
Black Friday 2020: Items like Freezers, Air Fryers and Toys that are Hard to Come by this Holiday Season

2020 has been an unprecedented and unexpected year. Between a global pandemic, political upheaval and an economic downturn, we all need a little joy in our lives this holiday season. But, due to COVID-19’s influence on manufacturing and distribution, it will be harder to find in-demand items such as toys, air fryers and freezers. Stores are getting in fewer items from warehouses, fewer items are being made at all, aisle shelves are emptier than in previous years and online shopping has seen increases like never before.

Since there is not a huge inventory in the first place, online order counts are steadily rising and delivery drivers anticipate a busy holiday shopping season, it is advantageous to know what you want -and get what you want- as early as possible, to ensure it arrives on time and does not sell out.

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