
Mental Frustration with Mercury in Taurus Square Saturn in Aquarius

On April 24th, tense energy with transiting Mercury in Taurus squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius. In general, Saturn squares are generally quite frustrating because it feels as if there is a blockage and/or delay of some sort. In this case, Saturn in Aquarius squares off with the ruler of the mental plane and communication Mercury in the sign of Taurus to produce frustration related to communication, perspectives, thoughts, and processing of information.

Despite the tense energies, Saturn’s presence always offers a lesson of some sort once we are able to get past the difficulties, and that lesson will be connected to how we think. Mercury in the sign of Taurus could create challenges related to stubbornness and an unwillingness to budge in perception. Read on to learn more about the impact of Mercury in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius.

When Saturn Connects with Mercury

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