Anyone that is a parent knows that there is no manual when it comes to raising children. However, did you know that astrology can offer insight into how you approach parenting? Analyzing specific planetary placements such as the moon, Saturn as well as the sun provides information on parenting styles. The following is an overview of how you parent according to your zodiac sign.
The Moon & Saturn: Parenting Per Astrology
While everyone knows how important the sun sign is for identity expression, when it comes to parenting, it is important to note the moon and Saturn placements. The moon is representative of nurturing, feminine, motherly energy. Saturn and the Sun are associated with authoritarian, masculine, fatherly energy. Likewise, aspects of the moon, Saturn, and the sun can greatly influence the expression of these planets thereby influencing the parental style.
Read More »So, in addition to considering the planetary placements of the moon, Saturn, and the sun, it is important to note that aspects play a major part in understanding how people show up as parents.
The following is an overview of how we parent according to specific zodiac signs. Make sure to check out your moon, Saturn, sun, and even your rising signs to obtain a thorough overview of how you express your parental energies.
The Aries Parent
As an Aries, you are a fearless parent. One of your greatest traits as a parent is your ability to encourage your children to be independent self-starters. You also want your kids to fight for themselves, and you won’t tolerate anyone bullying your little ones. Aries, you are the warrior parent! Just be careful with your temper and your tendency to be a bit impulsive when dealing with your kids. You wouldn’t want your children to see you having “adult temper tantrums” when things don’t go your way.
The Taurus Parent
As a Taurus parent, you are definitely all about making sure that your little ones feel secure. Your kids can always count on you to meet their basic needs while helping them to build strong foundations over time with patience. Also, your kids love how you take time out to show them how to enjoy the finer pleasures of life: good music, good food, and good company. However, you have to be careful about being stubborn when it concerns your children. You could want your kiddos to hold onto your personal values which can cause disagreements especially as your children get older and begin to have their own perspectives. Making space to honor your children’s perspectives while still being that steady presence in their lives is important.
The Gemini Parent
Gemini, you are the parent that is always ready to actively engage with your kids. Communication is important, and you are likely to include your children in the everyday happenings around time since you are well connected. Be mindful of the types of conversations that you have around your children. You wouldn’t want your children to pick up on gossip, pettiness, and duplicitous behavior when dealing with you and others.
The Cancer Parent
Cancer, some would say that you were meant to be a parent due to your nurturing, family-oriented ways. You take your job as a parent seriously, and you simply want to make sure that your children are properly cared for. Sometimes, you can be a bit smothering. The close bond that you have with your children could lead to empty nest syndrome when they finally leave for college or move out on their own. You are encouraged to be the most nurturing, supportive parent possible while also making room for your children to have their space beyond the family unit…especially as they get older. Also, make sure you invest in yourself beyond being a parent by having your own interests and cultivating self-care.
The Leo Parent
Leo, when it comes to you being a parent, you probably think that your kids are the best. Your connection to your inner child allows you to harness the energy of play and fun that your kids will love. Now, because you naturally think of yourself as being the best, you have the tendency to project your desires and wants onto your children. Thus, it’s important that you allow your children the space to develop their own ego identity separate from your own. While your children come from you, they are not you, Leo.

The Virgo Parent
Virgo, you are a practical parent that teaches your children the value of a functional, orderly life. Because you are a stickler for details, as a Virgo, you help your children create stability for themselves through regular routines that make for a well-lived life such as making the bed, doing chores, and even learning how to make a weekly grocery list. However, your attention to detail can lead you to be a bit critical. It’s no fun always having your parents pick out every little thing that you’ve done wrong. If you don’t get a hold of your tendency to be critical, then you can make your child feel as if they are lacking because they don’t meet your standards.
The Libra Parent
As the balance keeper of the zodiac, Libra, you are all about making sure that your children have a peaceful, loving environment. Under ideal conditions, you would want to be in a partnership where your children can see love expressed. Maintaining harmony in your home is important as you wouldn’t want your children to deal with confusion and discord as a byproduct of your inability to maintain healthy relationships. However, in your efforts to keep the peace, Libra, you can be overly compromising. It is important that you teach your children how to resolve issues to the benefit of both parties.
The Scorpio Parent
Scorpio, no matter what you do, you never do it halfway and that includes being a parent. You have an intensity that can either make you a really great parent or a not-so-great one. Scorpio, when you are committed to being a parent, you have an unwavering loyalty and a deep understanding that your children will definitely be able to access throughout their lives. It is highly important that you learn how to deal with your own deep psychological complexities so that they aren’t internalized by your children through osmosis. While Scorpio energy plunges to the depths to achieve healing and transformation, children require stability for a sense of normalcy. Thus, it is important that you strike a balance between your own healing and transformation while making sure that your children receive the solidity and nurturing that is essential for their healthy development.
The Sagittarius Parent
Sagittarius, you are the adventurous, fun parent that is always up for a new experience. You bring the different and exotic to your children’s lives through exposure to travel, different cultures, and mind-expanding perspectives. As a Sagittarius, you are always available to be a valuable wellspring of wisdom for your children whenever needed. Sagittarius, you may want to be aware of coming off as “preachy” at times…especially as your children reach the teen and adult stages. Likewise, if you are in the habit of telling your children to do as you say and not as you do, this can make you appear to be a hypocrite. Just a heads up.
The Capricorn Parent
Capricorn, you are the authoritarian, serious parent that can always be expected to be a steady, thorough provider. While you may not be the most emotional, your kids can definitely depend on you to follow through when it comes to their material wants and needs while also making sure that they are established for the future. Because you are ruled by Saturn, you do expect your children to put in the effort to get what they want as you believe that it is important for children to learn that nothing in life comes without hard work. While these lessons are solid, It is important that you make sure that your children are loved without conditions. Even when your children don’t do their best, you wouldn’t want them to feel that your love is based on meeting external markers of achievement and success.
The Aquarius Parent
As the rebel of the zodiac, Aquarius one of your biggest assets is your ability to allow your children the freedom to be who they are. You also understand the importance of like-minded peer groups for your children and helping your children achieve freedom and independence. As an Aquarius parent, you aren’t big on emotions. While the emotional realm is weird for you, it is important that you make an effort to acknowledge your children’s emotional natures as everything cannot always be processed through the mind. You wouldn’t want your children to feel that you’re just some cool robot that doesn’t have the capacity to connect with them emotionally.
The Pisces Parent
Pisces, as a parent, you love your children unconditionally. You make space for your children to be as they are creating the space for them to explore their creativity. Your compassion and empathy ensure that you are always rooting for your children…especially for the ones that may be considered the underdogs. With all of this, you could be quite lenient when it comes to discipline and making sure that your children have structure. It is important that you make sure that your children have solidity as this will give them the ability to accomplish while keeping them from feeling as if it is flowing through life aimlessly. Likewise, it is important that you create an example for your children to avoid escapism especially as it relates to any substances or living in a state of delusion. You have the potential to teach your children how to be guided by their intuition while being grounded in their emotions.
Overall, this is a general interpretation of how the zodiac signs approach parenting. Remember, for a more thorough understanding of your parenting style make sure to check out the moon, Saturn, sun, and your rising placements.