March 19 is the official end of Pisces season. As the sun gears to move along for a rebirth in the sign of Aries, it is important to discuss the Piscean ending. Although Scorpio is often known as the sign associated with endings due to its ruler Pluto’s influence over death and transformation, the Piscean type of death is one that involves transcendence and the releasing of the ego identity and attachment to the material realm. In Hindu culture, samsara represents the cycle of death and rebirth that is also associated with astrology. It is through the 12th house and the Pisces experience that individuals have the opportunity to finally reach what is known as moksha which is the great liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Pisces and the Desire to Transcend
Because Pisces is the last sign it is often considered an “old soul.” It is believed that those who choose to incarnate to the physical realm under this sign are on an evolutionary path where there is an acknowledgment of their existence beyond the one they are currently living. Pisces is very different from its neighboring sign Aries in that it is often accused of not being really motivated to do much of anything. It’s as if Pisces is simply here going through the motions of being human. In the sign of Aquarius, we are reminded of our humanity. However, as we move along to the sign of Pisces, it is as if there is a desire to move beyond just being human. While Aquarius acknowledges the differences in each man that make him a unique part of the greater mankind, Pisces has moved beyond the differences into the space of merging and unity. The differences dissolve into oneness due to Pisces’ willingness to release all boundaries for merging with everything.
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Transcendence is there, but it is a tricky beast. Pisces experiences this physical life, but the question always remains…How do I get back to Oneness? How do I get off the wheel of life? Pisces searches and searches to find that the answer is just as easy as it is hard. True to the dual nature of its sign.
Getting Off the Hamster Wheel of Life
So, how does one achieve liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth? Pisces and the 12th house represent the release of the physical. It also represents the spiritual path(s) that one takes in this lifetime. As Pisces is a mutable sign, achieving liberation from the physical realm requires an honoring of the duality. Pisces is here…in the now…in the flesh. This in itself is part of the liberation process because if Pisces cannot make peace with the fact that it is in a body, it will continuously seek out methods to avoid the physicality of this experience through drugs, alcohol, denial, and delusion. This won’t get Pisces any further on its path of spiritual liberation as the escape mechanisms are actually deterrents to the path of transcendence.
Pisces may want to consider the balance of being here and working towards its spiritual liberation. It is recommended that Pisces find something of significance that it can contribute to …especially to those who are considered less fortunate as this can provide a sense of purpose or dharma. The path of liberation from the cycle of rebirth also requires the ability to release that which is no longer pertinent. Clinging to people, places, things, emotional baggage, and anything that would require a trip back into this physical experience are discouraged as Pisces is the last, and this material realm and everything associated with it is temporary. The understanding that this is a dual experience where Pisces is working not just for its physical expression but also for its spiritual liberation is necessary.
Ultimately, Pisces will continue incarnating into this physical experience until it finds for itself the key to its liberation from the wheel of life through deep spiritual work and commitment and the avoidance of the traps that keep one tied to the physical realm. In the end, Pisces’ weary soul will transcend to the Oneness ceasing the separateness that has caused the suffering Pisces worked so hard to avoid and overcome.