Are you new to the world of podcast or looking to get your next read for 2021? Podcasts vary in size from short to long listens. Short podcasts range from a five minute listen to twenty minute listen while long podcasts can be more than two hours long. If you are the type of person who is not into radio or television, then the article below will give you a list of 30 podcasts that are a good listen for 2021.
Here are some of the 30 podcasts to take a look at in 2021.
1. American fiasco:
Read More »2. The Argument
Now these podcast is a good listen for 2021. If you are in love with politics then the Argument is what you need to be listening. The podcast came to life during the Trump’s era. Every week the host bring burning topics that are different and timely giving you a chance to learn how the other team thinks about the said topic.
3. Bear brook
Bear brooks take keen interest for cases aged before 1985. The podcast is for people who are thrilled in solving cases. The podcasts raises questions to their listeners on what they agree to when they upload their DNA on public database. The podcast came to life when police found dead bodies in the park and used the DNA data on the database.
4. Beautiful stories from anonymous people
The podcast concentrates on interviewing unidentified guests that share their life experiences. Their experiences can be on any topic and the interviewer Chris Gethard giving the guest the chance to express themselves. The show took a drastic change and became famous when a mass shooting survivor shared her experience.
5. Believed
The podcast deals with news and politics. The podcast are triggered to the role of one monster called Larry Nassar a gymnastic and a doctor who was sentenced to forty plus years in prison for sexual abuse. The podcast raises of how Larry got away with hurting many women and girls for a long time.
6. The big one
The podcast is meant to offer tips to California residents on the best way to pull out in time of crisis. The host Jacob interviews natural disaster survivors and scientists on what people should do when faced with natural disaster crisis.
7. The birth hour
People don’t talk about the reality associated with giving birth and what the phenomena does to the female body. Many women embark on the pregnancy journey without knowing anything concerning birth and the complications associated with it and how their bodies is meant to change. Bryn interview mothers on the experiences they had when giving birth.
8. Black men can’t jump in Hollywood
The podcast with the help of Jonathan the host and Jerah rank movies according to their representation on race. The topic can get serious since it focuses on the Oscars.
9. Bodies
The host Allison concentrates on examining how science has failed to treating women illnesses like menstrual cramps and problem associated with breastfeeding. The podcast can be listened by both men and women.
10. The lives of juvenile justice (caught)
Unlike many crime podcasts that concentrate on wrongly convicted fellas, caught deals with handful of underage criminals that were caught in the act. The convicted fellas are serving their sentence because of their race, home address and mainly because of bad luck.
11. Clearing
Clearing is a podcast that deals with true crime podcast. The show tend to mainly focus on the killer rather than the victim. If you want to unfold why murderers do the things they do listen to clearing hosted by reporter Josh.
12. Cocaine and rhinestomes
A lover of country music will be intrigued to listen to these podcast as the host Tyler is a lover of the song genre. He sometimes bring the topic on why certain song that dealt with drugs wer banned and why song of birth control still exist.
13. Code switch
The podcast deals with exploring the society and culture from a the side of race and ethnicity. The topics are personal and show the current phenomena in American beauty industry history.
14. Conan O Brien needs a friend
These is a late night show in the US that deals with Conan interviewing his guests with the aim of creating a bond with them that will turn around to friendship. The interviewer charms his guests by his weird charms.
15. Decoder ring
The show is aired monthly and concentrates on why people are so accepting of the culture they live in. the podcast is hosted by Paskin who drives contradictory thoughts from what the listeners believe.
16. Dolly patron’s America
The host Jad sort of campaigns for Dolly patron on her career in music and says that if you need to understand America at these difficult moment you need to analyze her universal appeal. She discusses topics such as abortion among other topics.
17. The dream
The podcast is of the genre in society. The podcast talks about how women try to make ends meet and some ways in which you can avoid being scammed by pyramid schemes.
18. The dropout
If you are looking for a perfect read for 2021, dropout is your go-to. The podcast talks of a soft spoken lady who was involved in scamming investors to investing in her business.
19. Everything is alive
Unlike other comedies tackled above in regards to comedy, everything is alive bring its listeners to a happy mood. Every episode is filled with humor and more jokes perfect for 2021.
20. Fiasco
The podcast helps its’ listeners relive the Busg-Gore elections in 2000. Leon breaks down the various factors that brought about the recount of 2000. A lover of past politics will find the fiasco intriguing.
21. Forever35
As seen above, there are many podcasts on any topic ut less on beauty. Forever35 is for you if you are determined on knowing the secrets of staying young.
22. Food 4 thot
The theme sex positivity is rare to may podcasts but not to food 4 thot. The writers of the podcast dive into any topic that people are afraid to talk about from politics to poetry.
23. Getting curious with Jonathan van ness
The well-known mode of an interview deals with interviewing and Jonathan’s is not an exception. No matter the topic, he is candid to learn as much as possible from from the person being interviewed. The topic that are discussed here are worth your time.
24. The horror of Dolores roach
The podcast talks of a woman who was sentenced to prison for pot possession and the horror stories she encountered from the society when she is set free from prison.
25. In the dark
A fun of solving true crime will love the podcast. The podcast deals with how a black man was sentenced six times for the murder by the same white prosecutor. If you are looking to solving cases in 2021 take a listen.
26. Last days of August
If you want the year 2021 to be a moving year for you, you need to listen to this podcast as it tries to find out the reason why porn star August killed herself. Ideally her death was declared suicidal as a result of online bullying.
27. Latino USA
This long podcast bring out exciting episodes of the Latino culture and tries to figure out why Hollywood is obsessed with stories originating from Mexico. One episode talks of how one reporter was trying to reconcile with ther love for Junot Diaz’s work.
28. Left right and center
News junkies should add these podcast to their 2021 listen queue. The podcast does advocate for productive debates where the host Josh Barros acts as a moderator and represent the center stage.
29. Little gold men
If you love the Oscars, you will be intrigued to listen to little gold men. The podcast criticizes on how the winners are chosen and explore the behind the scenes of the Award winning academies.
30. Longform
If you are a writer, editor and anyone who enjoys writing should take a listen to the podcast. The podcast brings experts on the fields mentioned above as they share their professional journey. The podcast is meant to encourage people in their career path.
Final thought
If you are looking to enjoy your 2021, then listening to some of these podcasts will do you good as you will always be on the know of past and present stories.