How You Attract What You Desire Based on Your Astro Sign

By now, I’m sure we’ve all heard of the law of attraction. It’s this pseudoscience where our thoughts, whether negative or positive, create our reality. If you are someone who believes in the law of attraction, consider how it may apply to you based on your astrology sign. Contrary to popular belief not everyone incorporates the law of attraction in the same way. Thus, here is an overview of how each zodiac sign leverages the law of attraction in their lives.
As a fire sign, Aries likes to move forward, and it really doesn’t enjoy being stagnant at all. The best way for this particular zodiac sign to leverage the law of attraction in a positive way is to think positive thoughts while still moving forward. While some people are content with just thinking good thoughts and visualization, Aries needs more than that. This is a sign that wants to get things done NOW. There may even be some competition with the self about how quickly it can manifest into its life through the power of the mind. So, when it comes to the law of attraction for an Aries, sure it’s great to have a visualization board and to think positive thoughts, but those thoughts must be backed with action. Aries wouldn’t have it any other way.
When it comes to the law of attraction and Taurus, the slow and steady approach is the winner. As an earth sign, they enjoy what is concrete, so the positive thoughts have to be applied to the physical world. The best way for Taurus to maximize the law of attraction for itself is to think positive thoughts, create vision boards, journal, and do all of the other things that are commonly associated with all the law of attraction while also building slowly. For example, if Taurus creates a vision board showcasing a new car that is desired by the end of the year, then Taurus can make sure those visualizations come true by working slowly to save for the new car. It is through slow and steady building that the Taurus maximizes the benefits of the law of attraction.
Given that Gemini is a mental, airy sign, they have an understanding of how thoughts impact their reality. Where Gemini may have some issues is really thinking about what they want and applying the law of attraction directly. Everyone knows that Gemini can be scatterbrained at times. They have numerous hobbies and interests, and they’re always seeking out new information. While this is a positive trait in general, when it comes to the law of attraction, the positive mind frame could use some clarification when connected with Gemini. Once Gemini finally clarifies for itself how it wants to direct its thoughts in a positive manner to affect its environment, there’s no stopping them! Thus, Gemini needs clarity. One of the best ways for Gemini to hone in on what they want is through journaling. This is an excellent way for Gemini to gather its various ideas, hopes, wishes, and positive affirmations in order to achieve what it wants.
For Cancer, the emotional realm can have a deep impact on their experience of the law of attraction. Cancer can be very moody which can impact their mental state. It is important for them to understand the variances that are associated with their moods as this will help them understand why they are thinking in the manner in which they are. Getting a handle on the emotional realm allows Cancer to understand why they have the thoughts that they’re having at the moment that they’re having them. Let’s face it, not all thoughts are going to be positive all the time. However, Cancer still has the ability to hold the positive energy of the law of attraction by thoroughly assessing its emotional state and making the best of those moments when they are feeling at their best. Likewise, Cancer may want to combine positive thinking with their empathy to enhance the effect of positive thinking in their lives. Also, since Cancer is ruled by the moon, they may be interested in learning more about manifestation using the lunar cycles alongside the law of attraction.
In general, Leo is pretty confident which generally helps when it comes to the law of attraction. Since Leo knows and feels and it is the best, it expects the best. One would think that Leo has his whole law of attraction thing down pat. Right? Well, what Leo does have to watch out for is letting its pride and ego get in the way. The law of attraction is about using a positive mindset to attract to use what is desired. If Leo can focus on what they want for themselves instead of getting caught up in competing with other people, one-upping others, trying to be better, etc. then they can harness their confidence and with the power of positive thinking, channel all of that energy into becoming the best version of themselves. The confidence is there for Leo, they just have to channel it in a way that connects to the mind and ultimately edifies their positive thoughts to produce positive life experiences.
Virgo is a very analytical sign that is always looking at the details. It is also a sign that is very focused on self-improvement, so this is the one sign that may be fully versed in the concept of the law of attraction. Because Virgo is constantly in pursuit of the perfection of the self, it can be very critical towards itself and others. Since thoughts are what fuel the law of attraction, and it is important that Virgo understand how being critical of the self and of others can have an impact on what it attracts into its life. If there’s any sign that can really understand the importance of analysis and how it impacts energy, Virgo definitely has a grasp on this. It just takes an understanding that the pursuit of self-improvement and betterment of others is fine, but it is the mindset associated with these concepts that will ultimately determine what Virgo attracts into his life.
