We are in store for a festive long weekend as we celebrate New Year’s 2023! Let’s take advantage of wrapping up the old and bringing in the new with these daily astrological energies.
Read More »If you are like most people in the United States, you likely have a long weekend for New Year’s holiday. Many will likely have the Friday before New Year’s Eve free from obligations such as work and school which is ideal since who really wants to work before a major holiday like New Year’s Eve? Nevertheless, one of the highlighted astrological energies on Friday is Mercury retrograde in Capricorn.
Since we are wrapping up 2022, this is the perfect energy for reflecting on our past. The retrograde prompts us to consider what we have done with ourselves in 2022. It is important that we not be too hard on ourselves as Capricorn energy can put us in a funk if we haven’t achieved everything we set out to at the beginning of 2022.
2022 is practically over, and there really isn’t much we can do at this point to make up for what we did or didn’t do. True to the energy of Capricorn, all we can do is reassess and move forward when the time is right, which will be later in January once Mercury goes direct.
There’s also some pleasant energy when Mercury and Venus meet up in Capricorn. This is the perfect combination for some flirtatious talk and getting to know people. Charm is high, making us quite appealing to current and potential love interests. Now, if you are looking to catch someone’s attention with good conversation, keep it mature. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn have us attracted to mature-minded and presenting people. We never know…we could meet someone while prepping for the New Year’s holiday and end up enjoying their company during the New Year’s festivities.
The emotional vibes of Friday are quite fiery due to the moon in Aries. This gives us an extra push to move forward and leave the past behind. We feel bold and are more willing to put ourselves out there. Those prepping for the New Year’s festivities, make sure that you stand out! Choose a bold red lip. Put on your best outfits, and get ready to make your mark.
New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 31, 2022
It’s officially the big day, New Year’s Eve! Moon in Aries is still highlighted helping us strike out and make a statement in a bold, fearless way. This is excellent for throwing caution to the wind and enjoying a spontaneous night out on the town. In fact, the New Year’s festivities may even be filled with little competitiveness and a desire to be number one as we set the intention to enter the year on a brave, bold, fearless note.
Also, Venus and Pluto transiting in Capricorn meet up today creating the perfect mix of romance, sex, power, and control. It‘s up to us to decide how we will use this energy. Some people will decide to show up at the New Year’s festivities as the sultry femme fatale or the sexy player. Others may just choose to bring in the new year at home sharing deep, passionate intimacy with a special someone. The steamy, sexy energy of Venus/Pluto has a touch of earthiness due to Capricorn so make sure that you use this energy wisely if you choose to tap into it.
On a more serious note, due to Aries’ moon influence, much caution should be taken to avoid reckless behavior on New Year’s Eve. We all want to bring in 2023 on a high note without having to deal with the less pleasurable aspects of Aries’ energy such as impulsivity, combativeness, and recklessness. The drinks will be flowing. People will be socializing, so let’s decide to keep ourselves in check and act with civility. Avoid reckless activities such as drinking and driving. Tap into the grounded mature Capricorn energy so that we all can enjoy the New Year’s festivities with maturity.
There’s also the option of chilling at home to allow the Aries moon energy to play out in a more controlled environment. Some ways to express Aries/Mars energy include competitive games and sex.
New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1, 2023
It’s officially 2023, and we start off the new year with a grounded, stable Taurus moon. After all the prepping and partying, the vibes are definitely more settled. In fact, depending on how much we enjoyed ourselves, we may just want to chill in the safety and comfort of our homes. Take some time to fall back and just enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Get a blanket and curl up on the couch with some popcorn and a movie. Maybe you’ll want to look over all of your gifts from the holidays as Taurus energy enjoys material things. Put on some music. Make yourself a delicious meal…or order takeout if you’re feeling lazy.
The moon in Taurus calls us to appreciate all that our five senses have to offer. We could also feel the need to feel more secure by being around people and in environments that are familiar to us.
New Year’s Monday Monday, January 2, 2023
In the United States, Monday is a federal holiday for the official observance of New Year’s Day, so this is the final day of the long New Year’s holiday weekend. The moon is still in Taurus, so chilling out and enjoying the simple pleasures is recommended. Although some will be tempted to start planning and acting on new energy, the moon is void which means any actions taken will not be fruitful. Also, both Mercury and Mars are retrograde, so moving forward won’t really get us anywhere. The retrograde energy encourages us to fall back and reflect.
Given that the “feels” of the day are Taurus-themed, we are likely to be considering our security needs at this time. Do we feel secure? Do we have enough? Does our foundation support us? These are some questions that could come up for us as we wrap up the New Year’s holiday. Let’s wrap up this New Year’s holiday on a high note by enjoying the simple pleasures of life before we get back to the hustle and bustle of life.
The long New Year’s holiday weekend is gearing up to be quite fiery with lots of socializing and even some romance is thrown in for good measure. We are encouraged to get out there, have new experiences, and enjoy ourselves fearlessly. Then, when the partying is over, let’s give ourselves the space to settle down and the simple pleasures with a sense of security.
2023 is officially here bringing in the potential of new beginnings with a sense of strong foundations and security. Here’s to a fearless, bold New Year’s to us all.