These Four Asteroid ‘Aunties’ Spill the Tea on Life, Love and Happiness

In astrology, our main focus is on the sun, planets and signs of the zodiac. These solar bodies paint the broad strokes of our personalities and offer us general predictions of the future. However, there are smaller members of the solar system that help us fill in the more nuanced details of our horoscope, the asteroids. Although there are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt, the first four identified and interpreted in astrology are Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Ceres.
Are you wondering if your partner is marriage material or what career you should pursue? Consider these ladies like your aunties that have all the right answers (and now we have them too). Read on to find out how the main four asteroids got their name and what they can tell you about your heart and mind!
Ceres – Nuturance
Read More »Even though Ceres is best known to represent a parent/child relationship, the asteroid spans much farther than that singular area. Ceres helps to define our love language and helps to define how we respond to the loss of love, whether a breakup, physical distance or even death. Lastly, Ceres helps us to identify how to best care for ourselves; what we should be doing to reach the best physical, emotional and spiritual shape of our lives.
Ceres in the Houses:
Aries: Shares affection through joint activities and encouragement.
Taurus: Prefers physical touch, gifts or food as signs of affection.
Gemini: Nurtures through communication and sharing knowledge.
Cancer: Shares affection through physical touch and acts of service around the house.
Leo: Feels nurtured by receiving attention and admiration.
Virgo: Shares affection through acts of service and sharing ‘constructive’ feedback.
Libra: Appreciates small but thoughtful gifts or actions.
Scorpio: Shows love through physical touch; for a romantic relationship, they feel nurtured through an active sex life.
Sagittarius: Feels nurtured through shared experiences and growth.
Capricorn: Feels nurtured through a consistent routine; for parents, enforcing structure and discipline can be a way of showing affection
Aquarius: Experiences affection through shared acts of service and words of acceptance or support.
Pisces: Shares affection through creativity and quality time spent in nature.
Juno – Commitment
Although Juno provides us insights related to how we will find our future spouse and what characteristics they will have, the origin story of this asteroid is far from romantic. Juno is linked with Hera in Greek mythology, the wife of the mighty Zeus. The problem is that Zeus was the original player, cheating on Hera with just about anyone, or anything, he came across. As a result, Hera became increasingly jealous, resentful and vindictive.
Perhaps as a result of her mistreatment, this goddess became a protector and advocate for women and marriage. In Juno’s placement in our chart, the goddess gives us insight into the type of partner we need in a successful long-term relationship. She also helps us better understand our own motivations for entering into a relationship and the wounds that may hold us back.
Juno in the Houses:
Aries: Best paired with someone that shares similar qualities and interests. Your ideal partner should support your independence, motivate you and fight for your best interests.
Taurus: Needs a partner that can provide emotional and financial stability. For a long-term relationship to work, your partner needs to be loyal and trustworthy above all else.
Gemini: Craves active communication and humor. You need a partner that defies routine and keeps things interesting, no matter how many years (or decades) you’ve been together.
Cancer: Ideal partner is open to sharing their deepest emotions and truly understands yours. Your perfect match is encouraging, affectionate and prioritizes their family.
Leo: The perfect partner is passionate and romantic, showering you with affection. This person isn’t afraid to proclaim their love publicly and make you their top priority.
Virgo: Your ideal partner is willing to do anything to bring the two of you closer to your long-term goals. This hard worker gives you your space and makes your time together memorable through small, thoughtful gestures
Libra: Needs a partnership based on selfless devotion and romance. Though you may be very different from each other, they treat you like a queen or king and prefer to spend most of their time by your side.
Scorpio: Your ideal partner has an emotional and physical connection with you that is passionate and intense. They don’t share their emotions broadly; these secret feelings and desires are shared only between the two of you and are fiercely protected.
Sagittarius: The perfect partner gives you space but is flexible enough to join you on your latest adventure. You typically pair best with someone older or with a wealth of experiences and knowledge to share.
Capricorn: Your ideal match doesn’t play games. They know what they want in a relationship and are willing to partner with you to constantly improve your connection.
Aquarius: You need a partner that respects your unique perspective and doesn’t take life too seriously. While you may be very different from each other in your backgrounds or opinions, they accept and support every part of you.
Pisces: When you meet your future partner, there may be a feeling that you’ve already known each other for years. This person gives you your freedom but is always available when you need support. They are positive dreamers and enjoy active and open communication.
Pallas – Wisdom
Different from Zeus’ other children, Pallas (also known as Pallas Athena) was born from the god himself, leaping out of a wound in his head. With strength and wit, Pallas is known in Greek mythology as the goddess of wisdom and warfare. Unlike Aries, the god of war, Pallas uses her wisdom to develop tactics and strategy instead of relying on brute strength. In astrology, we look to Pallas to understand the way that we approach challenges in our lives and how we each use our own creative and intellectual strengths to defeat any obstacles in our way.
Pallas in the Houses:
Aries: You come up with your best ideas quickly and under pressure. Trust your gut!
Taurus: You solve problems methodically, often using patterns and proven, historic examples to determine what will, or won’t, work.
Gemini: You utilize your creativity to attack a problem from every angle, often identifying options that others aren’t able to see.
Cancer: You use emotional intelligence and your powers of negotiation to find a solution where everyone wins.
Leo: You call on your natural charisma to influence others to see your point of view and join your cause.
Virgo: You dive into the details to understand the root cause(s) of the problem and devise a foolproof plan to not only solve your issues this time but also, prevent them from ever happening again.
Libra: You are the jury in your own courthouse, analyzing every side of the story or situation before identifying the solution you feel is most fair to everyone involved.
Scorpio: You have a unique ability to see past deception and illusion to identify the true cause and necessary solution to even the most mysterious of problems.
Sagittarius: You can see the larger picture to solve your problems, while others are too caught up in minor details.
Capricorn: You’re playing chess, not checkers; by becoming an expert in the rules of the game, you’re able to execute a foolproof strategy for domination.
Aquarius: You use creativity to devise solutions that don’t follow historic norms but work nonetheless.
Pisces: You find the solutions to your problems in your unconscious mind. Rather than follow your initial reaction, you need peace and space to receive guidance from your inner voice.
Vesta – Devotion
In mythology, Vesta (or Hestia in Greek culture) was the daughter of the god of time. While her sisters traveled the world, Vesta chose to tend to the home and hearth (fire). In ancient Rome, she was worshipped by the Vestal virgins who devoted their lives to watching the sacred fire at Vesta’s temple. The legend was that Rome would be safe, as long as this fire continued to burn.
In astrology, Vesta points us toward the activities and beliefs that we hold most important. Linked to her father, we interpret these as the areas of our lives where we choose to spend our time, whether a lifetime of dedication or the free time that we have. Like Vesta’s fire, these passions are a fuel that we need to keep our inner light burning.
Vesta in the Houses:
Aries: You’re devoted to continuous self-improvement.
Taurus: You’re devoted to creating stability.
Gemini: You’re dedicated to learning through education and experience.
Cancer: You’re devoted to home and family.
Leo: You’re dedicated to the pursuit of fun and pleasure.
Virgo: Your focus is on your work and physical health.
Libra: You’re devoted to the pursuit of justice and equality.
Scorpio: You’re devoted to uncovering internal and external truths.
Sagittarius: Your dedication is to defining and upholding your belief system.
Capricorn: Your focus is on achieving professional success.
Aquarius: You are devoted to serving others through charity work.
Pisces: You are dedicated to spiritual development.