Value Systems and Self-Expression: Venus in Virgo Trine Uranus in Taurus

Venus and Taurus are luxurious and self-loving, Virgo is critical and healing, Uranus is fiercely independent and visionary. How do these concepts of astrology balance together to create a horoscope of opportunity for your growth?
Venus, known as Aphrodite in the Roman pantheon, is the goddess of love–but in astrology her metaphorical representation does not stop there. Venus holds dominion over all personal value systems, from finances and individual value of money to self worth and personal style to aesthetics and romantic relationships. These powerful concepts are a large part of the foundations of how we structure our lives, how we express ourselves, who we associate with, and how we associate with them.
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With that in mind, the upcoming transit of Venus into Virgo offers the opportunity to examine the amount of criticism you pile on yourself. Do you have a balance in practice between constructive self analysis and unconditional self-acceptance? It may not seem like it, but the two actually go hand in hand. You wont feel nearly as attached to all the conditions you set on when you can experience the glory of yourself if you let your feelings come–and pass–naturally. And letting them pass is essential to understanding where those feelings come from, and what patterns they illuminate.
Abundance is also a theme here–more specifically the belief that abundance is rooted in reward rather than surrender. There are a lot of ideas floating around the internet about abundance and material wealth and what is signifies–this confusion is part of the package. Surrender is also a term that signifies detachment: detachment from the conditions you place on when and how you are allowed to experience the beauty of the world, the love of yourself and those around you, and enjoyment of the life you are constructing for yourself with or without a partner. Surrender is ultimately a word for the realization that you have “permission” to experience your essence at all times–and not just when things are going your way.
Remember, Virgo isn’t just the sign of criticism–it’s also the sign of giving and healing. Each sign has an apparent duality which resolves itself through an acceptance of the coexistence of both concepts. Generosity of spirit and the ability to see where that spirit can be released from the microcosm of negative thought patterns coexist, because experiencing that generosity (surrender, abundance, unconditional love, whatever you prefer to call it), however fleeting, is how you realize that there was something holding it back in the first place.
So how does all this line up with Uranus in Taurus? The first thing to know is that trines are aspects that are considered harmonious–meaning that the meshing of these concepts are harmonious ones. Think of chocolate, for example. Vanilla and caramel are flavors that “trine” chocolate. Harmonious, widely appealing; flavors that compliment each other by blending together. The same can be said of a sextile, which in this example would be orange or strawberry; something that compliments well and supports the base flavor of chocolate without any contrast or surprise.
A square aspect, then, would be a sharp or hard contrast to the base flavor–say, for example, chili or salt. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it enhances and adds contrast at the same time; heightening your senses and awareness through that sharp contrast. Squares are action oriented and often fiery, with some tension–just enough to raise your awareness.
Oppositions would be like chocolate and onions. All you can say about that is that you will have a heightened appreciation for chocolate that doesn’t have onions–and onions that don’t have chocolate. Oppositions is about mirroring the other, and it isn’t always easy. Learning about one thing by learning about its opposite can be incredibly helpful, though, especially in relationships.
Uranus in Taurus is the trine in question, so let’s have a look at what the signifies. Uranus is a slow-moving planet whose effects are generational. Uranus is a very big-picture sort of planet: idealism and a revolutionary spirit abound, as does technological progress, leadership, and individuality. A Uranus transit will bring up independence and self-sustainability as well–always for the benefit of the group. Uranus being so slow-moving will affect many people at once, and this is the nature of the group-consciousness that Uranus is all about. So how to individuality and group consciousness go together? This is the duality of Uranus; a metaphor for the way we can all be both individuals and a part of something greater than ourselves at the same time. Letting these two apparent dualities coexist is the key to learning the most from Uranus. Uranus is all about the balance between the individual and the group–which touches on that point earlier about the value system of self worth we were talking about earlier.
Taurus is a sign that has everything to do with Venus; so imagine our previous interpretation of Venus–only not as a planet but as a house in which Venus lives. This gives you an idea of the sign of Taurus. However, it is Uranus who has come to house-sit for Venus this time. The agreement is mutual, the trine is harmonious, and now all that is left to be said is how Uranus feels house-sitting for her lovely friend.
How does the spirit of independence feel in a house full of beautiful things? The potential of self expression comes to mind. You begin to get ideas on how to better express your individuality through clothes, through visual changes like new hair, new piercing, new style—through dance, through art—the possibilities are limitless. You may feel the urge to go on a limb, to make a financial decision towards your own future security. You may ask yourself why on earth you haven’t opened a retirement account yet, or feel that the time is right to start saving for your children. For the benefit of the group also means for the benefit of your descendants as well. Progress is measured through generations, especially with planets like Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.
You may be looking at the big picture of whether you are really expressing who you are as a person, or whether you are simply expressing an image you feel comfortable presenting to people. Uranus–and its corresponding sign of Aquarius–is not afraid to be different, and anybody who needs to upend the badly constructed tower of a poor self image will need some of that energy in order to brave enough to break out of a toxic comfort zone. Or you may just feel like basking in your own unique individuality. Sometimes finding a new song is enough; sometimes you will feel inspired to wear a new combination of clothes you’ve had for years but never put together.
So, to recap, this transit is all about the individuality of self expression and the way your self-worth is funded. You have the opportunity to understand more deeply the co-existence of apparent dualities like criticism and healing, independence and the collective, and money and self-worth. Self expression is a facet of self worth, and what you communicate is your currency–so make sure that what you’re saving up for is what you actually want!