Reconciling Force & Authority with Mars in Leo Opposite Saturn in Aquarius

On July 1, 2021, the planet of war, Mars, will sit opposite of the taskmaster, Saturn, presenting us with the struggles that come with wanting to take action but finding that we are limited in some way. Whenever Mars is put under pressure, there is this undeniable tension that is felt pervasively. Mars wants to take action, but with tense pressure from Saturn, the planet of limitations we are met with trying to reconcile our desire to move forward with obvious roadblocks.
These limitations are likely to make most of us quite frustrated, and we are likely to lash out in anger…if we don’t choose to channel these energies consciously. While it is easy to get angry under the Mars opposite Saturn energies, Saturn usually limits us for a reason. We are asked to consider seriously how we intend to move forward before taking action and to adopt patience while we develop an accountable, responsible method for taking action. Continue to read on to find out how to navigate this tense, uncomfortable energy.
General Overview of Mars in Opposition to Saturn
Read More »The planet Mars is named after the God of War. Mars doesn’t like anyone or anything blocking its path forward. Mars also doesn’t do all that well with being told what to do…unless it is from a higher-up that they have deep respect for…and only they can determine that for themselves. So, when Saturn, the authority figure of the zodiac, blocks Mars’ path forward with its limitations and expectations, Mars gets very angry, and they are likely to go to war for their innate right for progression.
To Mars, Saturn is an adversary. They are the opponent in a war that is keeping them from getting to where they want to be. So, Mars wants to fight, but remember…the opponent is Saturn. Saturn is way too mature to engage in battles and wars with Mars. Besides, Saturn is the manager and the one with all the control. So, what Saturn says goes, and under tense aspects like the square, Mars has to deal with its anger and frustration as a result of being put on hold by an external force. While Saturn may be in charge, this doesn’t mean that Mars is going to take these limitations without a fight. Thus, Mars and Saturn duke it out. Mars attacks and Saturn stands firm as a mountain choosing to not let Mars have its way. With this energy, the frustration is palpable.
How Mars Square Saturn Manifests in Reality
We will all experience this Mars square Saturn differently depending on where transiting Mars in Leo and transiting Saturn in Aquarius are located within our natal charts, and other supportive and/or unsupportive energies happening for us personally. However, the commonality for all of us is the feelings of anger, frustration, and limitations that this energy brings.
From the side of Mars, in some areas of life, we can feel pressure from being held back, and we are likely to want to lash out at others OR we could also experience being personally attacked at this time. Mars energy can be quite vicious and mean when it is ready for all-out war because the goal for Mars is to win…by any means necessary. The Martian side of ourselves may say, “No one is going to keep me from getting where I want to be,” and this declaration is fueled by anger and vitriol. Conflicts are likely at this time as some will feel the need to assert themselves via their Martian energy while others will feel compelled to protect themselves from the bullying, aggressiveness that comes from others who will assert their Martian energy in not so positive ways.
There is also the possibility that some people will not acknowledge their anger and frustration at all, and this is due to the influence of Saturn. Saturn has a way of making us feel that certain behaviors are inappropriate if they are not aligned with maturity, accountability, and responsibility. So, if Mars energy would have some of us irate and flying off the handle due to limitations and frustrations, Saturn could prompt some to deny their anger pushing it down out of the way. However, the anger is still there. It just isn’t being acknowledged which is rather unhealthy.
From the Saturn side, there is likely to be push back from authority figures and/or people that have power and control. So, consider the authority figures in our environments at this time. They could be parents (especially those with masculine energy), partners, bosses, law enforcement, teachers, etc. These are the entities that could create the blocks and limitations that rile up our feisty Mars energy.
Saturn also rules karma, so there could be a karmic element to the limitations that are experienced at this time. This is the reap of what you have sown energy manifesting as not being able to move forward due to past actions (Mars). Perhaps we moved (Mars) negatively against someone in the past in a malicious, mean-spirited manner, and now it is coming back as limitations in our own desire to move forward. Saturn with Mars aspected negatively could indicate payback for being physically, emotionally, psychologically, and even sexually abusive towards others. Likewise, we could also experience this same energy from others as we are stopped from moving forward by Saturn’s brick wall…all to make us accountable for how we have acted (Mars) in the past. Because Saturn is associated with karma, there could be a fated quality to the limitations that are experienced at this time. Even if we are upset, Saturn deems that the limitations that are experienced are necessary for some reason.
Also, with Saturn’s tense aspect with Mars, timing may be off at this time. Saturn is the ruler of the physical world and the constraints of time. Sometimes we encounter blocks because we are not ready to move forward. We may think that we are ready and primed for action per our Mars, but Saturn shows up when we aren’t really ready. It is through sitting through our frustrations that we learn the lessons from Saturn about why the limitations were encountered so that we can make the necessary adjustments to move forward…when the time is right.
Navigating Mars/Saturn Oppositional Energy
While it may be innate to fight back to get our desires met under Mars opposition to Saturn energy, this usually doesn’t work in our favor as Saturn is the boss under this energetic influence. Whenever there is Saturn energy, there are lessons to learn…if we are aware enough to heed its guidance.
The anger that we are experiencing at this time must be acknowledged…in a responsible manner. It is immature (negative Mars expression) to lash out at others due to limitations…even if they are responsible for those blockages. Fighting now is not going to get us what we want, so finding a more mature, grounded approach to dealing with our anger is encouraged. Likewise, taking the negative Saturn route and suppressing anger is also not very healthy as this is avoidance of the issue and can lead to ill mental, emotional, and physical health.
Due to the Martian presence of this aspect, it is very important to release the frustration associated with this aspect in a physical way. Exercise is highly recommended to release the pent-up energy in a constructive manner. Consider any type of strenuous activity that allows for release such as a long workout…Boxing and martial arts are highly recommended for those of us who want to take out our anger on others…but know that we shouldn’t. These controlled forms of physical activity allow us to channel our forceful energies in ways that empower us as opposed to hurting ourselves and others.
The Saturnian energy of this aspect encourages us to understand that sometimes even though we think it is time to move forward (Mars), it is not…hence the blocks. Being angry (Mars) won’t change that there are limitations, so it is important to consider why these limitations have occurred. Essential Saturn elements may be missing which is why we have been blocked from action (Mars). Perhaps we are moving forward rashly without a solid plan which will only lead to possible issues. Perhaps we are not mature enough to handle whatever it is that we are going after…perhaps a new position that requires a certain level of expertise (Saturn) or a new relationship that is blocked because we are not mature enough to commit to the other…or maybe the other person is simply immature and the block is protecting us for future relationship troubles. The saying, “Rejection is protection” could apply at this time.
Through accepting the limitations that are happening and also accepting that we are angry as a result we can come to a place of acceptance that there is more needed to move forward at this time, and we simply don’t have what is necessary to take constructive action at this time. Saturn asks us to be patient, and develop self-discipline so that when the limitations are lifted we can take actions that are truly beneficial for us as opposed to simply acting out of rashness. Channel your anger into self-discipline to navigate Mars square Saturn energy advantageously.