The information below is going to reveal what you should expect from life in March based on your Zodiac sign. This will include romantic interests, friendships, creative outlets, your career, and more. If you follow what the signs are telling you and don’t fight them, you will find yourself on the right path toward love and happiness. Always trust the signs.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
You’re very ambitious, but you need to rest sometimes. If you don’t rest early in March, you’re going to feel frustrated, which could lead to lashing out at friends. You must rest. If you’re stubborn and don’t rest, it’s important that you bite your tongue. Something related to your romantic life or career has been bothering you, but you can heal in natural settings.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
In February, you rested and found clarity. You needed that time to rest and clear your head because things are about to change. In March, prepare to receive gifts, money, or recognition. It’s time to be compensated for your value, and without guilt.
You are loyal to a fault, which is one of your best qualities, but this also leads to some people taking advantage of you. If you have a friend that you sense is taking advantage of you, it’s time to let that friend go. Don’t worry about the loss. This will relieve stress. If something felt off, there was a reason for it. New and better friends are on the way. You will soon be connecting with like-minded people that will be joining your inner circle.
If you follow your gut with your love life, you will experience optimism and joy toward the end of the month. At the very end of the month, you might experience some anxiety. In order to combat this, it’s best to write in a journal or meditate. Don’t worry about the anxiety too much because it’s short-term and necessary. In regards to it being necessary, it’s a way of weeding out what you do and don’t want and will lead to better things. Remember that bad times allow you to appreciate the best of times, which might be right around the corner.
Gemini (May 20-June 20)
In February, you found abundance. This might have been financial, an appealing flirtation, or something else. In March, you might find yourself having to take a stand and leave a bad situation. If someone makes you unhappy or creates drama, you need to do something about it. If you simply need more love, let your partner know. If you have a crush, tell them how you feel. If this partner or crush doesn’t deliver, leave the situation.
In the middle of the month, you will experience a big shift if your social life. You will have new beginnings, and a new romantic interest might enter your life out of nowhere. You’re not shy and you are attractive, which will make it easier to accept this new person. As far as attraction goes, you might underrate yourself.
Toward the end of the month, you will feel motivated and invigorated. This will likely be because your love life will improve. Another possibility is that you accept love from a platonic relationship. Either way, it’s imperative that you always keep your friend group for support.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Creative outlets helped you last month. In March, you will share your deepest wishes and desires with a friend, lover, or confidant. This, in turn, will lead to you becoming closer with that person.
In the middle of the month, you might struggle with obsessive thinking related to attachments. Speak to someone to help if you can’t get rid of it because attachments are unhealthy. Talk it out with someone. It will make you feel better.
After an emotionally challenging first half of the month, the second half of the month will be a lot more fun. Your love life will improve. If you’re single, someone will make you feel powerful. If you have a significant other, they will make you feel more appreciated and loved. By the end of the month, your love interest will feel closer, both emotionally and physically.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
You experienced change in your love life last month. This month, you might find yourself in a friends-with-benefits situation. And this friend might be someone from your inner circle. It’s also possible that this builds into a romantic situation. Even if that’s not the case, an important relationship of some sort in your life will change. You must approach this situation without fear. Begin brave will pay off. Whether you realize it or not, you’re well liked and in demand. You hold the key to your happiness, nobody else. Always remember that.
In the middle of the month, you might experience a deepening romance, new creative venture, or business idea. If you follow your gut and the right energy, you will take the plunge into whatever this new venture might be. Toward the end of the month, you will be optimistic and excited about life. It’s recommended that you write a gratitude list or send a letter of appreciation to your friends. This will make you feel good.
On the romantic side, be prepared for deep conversations. This will likely lead to relationship goals being achieved. Remember, with relationships, it all starts upstairs.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
You were happy to experience clarity regarding your life last month, but not all has been achieved. Early in March, you will have clarity in regards to knowing what you want and go after it. This is a time to be bold and go after what you want. It could be a key turning point in your life, but only if you’re bold.
You’re known as steady and reliable, but sometimes you can be seen as critical. If you find new love, it will help you remove bad habits and you will be seen as sweeter and more expressive.
