Let’s face it. Gas prices are pretty steep right now. Many of us are looking for ways to reduce our gas expenses because despite the high gas prices, life goes on, and we still have to get around. So, here are some light-hearted suggestions for how the zodiac signs save gas. Remember everyone, this is all in fun to take the edge off the skyrocketing gas prices that will hopefully get back to normal sometime soon.
When it comes to saving gas, you air signs are likely to make this a socially conscious effort. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius enjoy the company of others anyhow, so, why not make saving gas a group effort? Since you are well-connected socially, perhaps everyone can carpool to reduce gas expenses. In this way, you get to socialize, and everybody gets their fair shot at reducing their gas expenses.
In general, you air signs like to keep things light and easy, but you will want to be compensated for gas. If someone doesn’t keep it fair, Gemini is likely to talk about you. Libra is likely to hold a passive-aggressive grudge because they feel some type of way but doesn’t want the confrontation. Aquarius, well, they just may simply do the unexpected and dip out of the group and make do on their own!
So, if you are conserving gas with the air signs make sure it’s FAIR and benefits everyone.
Paying Up & Penny Pinching with the Earth Signs
When it comes to the rising gas prices, the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn take the practical approach. These signs are not above penny-pinching in order to make sure that they have the funds to afford the gas that they need to get around. The only thing is if you expect to catch a ride with one of the earth signs, get ready to put out some money because money talks, and gas is not cheap!
Now, most people will say well…that’s everyone right now, but the earth signs are grounded and practical about how they handle money including what they spend. So, it makes sense for them to request financial assistance. Why would you agree to hitch a ride with the earth signs and not offer to share the expense of paying for the expensive gas that we all know about?
Typically, Taurus we’ll try to keep things nice about the gas, but you will only ride with them so many times without helping with the gas before they decide to no longer have you as a rider without some type of financial compensation. Virgo is likely to request financial assistance for gas upfront because they have to stick to a budget, and driving you around burns up the gas they had planned for themselves.
Capricorn is a realist, and they understand that what goes up must come down. High gas prices are just a part of life. They will likely have a mature conversation about how gas prices are rising, and you are welcome to hitch a ride as long as you are willing to contribute to buying gas.
Oh! And be prepared to drive around for the lowest gas prices. The earth signs want the gas at the best value.
I’ll Spare a Ride…But Don’t Take Advantage with the Water Signs
When it comes to the water signs, these individuals tend to lead with their feelings, but that does not mean that you’re going to get over them when it comes to these high gas prices! The water signs may feel bad for you and give you a ride, but even you have your limits. Cancer and Pisces, in particular, tend to lead with their hearts and emotions, so they’re willing to let people ride every now and then without pitching in for the expensive gas.
But don’t take Cancer or Pisces for granted. When Cancer gets fed up with not getting help with the gas, they may get emotional…either crying or getting angry because you won’t help fill up the tank…Cancer may even try to guilt-trip you about “all they have done for you.”
If Pisces gets the impression that someone is taking advantage of them, which can happen a lot actually, you simply won’t show up to pick up the person that repeatedly wants a ride despite the obviously high gas prices. Pisces figures we all can see how high the gas prices are…Why would you try to take advantage of me like that?
The ever cunning Scorpio, will sit back and let people hang themselves. Once you have determined that you are being taken advantage of in regards to gas consumption, it depends on what type of Scorpio you are. Some of you may decide to stop by a gas station on the way to a location of the person’s choice and suggest that they pitch in for the expensive gas.
If they don’t, you may pull out your stinger and leave them at the gas station. You figure there is always public transportation and drive share. After all, you are a Scorpio, and you don’t take too well to people getting over you.
Chip In or Keep it Moving with the Fire Signs
The best way for the fire signs to save money on gas is to slow down! There is this belief that the more you accelerate, the more gas you use. If this is in fact the case, then fire signs could do well to hit cruise. This is going to be hard, especially for you Aries since you want to get to your destination yesterday.
When it comes to saving gas, the fire signs respond differently. Not one to beat around the bush, Aries, you are likely to get upset and say something directly about the lack of help with gas. “Since you want the ride, you should help get to where you want to go,” says Aries. Try Aries too many times regarding gas, and you will jump in your Little Red Corvette and speed off.
Leo, these are the queens and kings of the zodiac, and you are probably not the type to openly complain about gas prices because you are royalty after all. However, don’t get it twisted, Leo is experiencing the crunch of gas prices just like everyone else.
Plus, Leo, you have to buy premium gas for your luxury vehicles. If Leo is generous enough to extend a ride from the goodness of your heart, you don’t understand why someone wouldn’t offer to help with this expensive gas. Even if you don’t say something, Leo you will remember the generosity or lack thereof in the future. There’s one thing that Leo can’t stand is a stingy, cheapskate. No more rides for them.
As far as Sagittarius is concerned, these are the people who are born into an abundance, so you won’t mind giving a ride here or there…despite the high gas prices. However, don’t take Sagittarius for a fool. You are as blunt as they come, and you have no problem asking for gas money straight and to the point! Now, this may seem a bit brash, direct, and forward, but Sagittarius doesn’t know any other way to be.
This is a little fun analysis of how the astrology signs would deal with high gas prices. Remember everyone, it’s all in fun and just a way to laugh at the happenings of life.