On July 1, 2022, we’re going to be really feeling it because Mars in Aries is squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto are heavy-hitting planets that you really don’t want to play with and given that there’s a square between them, we can expect a lot of power tripping and struggles. Mars is in its home sign of Aries making for fiery energy that’s willing to put up a fight.
Meanwhile, Pluto is currently transiting Capricorn insistent on placing limits and stipulations to forward movement. This is headstrong energy where neither party will want to back down. It’s important to use this energy in a productive manner if possible. Even if you aren’t the type to get into power struggles with others, it doesn’t mean that people won’t want to do so with you, unfortunately. One important factor to remember is that how we act, which is ruled by Mars, is always upon us. So, we do have a choice as to whether or not we get ourselves caught up in the power struggle or if we choose to take the higher road.
Fighting for the #1 Spot
With Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, anyone that is in a competitive environment right now is going to really feel it…and not in the best way. Mars in Aries wants to be number one no matter what! Both personally and collectively, there’s this desire to prove that we are the best. With the square to Pluto in Capricorn, we could encounter people, especially those in positions of authority, who push back on our declaration of being the best. This will result in some tense energies between parties.
In fact, with Mars in Aries highlighted, it is quite possible for us to become quite aggressive if we feel like our goals and ambitions are being blocked by others. Even if we are not the type to get into arguments and battles, this doesn’t mean that others won’t view us as a competitive threat to beat at all costs.
Under this energy, we may want to really consider whether or not it’s worth staking claim to the number one spot if it is just going to cause combativeness and aggressiveness from ourselves as well as others. It is possible to gain personal power without having to engage in external battles with others.
Power Struggles Are Likely
Mars square Pluto especially in cardinal action-oriented signs such as Aries and Capricorn produces power struggles where both parties are willing to take action in order to get what they want. This is likely to create friction where everyone wants to do what they want, and no one wants to compromise. This unwillingness to compromise no matter what makes the Mars square Pluto combination quite volatile and dangerous because it’s like having two forces going headfirst into each other testing to see who can beat the other.
A great example of this is a car accident that is caused by two individuals who don’t want to stop. Both drivers the rules of the road, but they are more caught up in ego and the desire to get their way so they go against their any better judgment and end up in an accident.
The power struggles are likely to be in positions where we deal with those with status and authority, and/or anyone whom we may feel has more power and control than us or vice versa.
Controlling to the Max
Pluto in Capricorn in and of itself can be quite controlling when this energy is not operating at its highest. The Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn transit can create situations where people are using status and positions of power to control others.
If we were dealing with passive energy, perhaps this would be experienced differently, but, Mars in Aries is not going to stand by and allow anyone to boss it around. So, whether we are on the receiving end of being bossed around or the one holding power, control, and status over someone else’s head, neither party is going to take it lightly.
Under this energy, any attempts to control other people will likely be met with opposition, and with the energy of Mars in Aries, some may even resort to physical altercations to usurp the unwanted control.
Doing Anything to Get Ahead
Unfortunately, the energy of Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn can produce situations where people are willing to do just about anything to get ahead…even if it means stepping over other people. There’s plenty of motivation to do just that with Mars in Aries being in its native sign and wanting to be in the head spot. There is more than enough impetus to use whatever force is necessary to get to that number one spot.
On the opposite side, there is Pluto in Capricorn which may want to protect its lofty status and control from anyone that may want to threaten its position. This can result in doing some very manipulative and underhanded things in a practical, planned manner.
Channeling this Tense Energy
When it comes to Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn aspect, there’s not much we can really do about what other people do. However, we do have control over ourselves and how we react to this volatile energy.
One of the best ways to deal with this energy is to avoid being overly aggressive and threatening others. This is especially true for those who are already in positions of power as it is important for these individuals to be aware of how they use their power and control to subdue others at this time.
A productive way to utilize the tense energy of Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn is to focus on our own ambitions at this time. Mars energy requires action and so does the energy of Aries and Capricorn. However, it is how we take action that matters most.
Staying focused on our own personal goals empowers us while providing foresight into our path forward. Even if we should meet up with individuals who what to compete and/or challenge us at this time, we don’t have to engage in this behavior. Let them have it! Instead, let’s use the tense energy of Mars square Pluto as a motivating factor to focus on what is most valuable to us, and just let everyone else act out in the manner in which they choose.
Oftentimes the best competition is being an even better version of ourselves instead of trying to compete with and gain power over others.