their differences. Both of these signs have a way of determining what is most beneficial for them through a filtering process. With Virgo, the filter is criticism and the identification of details through logic and discernment. Pisces detects by “reading energy” and acknowledging the guidance of their intuition.
In the end, Virgo and Pisces often come to the same conclusion…one through the concrete use of details and the other through “vibes” and the feeling nature. It’s the same result achieved in a different way.
Opposites Do Attract
As you can see, it is quite possible for opposites to attract. When it comes to astrology, it is interesting to see how opposite signs are different and similar simultaneously. For example, while Aries may be forwardly aggressive, Libra is also aggressive just in a passive manner. Understanding the expression of the opposing zodiac signs allows us to get a fuller awareness of ourselves by embracing the opposite. In many ways, when two opposites come together wholeness is achieved.
So, before you go chastising your opposite zodiac because they appear to be so much different than you, just consider that perhaps you and your opposite zodiac sign are just as much alike as you are different