After the experience that was 2020, many of us are ready to bounce back into living productive lives. The energies of 2020 support more effective communication, camaraderie, and the understanding that supporting the upliftment of everyone ensures that we all are able to reach our human potential. Expect air sign energy, specifically Aquarius and Gemini, to dominate throughout 2021. As these are air signs, there is a message here to engage the mental and communicative faculties in order to achieve successful, beneficial personal and collective results that take revolutionary breakthroughs and ground them into our experiences.
Astrological Overview of 2021
Read More »With the tenanted air sign energy in 2021, the position and condition of mercury are important. Mercury will be retrograde in the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. When Mercury retrogrades through air signs, there is an intensification of communication issues as Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, the sign of communication. It is best to take extra precautions around speech, language, gossip, social media engagement, and contracts during the 2021 Mercury retrograde season. The following is a brief overview of the Mercury retrograde dates and expression of the energy per sign.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius-January 30 to February 21
- This is a good time to re-access original ideas and perspectives as well as relationships with friends and acquaintances and the group. Avoid commitment to fringe or outside groups as a change in mind is possible…perhaps through a revelatory experience.
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini-May 29 to June 22
- This position is more potent as the ruler of Gemini is retrograde. This is a good period for inner-dialogue and collecting information for your own review. Because of the reverse energy, it is best to hold off sharing information as there may be something missing. Avoid gossip. It could back to you.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra-September 27 to October 23
- This transit could impact one-to-one relationships. There is a desire to review relationships to see if they are a good fit. Due to Libra’s indecisive nature, it is best to avoid entering relationships at this time. Since Libra rules the contract of marriage, those considering partnerships (romantic and professional) are advised to wait as more information about the “other” could be revealed later.
Gemini/Sagittarius Energy
The healthy integration of Gemini/Sagittarius energy continues in 2021. The nodal transits and the eclipse cycle along the Gemini/Sagittarius continue the importance of effective communication. Gemini wants to collect factual information while Sagittarius gains information through inspiration. With the north node as the path forward, Gemini energy requires that we learn how to communicate and relate with others using facts. Adopting an open-mind, quelling passionate emotional bursts, and learning how to communicate effectively with others will assist us in moving forward per the Gemini north node and eclipse cycle. The following are the dates of the Gemini/Sagittarius energy.
North Node in Gemini-May 5th 2020 to January 19, 2022
Solar Eclipse in Gemini-June 10, 2021
Aquarius Energy
Both Jupiter and Saturn continue their trek through the sign of Aquarius. With Jupiter and Saturn together, we will benefit from embodying the positive attributes of Uranian energy such as independence, freedom, tolerance, humanitarianism, and bettering society for all of mankind. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn works well to temper the excess that can occur when Jupiter transits a sign. In the case of Aquarius, Saturn energy assists in limiting contrariness, rebelliousness, intellectual superiority, and aloofness. Optimal use of Aquarian energy supports liberation and making choices that will advance the collective human experience.
There will be tense moments due to Uranus’ transit through Taurus. Given that Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, this transit will result in stressed moments as the transiting Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius receive tense energy from Taurus attempting to maintain its position. Both individually and collectively, we will be faced with the pressure to make room for Uranus’ sweeping energy of change even if we don’t want to let go. It is important that in order for truly effective change to take place, it is necessary to break down and remove the old. Expect existing structures to change…if necessary by a Uranian bolt of uncomfortable change for those that are set on holding on to the outdated. For many, these changes will impact Venusian themes (Venus is the ruler of Taurus) such as money, relationships, and values. Important dates for Aquarian energy are as follows:
Jupiter transiting Aquarius-December 18, 2020 to December 30, 2021
Saturn transiting Aquarius-March 21,2020 to July 1, 2020; December 17, 2020 to March 7, 2023
Jupiter square Uranus-January 17, 2021
Saturn square Uranus-February 15, 2021; June 14, 2021.
A Reverie of Pisces
We will get to experience a bit of Pisces energy when Jupiter moves into Pisces briefly from May 13, 2020, to July 28, 2020, and officially for its yearly transit from December 28, 2020, to May 10, 2022. Pisces has two rulers, Neptune and Jupiter, supporting the desire to expand beyond the boundaries that keep us separate. During this transit, we will learn that everything and everyone is connected. We are One.
To reap the benefits of Jupiter in Pisces, channeling energy in helping the less fortunate, devotion to a spiritual path, and using the imagination to create in the material realm is suggested. Following the intuition during this transit is beneficial. As with all energies, there are warnings connected to Jupiter transits. With Pisces, there is the potential for escapism through daydreaming or reality-altering substances, being deceived by others, self-deception, and putting on blinders instead of facing circumstances head-on.
Ultimately, Jupiter’s transit through Pisces seeks to reunite us with our oneness. The Jupiter in Aquarius transit creates the foundation for the coming Jupiter in Pisces transit by providing the tolerance needed to eventually remove the boundaries that keep us separate.
This is the 2021 astrological overview. May we use these energies optimally.