Love & Money Get a Critical Eye with Venus in Virgo

From September 5th-29th, Venus, the planet of love and finances, moves through the critical, discerning, orderly sign of Virgo. During this roughly four-week period, we’ll approach love and finances with a practical, grounded perspective.
There is a desire to understand the purpose of why we function in our relationships and manage our finances in the manner in which we do so that we can do the necessary work of self-improvement in these areas of our lives.
Read More »With Venus in Virgo, there will be a tendency to seek order in our relationships and finances. This orientation towards purity as represented by Virgo’s zodiac archetype, the virgin, creates a desire to have relationships and financial matters that meet specific standards. In order to determine whether or not something is working, Virgo is known for being critical because without criticism one cannot step back and see what needs to be fixed.
Over this Venus in Virgo transit, there is a desire to bring order to and purify our relationships and financial concerns. This could show up as us assessing whether or not a relationship is working for us to choosing to take control over our finances by paying off debt or creating a budget. Venus in Virgo energy promotes improvement when it comes to relationships, finances, and personal values.
Venus in Its Fall
Despite the improvement-oriented energy of Venus in Virgo, Venus in the sign of Virgo is actually in its fall. What this means is that Venus does not operate at its best in the sign of Virgo. Why is this? Because there is a critical nature associated with Virgo that makes love hard to come by. What this means is that Venus in Virgo is so busy finding flaws in itself as well as in others that they can make loving oneself and others difficult. Virgo’s opposite sign Pisces is where Venus operates at its best because Pisces is the sign of unconditional love. Pisces energy has the capacity to love despite the obvious flaws. Under the energy of Venus in Virgo, we are more likely to see flaws in ourselves, our love interests, and in our relationships. However, this doesn’t mean that Venus in Virgo transit can’t be productive. Actually, it allows us to see what isn’t working so that we can make improvements.
This is also important when it comes to finances because Venus in Virgo can really give us the perspective needed to honor the fact that our financial situations aren’t exactly what we would like them to be, and then make the necessary changes in order to have a more grounded orderly financial life.
A Love of Service
One of the benefits of Venus in Virgo is this desire to be of service. Virgo wants to work humbly to help not only itself but others. However, Venus in Virgo will do so in practical, grounded ways. The love nature of Venus in Virgo lends itself to showing affection through little acts of service as opposed to the flowery, showy energy such as when Venus transits Leo.
So, spoiling our lovers with lavish, extravagant gifts and other exceptional shows of affection, Venus in Virgo has us showing and wanting affection that is provided through small acts of service such as organizing a closet, helping a loved one set up doctor’s appointments, or providing a loved one with a ride to and from work. Virgo focuses on the details and improving the everyday lived experience.
Love & Finances With a Purpose
With Venus in Virgo, it is very likely that we will be asking ourselves whether or not our relationships and how we handle finances is being done in a meaningful manner. Relationships and finances have to make sense to the practical earth sign of Virgo. Virgo energy needs to know that there’s some type of practicality to their relationships and how they handle finances in order to feel as if life has order.
Venus in Virgo is the type of energy that has us considering whether our relationships are functional, especially on a day-to-day, routine basis. Virgo energy is very much into details and clarity, so we are more likely to pull back and see things for what they are and decide whether or not a relationship adds value to our everyday lived experience.
Likewise, when it comes to money, Venus in Virgo prompts us to consider how we manage our finances and whether our financial habits need adjustments to create the stability and order that Venus in Virgo desires. For example, are we spending more money than we make? Do we have enough money to fulfill our basic needs? Do we have an established budget? These are some financial considerations provided by Venus in Virgo.
The “Fixer-Upper”
An important aspect of the Venus in Virgo transit is the desire to fix what is not working or what is “broken.” This is a benefit when we are oriented towards self-improvement. However, it is important to note that the only people that we can fix are ourselves. Venus in Virgo can create the desire to “fix” other people especially as it relates to love and relationships. In some ways, this energy could attract us to people who we would be deemed as people who we can fix up or make “perfect” in our own light.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting the best for other people. However, it’s important that we understand that under the energy of Venus in Virgo, it is not our responsibility to fix other people especially as it relates to love and even how they handle their own finances. Other people have to want to be in the space to improve their own lives.
The only people we have control over are ourselves, so if we happen to be in a relationship with people who we deem to be not up to our personal standards, it is up to us to decide whether we want to remain in those relationships instead of trying to fix someone to make them the perfect partner for ourselves.
Speaking of perfection, Venus in Virgo energy can create the desire to be perfect. The only issue with this is that perfection is not real. Perfection is a standard created by own perception of what should or should not be, and it varies per person. Thus, trying to get other people to be perfect in our own perspective will only result in disappointment where others will always fall short of our vision of perfection. Venus in Virgo can teach us a very valuable lesson that other people are not meant to be perfect for us. We can choose to deal with people as they are or not.
This Venus in Virgo transit could result in making the conscious decision to either stay in a partnership and accept flaws and shortcomings or making the decision to discern which people have character traits that we don’t like and choosing to not associate.
Putting it All Together…Venus in Virgo Style
The energy of Venus in Virgo gives us the discernment and discrimination to determine whether our current relationships, values, and finances are working for us in a practical manner. True to the nature of Virgo, we will be compelled to either release that which no longer works or do the work of fixing these perceived shortcomings in order to experience love, relationships, and finances that work for us in a practical way.
The important lesson of Venus in Virgo energy is to understand that discernment and discrimination are ultimately about us. Even though Venus energy is very much about relating to others, improvement starts with the self. Revelations received under the Venus in Virgo transit concerning our relationships and finances are not necessarily about trying to fix other people. Virgo energy encourages us to discern what is not working for ourselves and make the necessary adjustments in our relationships and finances to filter out and eliminate what doesn’t work or fix what exists so that we can lead a practical, orderly, grounded, purposeful existence.