In the middle of the month, it’s recommended that you get involved with poetry, music, or another creative outlet. This will help you as you realize that love isn’t easy. It requires hard work, communication, commitment, and a lot more. Be sure to avoid bickering toward the end of the month. Any relationship or potential relationship you have will not end because of it, but if you want to be happy, stop the bickering.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You pampered yourself and cut ties with people that held you back last month. This month will be much different. In the beginning of the month, you will find your masculine side, which means you will likely have a physical relationship. If that’s already the case, expect this time to be better than usual.
In the middle of the month, it’s important that you take care of yourself. If you’re overdue for a dentist visit, go to the dentist. If it’s the doctor, go to the doctor. There is something you need to do to take care of yourself. Make sure you do it.
You are always balanced but you should always stick up for yourself. There will come a time between the middle and the end of the month where you will need to do this. It might come in the form of vocalizing your needs to your partner.
Be sure to pamper yourself toward the end of the month. You can take a bath, buy yourself roses, watch your favorite romantic comedy, or do other things that won’t be mentioned here.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You went for love in February and achieved it, even if not in a romantic way. This is going to be blunt, but prepare for more lust than love in the coming weeks. Boredom will lead you in this direction. However, toward the middle of the month, you will find a new kind of swagger and at least one deeper connection. In order to maintain this connection, focus on healthy communication and patience. This will likely lead to more interest in cuddling than lust, which you will value more.
Additionally, if you want to boost your mood, meditate or find a new hobby. Scorpio must nurture its soft side toward the end of the month.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You improved your love life last month, but you’re still not where you want to be. In March, you must stop with the words and take action. If you don’t take action in your love interest, you will lose them.
You have a big ego and are seen as the life of the party. You also have a big heart, so some people might not understand you. You can fix the situations with friends. Your biggest risk is jealousy if you have feelings for someone, which is why you’re cautious with feelings. You’re much happier keeping thigs on the shallow side, yet you desire a deep connection at the same time. This is the struggle of a Sagittarius. Your best bet is to focus on changing your mindset to fit what you truly want out of life. If you’re already content with what you have, learn to appreciate it more.
In the middle of the month, you might lose some of your swagger, but you will get it back with gusto toward the end of the month. And this could lead to a relationship being celebrated physically for the first time.
Whether it’s friends, family, or lovers, tell the people in your life that you love them. It will clear your head and make you feel good.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
You’re not very good at expressing your love for someone. That’s okay. And you did a little better with it last month. It’s a start. Early in March, you won’t need to worry about it because you need to focus on yourself. Exercise and meditation will help a great deal. Try to use nature for both.
You trust facts, but this month you must go with your gut. Express what’s on your mind. This might mean moving a relationship to the next level or requesting space. Reflect on your home situation. You must listen to your intuition, which will tell you if you want to go all-in or move away.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
If you’re turned on by something or someone, go for it this month. Also, you’re good at dealing with stress, but you need to look at your financial situation and figure out a budget. It will help clear your mind. Just be sure to follow trough in the following months.
If you have a love interest, it’s important to tell them you want more attention. You have a tendency to be aloof in relationships, even if deeply in love. It’s time to let your partner or crush know how deeply you feel about them. It will pay off. If you play games, it will backfire. If someone likes or loves you, accept it and return those feelings.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
You’re a giving and attractive person. Last month, you prioritized your romantic needs, but you failed to follow through on them in some way due to fear. This might lead to the one that got away. The door is still open, but only a crack.
This situation might bother you early in March. If that’s the case, turn to music and or decoration, and be sure to spend time with friends. If you don’t win your love interest back over, it’s okay because it will lead to new social circle with great friends. If you do choose to go for that love interest, you must let them know what you want. If you do, you should expect a positive response. It’s also recommended that you buy a gift for this person–a gift with an underlying yet obvious meaning. If you can still make this relationship work, expect to feel rich with love in the future.
Toward the end of the month, you will likely have seen gains in your love life and will likely be with someone that you once saw as a lost cause. Pertaining to all kinds of relationships, it’s imperative that you get rid of anyone who doesn’t appreciate you.
Follow The Energy
Not everything above is word for word. Life is dynamic. You must adapt. Follow the positive energy and your intuition and you will always end up exactly where you’re supposed to be. You might not realize it at the time, but it will prove to be the case over the long run.