One of the definitive traits of Pisces is its nebulousness. It’s that state of not really being sure… kind of like being in a fog. Let’s consider what it’s like to navigate through the fog. It can be quite tricky, and you have to move carefully to avoid crashing into something that you simply can’t see.
So, how does Pisces understand and move when things are not really what they may appear to be? Continue to read on to find out how Pisces navigates when things aren’t quite as they appear to be.
The State of Fog & Pisces
Read More »When taking astrology into account, air energy is connected to the use of words via communication while water energy goes beyond words. In fact, Pisces is a sign of nonverbal communication. In many ways, while words can offer clarity they can also create barriers in reaching everyone because everyone does not speak the same language.
So, Pisces will use non-verbal forms of communication that everyone can understand such as universal symbols such as a stop sign which is not limited by language.
However, where there is a state of fog, communication tends to be iffy. Things aren’t what they appear to be, and this is where Pisces must learn to navigate without the security of what is concrete. Foggy conditions are often found at sea because you have a large body of water and open air.
People who navigate the seas have to learn how to navigate through fog or know when to put down the anchor and wait for the fog to lift in order to get to a final destination.
Pisces, the Feeling Nature & Intuitive Guidance
The ability to navigate when things aren’t quite clear is connected to the feeling element. As a water sign, Pisces is well oriented to the emotional and spiritual realms just like their other water signs Cancer and Scorpio. For the water signs, vibes are very important. Feeling things out is how the water signs determine what is.
The Pisces intuition, when heeded, is, bar none, the best in the zodiac. However, Pisces must listen to their intuition. In a world where facts are highly regarded, there are times when Pisces doubts their internal antenna. Unfortunately, there are many Pisces with a story of regret caused by not listening to their very powerful intuition.
It’s important to remember that even facts can be manipulated. Even words can be spun into untruths. It is through intuition Pisces is able to tune into energy to get to the true intentions even when things are being manipulated and or are not what they seem to be. The intuition must be followed as it is Pisces’ guide when all the other detectors are down.
Reading Energy
The ability to read energy is very important when navigating situations where things are unclear. The reason reading of energy is so vital is because energy is universal, and it does not lie. Reading energy helps to determine what is and what is not.
Given that Pisces is the empath of the zodiac and tuned into everything, the ability to read energy allows Pisces to see through the fog of confusion and understand what something really is or is not. For example, the energy of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Those that take things at face value only see the sheep and are deceived.
However, those who have the ability to read energy are able to pick up the discrepancies between what is presented and what something truly is.
When Unsure…Pull Over…or Recede
In general, we live in a world where we are told to keep moving forward no matter what. However, sometimes it’s best to just stop, pull over, and/or recede. Let’s take the example of fog again. It is unsafe to drive through fog if you are unsure of the path ahead, or you lack the proper lighting mechanisms on your vehicle to allow you to see properly to move forward.
Sometimes it’s best to pull over and wait for the fog to lift. Like the sailors encountering fog who decide to put down anchors to wait for the fog to lift. This is done with the understanding that it’s best to fall back and allow the skies the clear to have a clear path forward. The fog will eventually lift providing clarity and a clear path forward.
Pisces, as a water sign, is also able to recede. Some say this is cowardice; it is not. Sometimes it is best to fall back and allow people, places, and things to reveal themselves to us. This is especially true when I intuition Pink’s that all is not clear or right.
Puling over and/or receding prevents the calamity that could have been all because we decided to charge forward instead of following intuitive guidance.
Allowing the Guidance of “The Flow”
One of the unique features of Pisces is its ability to go with the flow with the trust that it will get to the place that is best for them. The use of energy reading and intuition allows Pisces to move in conditions that would break or confuse others.
Because Pisces understands that sometimes things aren’t always what they appear to be, it is important that they rely on intuition to get to the truth. Also, sometimes being held off or blocked is a blessing in disguise. Everything happens for a reason. The significance of divine timing and circumstance is vital in successfully navigating through fog, confusion, and uncertainty.
So, if you are ever in a situation where things just don’t seem right and you can’t put all the pieces together, you may want to consider the navigation of the Piscean. Taking a step back and allowing things to reveal themselves while also going with the flow may help reveal things in due time.
In due time is the “right” time, and it may not necessarily be when we want it. It is for this reason that sometimes it’s best not to go too fast or too slow but to just go with the flow.
Ultimately, Pisces navigates through the fog through its feeling nature, intuition, and knowing when and when not to move. The flow is the way of Pisces.