Love & Finances Take A Turn for the Deep as Venus Transits Scorpio

From October 23 to November 14, love and finances take a turn for the deep as Venus, the planet of love and finances begins its transit through the sign of Scorpio. Now is a time when we desire people and relationships that are raw and authentic. Forming intimate bonds based on deep trust is key.
Likewise, this energy can move us into relational patterns that can be a bit obsessive at times. Manipulation and jealousy are likely under Venus in Scorpio energy. Continue to read on to find out how this Venus in Scorpio transit will impact your perspectives on love and finances.
The Venus in Scorpio Experience
Read More »This is also a transit where we are interested in going below the surface when it comes to love and finances. While the surface-level attractions draw us in, it is the Venus in Scorpio experience that wants us to scratch away to get something much deeper.
While it may seem a bit sadistic, the Venus in Scorpio experience wants to know not only what makes us happy, but also our deepest sorrows. It is through understanding a person on that deeper intimate level that we are able to form truly deep, unbreakable bonds that have the potential to offer us healing and transformation.
This energy also allows us to see the cold hard truth about our love and finances at this time. In some cases true to the nature of Scorpio energy, we may come upon some unearthing and very uncomfortable truths that we have to address so that we can be in and warm space to make a decision about whether or not we want to go deeper into the relationship or finally letting go for a higher good.
So Obsessed
The Venus in Scorpio experience wouldn’t be what it is without a bit of obsession. Scorpio is a type of energy that once they hone in on someone, want to know everything about that person. We will find that as Venus transits Scorpio those individuals who pique our interest are subject to our keen eye. We will want to know everything about them and we will notice everything about them. It’s as if we are able to see into the souls of others…and vice versa.
For some this experience is exhilarating, and it makes them feel as if they are finally being seen and known. However, for others, the Venus in Scorpio’s intense focus can be very uncomfortable and unnerving. This is especially true for those who prefer to keep things light and easy when it comes to relationships and love. Not everyone wants the experience of being seen, but Venus in Scorpio wants nothing less.
Jealous Much?
Venus in Scorpio is synonymous with jealousy. Why is this? Because once Venus in Scorpio becomes fixated on a person romantically, Scorpio simply doesn’t believe in sharing. To be quite honest, if Venus in Scorpio is sharing, they may not be as deeply interested as it appears. As Venus transits Scorpio, we may notice a tendency to be more jealous in relationships. For Venus is Scorpio, this is simply the way it is. Once this energy has decided that someone is their person, all others would be wise to stand back or experience Scorpio’s infamous stinger.
On the other hand, Venus in Scorpio also has us on high alert for any suspicious behavior on the behalf of current partners and prospective love interests. This is a good time to consider our jealousies in relationships and what prompts these feelings.
The Shallow Need Not Apply
Under the Venus in Scorpio transit, the light airy love experienced via Venus in Libra simply won’t satisfy. Now is the time to go beyond the façades of niceness and social pleasantries to get to the core of who we are in relationships. For the most part, Venus in Scorpio energy is not generally made for hookup culture. Forming those deep intimate bonds that allow us to feel comfortable enough to bare ourselves can’t happen with just anyone which is why this Venus in Scorpio has us interested in partners with substance.
For those who are already in relationships, Venus in Scorpio presents the opportunity to dive deeper into existing relationships and know ourselves and our partners in a more intimate manner. The Venus in Scorpio experience encourages us to connect with others on a deeply intimate level and get to know people for who they are beyond the initial shell and façade that is often presented during the “get to know you” stage of relationships.
Testing Season
One of the aspects of Venus in Scorpio is its tendency to test people to determine if someone is a viable long-term intimate partner. At this time, we may find we are more likely to pull back and allow people to reveal themselves to us before we enter into a relationship. For those who are already in relationships, this is the energy where we will be keenly aware of everything that our partners do in order to suss out whether or not they are as committed and interested in forming a deep intimate bond for the long term.
Scorpio is known to test the authenticity of others to determine whether someone is capable of bonding at an intimate level. Since Venus in Scorpio is only interested in deep intimate bonds that allow for healing and transformation, they understand the significance of properly vetting people before allowing them into their energy field at a deeper level.
While some may argue against the Venus in Scorpio testing, this is in many ways a defense mechanism that prevents entry to those who are not capable of reciprocal intimacy and bonding. Once a person has shown through their actions that they have the emotional capacity and fortitude for a deep, committed relationship that probes the depths of both parties, Venus in Scorpio energy is all in. But first, some testing is likely and to be expected.
Joint Financial Power
You can’t talk about Venus in Scorpio without mentioning the power of joint financial assets. Scorpio energy is well known for being able to suss out others who possess particular skills and resources that they can use for themselves. At its most positive expression, Venus in Scorpio energy is able to align itself with resourceful individuals where the combination of energies is able to produce more together than apart.
Venus in Scorpio is synonymous with Venus/Pluto energy in astrology, it is reminiscent of financial investors, inheritances, wills, royalties, and having access to credit. Venus in Scorpio is aware that its association with other resourceful powerful people is an asset.
Venus-Pluto energy can be quite complex to navigate when it is not managed for the empowerment of all parties. It is important that we be cognizant of how we use our own resources in order to be in relationships with others. It is also important that we are aware of how others use their resources in order to be in a relationship with us. Under the Venus in Scorpio transit, we could become more aware of the energetic exchanges that happen between people be it mental, emotional, physical, and even sexual due in order to acquire the resources desired.
It is also important to note that Venus in Scorpio energy as related to finances can range in its expression from the trust fund baby and sugar mamas, papas, and babies to the benevolent benefactor and investor. There is a leveraging of power and control when it comes to finances under Venus in Scorpio.
Being honest about the power dynamics around finances and resources is vital in determining who we choose to align ourselves with in order to acquire resources. Venus in Scorpio cautions us to choose our alignments wisely so that financial success is mutually beneficial as opposed to being a power-play where someone uses resources and finances as a form of control.
Ultimately, Venus in Scorpio gives us the opportunity to dive deep when it comes to relationships and finances. Seeking out the truth allows us to connect with individuals romantically and financially which can create transformative healing experiences in relationships and our financial security.