A Magnetic Spiritual Vibe with Mercury in Pisces Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

On March 26th, 2020 transiting Mercury in Pisces gets some grounding as it connects with transiting Pluto in Capricorn in an agreeable sextile aspect. Due to the sextile influence, you will have to put in a little effort for results, but it is well worth it.
Under this energy, Pluto in Capricorn adds practical awareness and a clear action plan on how to use the mystical perspectives provided by Mercury in Pisces. Even more, there is an opportunity for practical transformation through the spiritual if you are willing to apply the spiritual in a practical manner. Continue to read on to find out how this energy will impact you.
Conversations That Matter
Read More »This grounded assistance allows for taking the nebulous info provided through the Mercury in Pisces perception and communication and using these mystical perceptions in a way that provides real-life assistance that can transform your life.
It is important to note that this energy creates a preference for profound, deep conversations that are deeply rooted in the spiritual and mystical. Be open to communication that offers the potential for spiritually transformative exchanges with others.
A Practical Psychological Spiritual Plunge
The Mercury in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn sextile aspect provides a touch of the spiritual to psychological analysis. Capricorn in Pluto can represent a psychological plunge that eliminates what is no longer practically necessary. In general, the energy of Capricorn’s ruler Saturn combined with Pluto can come off as stern and penetrating. Saturn and Pluto together don’t create much room for sympathy and empathy as there is a lot of seriousness and intensity to both planetary energies.
Luckily, Mercury in Pisces adds compassion, empathy, and spiritual awareness and understanding as part of the transformative Pluto in Capricorn experience. This energy produces a transformation that is spiritually profound while being practically applicable.
Influencing Through Communication
One of the unique features of the Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn aspect is that it produces the ability to influence the self as well as others using mystical and spiritual principles. Neptune/Pisces energy is already quite mystical and beguiling, so there’s an unseen “draw” that is quite hard to understand yet simultaneously mystically appealing.
The influence of Pluto in Capricorn provides grounded practicality through magnetism. Pluto in Capricorn is also the energy of the transformative leader. When you combine the mystical, alluring energy of Mercury in Pisces through communication with the grounded magnetism of Pluto in Capricorn, this is the type of energy where spiritual and mystical insights can be communicated to others to help them transform. This energy is great for anyone seeking some type of transformative, spiritual healing in a practical manner.
Because of the influence of Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn within this aspect, it is important to use this energy wisely. When handled negatively, Neptune energy can lead to spiritual deception. In the case of Pluto, the magnetic aspect can be used to attract for the purposed of manipulation. Saturn/Capricorn energy can get caught up in control.
Also, it’s important to note that with Capricorn in Pluto, Saturn energy is present which means that accountability and responsibility for what is communicated are highlighted. Under this energy, even if you are able to manipulate and/or influence via spiritual insights and transformative awareness, it is important to take the high road and avoid any use of spiritual and transformative energies to manipulate, deceive and/or control others. Remember, the influence of Saturn reminds us that there is a price to pay for the actions that we take. It’s best to operate in from a place of integrity.
Examples of How Energy Plays Out
The energy of Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn offer communication of the mystical that has the ability to transform the self and others. Healer energy is indicated here, and with Pluto in Capricorn, there is a responsibility and accountability with this energy. Seek to spiritually elevate and transform and avoid deception, manipulation, and control.
Here are examples of how the Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn energy can play out.
Positive Manifestations of this Energy
–Intutive insights that can transform your life in a practical manner.
–Mystical messages from beyond (Mercury in Pisces) that are grounded through Pluto in Capricorn energy.
–Getting a message from someone that has the ability to “read” energy and relay that information in a practical way that transforms life (ie. tarot reading, medium reading, etc).
–Interactions with the spirit realm that reveal messages/information that can transform (i.e. seeing a deceased loved one, signs from the spiritual realm, etc).
–Seek out trusted, verifiable spiritual and/or psychological counterparts in your journey to spiritual growth and awareness. You will know that these individuals are “the real deal” as they will have verifiable “abilities.” Trust your intuition.
Negative Manifestations of this Energy
–Using spiritual communications and influence to manipulate and control others (ie. claiming to have the ability to offer certain spiritual gifts abilities when one does not)
–Using spiritual perceptions to deceive others for personal gain
–Using magnetic energy to gain control over others by making people feel comfortable to reveal their own deep psychological patterns in order to gain control.
–Beware of the negative use of Mercury in Pisces this as the influence of Saturn through Pluto in Capricorn creates as “reap what is sown” energy for such misuses.
Ultimately, the energy of Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn offers the opportunity to take mystical and spiritual influences and apply them in a practical way to transform your life as well as the lives of others. Use this energy with compassion, empathy, care, and accountability.