Being in control has its benefits, but it also can be quite annoying for those who have to experience it. You know those people who just have to have things their way. Perhaps you or someone you know is one of the control freaks of the zodiac. Read on to see if your zodiac sign makes the list.
Read More »Coming in at the number one spot for the control freaks of the zodiac is none other than Virgo. As an earth sign, Virgo wants practicality and order. They want to know that everything in their environment is functional and purposeful. So, there is this overwhelming need to organize and put things in their rightful place. This is fine when it comes to making sure the pantry is organized and/or keeping the environment clean. However, Virgo can be a bit overbearing with its pickiness and desire to compartmentalize everything.
Some would even say that Virgo is a bit obsessive-compulsive. Being ruled by Mercury, Virgo is a stickler for details. They notice flaws and imperfections making them hypercritical of themselves and others. Given that Virgo rules the sixth house of routines and everyday living, they are aware that it is the little things that impact overall health and well-being. Because of this, Virgo wants to make sure that their lives are in order. After all, it is hard to live a good, solid life when everything is a chaotic mess.
This desire for order can lead to Virgo’s infamous perfection. This can mean that they go above and beyond to achieve their own perception of perfection. Virgo’s desire for perfection doesn’t stop with them. They also project their perceptions of perfection onto others resulting in a desire to “fix” people.
From the pickiness to the criticisms to the desire for order, it is no wonder that Virgo is considered one of the control freaks of the zodiac.
Capricorn also makes the list as one of the most controlling zodiac signs. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of accountability, responsibility, and karma, Capricorn knows that there are rules and limitations to everything. These individuals make amazing bosses and managers because they have the maturity and responsibility to ensure that everything operates in an efficient manner.
However, the desire to manage with an iron fist can make Capricorn a bit heavy to deal with. It’s like being micromanaged by an overbearing boss. Capricorn wants to achieve success and power, and they are willing to work hard to get it. This can make Capricorn appear quite power-hungry and only focused on those things that ensure success.
Likewise, because Capricorn is aware that to achieve success in life one has to have a plan, they are dedicated to taking action and moving forward avoiding anything that will knock them off of their trajectory. In order to maintain its path to success, Capricorn knows that it will only get what it has earned. It also knows that success won’t come easy. Limitations, struggles, and setbacks are simply part of the process. This can result in Capricorn controlling situations to ensure that nothing distracts them from their climb up the mountain.
The fiery sign of Aries can also be quite controlling. This is because Aries wants to be number one. Aries doesn’t want to check with others to determine what they should do. Unlike its opposite sign Libra who thrives off of relating and compromising, Aries doesn’t really want to know nor do they care about the other perspective. In fact, for many Aries, having to refer to others is an annoyance they would rather avoid.
The Aries archetype is the ram that uses its horns to forge ahead with force and passion. Aries doesn’t want anything to keep them from being the innovative pioneer that they are, and this can lead to being quite controlling in all areas of their lives. It’s as if Aries blocks out anything that challenges their path forward. It’s the type of control that is aligned with the desire to take “right action” for the self without the influence of others. The desire to live independently and on their own terms makes Aries a bit of a control freak.
It should come as no surprise that the fixed fire sign of Leo is one of the most controlling of the zodiac. The combination of fire and fixed energy makes for quite the steadfast individual. Leo is the king and queen of the zodiac, so they already have the sense of believing that they are the best. Since Leo considers themselves the best, by default their perspectives are placed above all others. The fixed nature of Leo combined with their self-oriented perspectives creates quite the controlling nature.
Leo is bossy, and they don’t want anyone telling them what to do. Even if they are given an idea or perspective, it is likely they will only integrate this information if they feel that it supports their esteemed status. Even then, Leo may not give credit to others for coming up with new perspectives because after all Leo is ruled by the sun. Everything revolves around them, so any insight has to come from them…even if it didn’t.
Leo’s controlling nature means that they won’t budge once they have decided on something. Combined with their fiery passionate nature, Leo wants to stand firm in the spotlight and make sure that they are perceived as the best. For these reasons, Leo can be quite controlling.
Scorpio is a control freak, but due to the nature of Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, most won’t see it on the surface. Scorpio prefers to operate on the undertow. They like to control from behind the scenes. The perfect analogy for this would be that of the puppet master. Scorpio is the fixed water sign, so when it comes to dealing with the world, Scorpio is on guard and quite protective. While Scorpio may appear to have a stoic, unreadable nature, don’t be fooled. They seek to gain control over their environment.
Due to the water element, Scorpio doesn’t show their intentions. Quite strategic and steadily ambitious, most people won’t know that Scorpio is vying for the top spot, and that’s exactly the way they like it.
Scorpio is infamous for its possessive, manipulative nature. In relationships, they can be extremely controlling, wanting their partners and friends to subscribe to their perspectives and maintain unwavering loyalty. When Scorpio does not get what it wants, it can be quite obsessive. If anything, Scorpio uses its emotional nature to exert control. Scorpio has the keen awareness that if you can control someone’s emotions, you can control them as a whole. It is for this reason that Scorpio is known for being quite manipulative in order to reach its aims.
Last but definitely not least is the controlling, fixed earth sign, Taurus. Much of the control associated with Taurus is related to their bullheaded stubbornness. Taurus has a fixed perspective and values that are not swayed by anyone. Even if there is incoming information that could be of value to Taurus, they will only accept it on their own terms. Taurus will stick to a particular perspective and viewpoint mainly because they don’t want to have to admit that someone else’s perspective is valid. Quite controlling indeed.
Due to its innate desire to build strong foundations, Taurus moves slowly. No one will make them move faster. Solid foundations can only be built with a certain level of surety. Thus, the steadfast, determined, steady nature that allows Taurus to build strong foundations is also what makes them quite controlling. Once Taurus has established its foundation, they aren’t likely to budge. They are very “stick-to-it” type of people who are simply not interested in shifting their values for others. It’s their way or no way, and this is why Taurus is a control freak.
There you have it. The most controlling signs of the zodiac. Did your zodiac sign make the list as a control freak? Hopefully, you’ve learned more about why some astrological signs just need to have control.