For Libra, if they want to maximize the law of attraction, it must be clear about their indecisiveness. Because Libra is always wavering between choices and sees all sides, sometimes they can have a hard time focusing on what they want. In some instances, Libras end up talking themselves in and out of what they desire due to a fear of missing out. This creates an energy of uncertainty which is what Libra may end up attracting into their lives. Also, it is important for Libra to be cognizant of its focus on keeping everything nice all the time. While the whole concept of the law of attraction is to harness the energy of a positive mindset, it is important that Libra is honest about how it feels as there is sometimes a tendency to put on a facade of niceness. Since energy doesn’t lie, Libra may present as happy, but the mind is thinking something else, and so Libra gets what the mind is focused on.
For Scorpio, there’s an innate understanding that they are able to attract what they need when they need it. This sign is incredibly magnetic and attractive, and by attractive, this is not about looks but rather the ability to use energy to draw in. Scorpio may want to consider how it can connect its creative or sexual energy to the mind. This is a very important link between the mental and the creative. Everything that we see was created on the mental plane before it became physical. Scorpio has the ability to utilize the power of attraction, creative energy, and the law of attraction in terms of the mental plane in order to create what it desires. What Scorpio will have to be aware of is that this is a powerful asset that can go either way, positive or negative. Thus, it is important for Scorpio to be very mindful of what it focuses on.
The ever-optimistic Sagittarius is already quite lucky. But, a little help from the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking is just a bonus. Because Sagittarius is usually focused on being buoyant and looking at the bright side of things, it has some advantages to making the law of attraction work at its fullest. What Sagittarius may want to focus on is actually having a focus and/or goal. In general, Sagittarius is free like the wild stallions that run with their hair blowing in the wind. Like the arrow that the archer shoots off, Sagittarius is more focused on the adventure itself as opposed to the destination. Once the arrow hits the air, Sagittarius doesn’t know where it will land, and they are quite fine with this. If Sagittarius is just seeking positive experiences with no definitive outcome, then all Sagittarius has to do is continue to be buoyant as the luck will come. However, if Sagittarius is focused on achieving something specific, it would do them well to consider how they can combine their already positive aura with their positive mindset and a definitive plan. This can help them take those positive thoughts and ideas and make them into something concrete.
With Capricorn, there’s an innate understanding that they have everything they need to achieve success as long as they are willing to put in the work. The only thing is that Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which can make the vibe a bit somber at times. Capricorn expects that things are going to be difficult. Because they have this expectation, remember the law of attraction, thoughts equal reality, thus for Capricorn, life is hard. Since Capricorn already has the motivation to achieve what it wants, boosting the mental state is encouraged. There’s nothing wrong with Capricorn being a hard worker. However, Capricorn can set itself up to expect the good things that it desires for itself…with ease. This does not mean that Capricorn won’t work hard. Working hard is simply what Capricorn does, and who they are. Capricorn has to make the mental adjustment that it will achieve what it wants readily by releasing the idea that everything has to be “hard knock” and difficult in order to be worthwhile.
The Uranus-ruled Aquarian has an electric mind that is deeply connected to the concept of the law of attraction. Because Aquarius is a mental sign, it understands the power of the mindset and how it impacts reality. Aquarius can make the most of the teachings of this concept by using its thought process to expand and illuminate its own experience while assisting others. It is important to remember that Aquarius is a fixed sign, so its mental state can get stuck…especially when it has decided that its way of doing things is right. Oftentimes for Aquarius, it will take that unexpected lightning bolt to shift its consciousness. This shift of consciousness can really help it use the energy of positive thinking to harness innovative energy that can assist everyone including themselves. Aquarius just needs to get out of its own way when it comes to dogmatic thinking and or believing that it is too ahead for its own good to learn anything new. Being fixed but open-minded is something that Aquarius may want to consider in order to maximize the law of attraction in his life.
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces has a very unique relationship with energy. This is the one sign that understands that everything is connected, and because of this, the state of one thing affects everything else. Nothing is separate although the world tries to make us believe that it is. Pisces is a very imaginative sign that has a very good grasp of the power of visualization. When Pisces centers itself and uses visualization and a positive mindset, it can genuinely bring manifest what it wants with ease. Pisces just has to make sure it’s not clouding its mind via escapist tendencies that actually hinder them from benefiting from the law of attraction. Escaping is not necessary if Pisces learns that its ability to visualize and think positively can help it change its experience. Some Pisces may choose to create a vision board, but many don’t. For them, it’s as simple as turning a dream into reality. Pisces has the connection to core energy, the ability to visualize, and the connectivity of the mind at its disposal to maximize the law of attraction for themselves.