New Year New You – Workout Goals With Tips To Get In Shape

It’s the new year and a chance for a new start. Getting your fitness up a notch for 2020 is certainly a worthwhile goal, no matter how much you improve. A little healthier is certainly better than where you’re at.
So what would you want your shape to be by the end of 2020?
Read More »Let’s talk about your improved getting-in-shape goal setting. Then let’s talk about some tips to making it happen, putting you well ahead of many.
Fitness & Health Goal Setting
Goal setting is something that everyone’s doing and you wonder how many of them last throughout the year. Most people fizzle out by the start of the second quarter.
Let’s work on making this resolution stick this time.
Set Goals on Your Process
Most people set goals to reach an “event”. We’re talking about losing 10 lbs by the end of the year, or being able to lose 5 inches off their waistline in 6 months or being able to do 100 push-ups by their birthday. Those are events.
And do you know what’s common in all these events?
They are not just ambitious goals; they can eventually suck your soul dry.
Let me show you how to put together a workable goal.
Set goals on your process, not on realizing the event.
Think about it. What’s the process you’ll have to take to realize those event goals like losing 10 lbs or losing 5 inches or 100 push-ups?
You’ll have to workout weekly if not daily. You’ll have to change your diet. You’ll have to dedicate time to it.
That’s your process.
That’s exactly where you need to set your goals.
Set a goal on making sure you get to bed by nine so you can wake up at five the next morning. Set a goal of working out four times a week. Set a goal on drinking a glass of water every morning right after you get up.
If you set goals on your process, you’ll find you’ve got the habit to realize those 10 lb weight loss, 5 inches less of the waistline or 100 push-ups by the end of 2020.
Tips To Get In Shape
Set Your Gear Ready
One of the best ways to build a habit and a routine is to make it easier for you to take the necessary action.
It’s important because it makes it easier for you to say yes to building a healthy habit, especially when its hard to do it. Setting your gear ready removes any more decision process. Make the process easy for you to say yes to health.
Set your workout gear ready for the following morning.
Give Yourself A Set Time
Do you know what commitment means? It means you’ve made a decision of action at a certain time. You’re cutting yourself off from any other possible activity in order to realize this action. You’re making this decision because you believe in your heart it will improve your life.
It means you’re not going to continue sleeping, you’re not going to check on your email, you’re not going to talk to friends. It means you’re not going to do anything other than your exercise activity at that committed time.
If you do that, you’d have built not just a habit, but a new character.
Decide What You Will Do When It’s Not Convenient
One way to help you make sure you protect this new commitment is to be ready when it’s not convenient or comfortable to do so.
What will you do when it rains or snows outside? What if a friend or family invites you to go out? What if work comes up?
Thinking through what you’ll do to protect your exercise time will go a long way.
Aim On Consistency Over Intensity
If you want to guarantee you’ll be at a higher physical level by the end of 2020, aim at consistency, not intensity.
It can be tempting to want to reach an ambitious goal. However, what will help you stay fit for the rest of your life is building your exercise habit, a routine that gives you this new healthy lifestyle.
It’s the habit you build that will ultimately give you the body you want.
So, take these tips with you to whatever exercise activity you choose to realize your new you.